Automating Power BI Dashboard Distribution via Email
This project focuses on creating a practical solution for extracting images from Power BI dashboards and embedding them into emails as either PNG, JPEG, or PPT formats. The implementation will leverage Power BI's sharing features, image processing tools, and email automation scripts. The goal is to streamline the process for users to receive up-to-date dashboard insights directly in their inboxes.
The original prompt:
How do I take a power bi dashboard and have its image whether PnG or JPEG or ppt and paste it in the body of an email?
Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities. It allows users to create reports and dashboards with a simple interface.
Components of Power BI:
Power BI Desktop: A Windows desktop-based application for creating reports.
Power BI Service: An online SaaS (Software as a Service) service for sharing and consuming interactive reports and dashboards.
Power BI Mobile: Mobile applications for Android and iOS to access Power BI reports and dashboards on the go.
Bar Chart: Drag Sales Amount to Values and Product Category to Axis.
Line Chart: Drag Sales Amount to Values and Date to Axis. Configure the axis to show data over time.
Map: Drag Sales Amount to Values and Location to Location.
Customize and Format:
Change colors for better visualization.
Add titles and labels to charts.
Use filters to slice data by Date, Region, etc.
Add Interactivity:
Add Slicers for Date and Region.
Configure interactions between visuals.
Finalizing the Dashboard
Save the Dashboard:
Click File -> Save As.
Save the file with an appropriate name, e.g., SalesDashboard.pbix.
Publish to Power BI Service:
From the Home tab, click Publish and sign in with your Power BI account.
Choose the workspace where you want to publish the report.
Access and Share:
Go to the Power BI Service.
Access the published report and share the dashboard link with stakeholders.
Through these steps, you can successfully create and publish your first Power BI dashboard, making your data easily consumable through rich visualizations.
Automating Power BI Dashboard Images into Emails
To automate the inclusion of Power BI dashboard images into email bodies, you can use Power Automate (previously Microsoft Flow):
Step 1: Create a Flow in Power Automate
Sign in to Power Automate:
Visit Power Automate and sign in with your Microsoft account.
Create a new Flow:
Click Create -> Automated flow.
Name your flow and choose a trigger (e.g., Scheduled or Button trigger).
Step 2: Integrate with Power BI and Email
Add Power BI Actions:
Add an action for Power BI to Export or Capture Image from a dashboard.
Configure the action to specify the workspace and dashboard.
Add Email Actions:
Add Office 365 Outlook or Gmail as an action.
Compose your email body and use dynamic content to insert the image captured from Power BI.
Example: Scheduled Email with Dashboard Image
Trigger: Recurrence
Schedule the flow to run daily at 7 AM.
Capture Dashboard Image:
Action: Power BI - Export To File for Paginated Reports
Specify workspace, report, and export format (e.g., PNG).
Send Email:
Action: Office 365 Outlook - Send an email
Subject: Daily Sales Dashboard
Body: Include the exported image.
By following these instructions, you can automate the process of embedding Power BI dashboard images into email bodies using Power Automate.
This completes the first part of your project on Power BI and dashboard creation.
Image Extraction Techniques from Power BI Dashboards
This section covers the extraction of images from Power BI dashboards to automate their inclusion in email bodies. We'll break it down into steps that can be practically implemented without specific programming language defaults.
Step-by-Step Implementation
Step 1: Export Power BI Dashboard as Image
Open the Power BI Report:
Navigate to the Power BI Service in your browser.
Open the report from which you need to extract images.
Take a Screenshot:
Use built-in OS functionality (Windows Snipping Tool, macOS Screenshot tool) or third-party tools (Snagit, Greenshot) to capture the dashboard area.
Save the captured image file locally.
Step 2: Programmatic Extraction using Power BI REST API
Register an Application in Azure AD:
Register your application to get the proper permissions to call the Power BI REST API.
Note down the client ID and secret, and grant required API permissions. You can find the details in your Azure portal.
Authenticate and Obtain Token:
Use HTTP to authenticate and get a Bearer token using client ID and secret.
Example (in pseudocode):
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parse the JSON response to retrieve the access token.
Call ExportToFile API:
Use the reports/export endpoint to export the report visual as an image.
The response will include the file URL that you need to download.
Step 3: Embed the Extracted Image into Email
Download the Image:
Use an HTTP GET request to download the image using the URL obtained from the previous step. Save this image locally.
Embed Image in Email Body:
Use an email client library (e.g., SMTP libraries available in your current development environment) to embed the downloaded image into the email body.
Example (in pseudocode):
email_client = EmailClient("", 587)
email_client.login("", "password")
message = EmailMessage()
message["From"] = ""
message["To"] = ""
message["Subject"] = "Power BI Dashboard Image"
message.set_content("The Power BI dashboard image is embedded below.")
with open("dashboard_image.png", "rb") as file:
image_data =
message.add_attachment(image_data, maintype="image", subtype="png", filename="dashboard_image.png")
By following these steps, you can automate the extraction of images from Power BI dashboards and include them in email bodies programmatically. This process involves using built-in tools for manual screenshot methods or REST API for advanced and automated extraction. The extracted image can then be embedded into an email using standard protocols.
Formatting Dashboard Images for Email Integration
This section outlines the practical steps to format images extracted from Power BI dashboards and embed them into email bodies.
Steps for Embedding Power BI Dashboard Images into Emails
Assume the images are already extracted and stored.
Embedding Image in Email - HTML Template
Create HTML Template for Email:
Your Dashboard Summary
Dear Team,
Please find below the latest insights from the Power BI dashboard.
Best Regards,
Your Name
Integrate HTML Email with Image Using Pseudocode:
Here’s a generalized approach to creating and sending the email with the dashboard image embedded:
// Define email details
emailSubject = "Latest Power BI Dashboard Insights"
emailRecipient = ""
// Define image path and content ID
imagePath = "/path/to/dashboard/image.png"
contentID = "dashboardImage"
// Read the image file
imageFile = open(imagePath, "rb")
imageData =
// Create the email object
email = new EmailMessage()
// Define HTML body
htmlBody = """
Your Dashboard Summary
Dear Team,
Please find below the latest insights from the Power BI dashboard.
Best Regards,
Your Name
// Attach the image to the email
imageAttachment = new EmailAttachment()
// Send the email
emailClient = new EmailClient(server, port, username, password)
Compose an HTML template with appropriate styling rules.
It embeds the image using a cid (Content-ID).
Use pseudocode steps to read the image, embed it in the HTML body, attach it to the email, and send it using an email client.
The essential part is embedding the image with cid in the HTML body and attaching the same image to the email with the corresponding Content-ID.
This method ensures that recipients can view the Power BI dashboard images directly within the email. Adjust paths and variables as necessary for your implementation environment.
Automating Email Generation and Image Embedding
This implementation will detail how to automate the email generation process and embed Power BI dashboard images into the email body. This implementation assumes that you have already extracted and formatted the images from the Power BI dashboards.
You have access to a mail server (e.g., SMTP).
You have extracted images from Power BI dashboards, and they are available in a local/remote directory.
Appropriate libraries for handling email and image embedding as per your programming domain are available.
Email Generation with Embedded Images
Pseudocode Overview
FUNCTION generate_and_send_email(recipient_email, subject, body_content, image_paths):
email_message = CREATE_EMAIL_MESSAGE()
SET = recipient_email
SET email_message.subject = subject
# Compose the email body
email_body = CONCATENATE(body_content, " ") # Convert body content to HTML with line breaks
# Attach images and reference them in the email body
FOR EACH image_path IN image_paths:
unique_cid = GENERATE_UNIQUE_CID()
ATTACH_IMAGE_TO_EMAIL(email_message, image_path, unique_cid)
email_body = REPLACE(image_body, image_path, "")
SET email_message.body = email_body
# Send email
FUNCTION generate_unique_cid():
# Generate a unique content ID for embedding images
FUNCTION attach_image_to_email(email_message, image_path, cid):
image_data = READ_FILE(image_path)
mime_image = CREATE_MIME_IMAGE(image_data)
SET mime_image.content_id = cid
ADD_ATTACHMENT_TO_EMAIL(email_message, mime_image)
Sample Code Implementation in JavaScript (Node.js with nodemailer)
Here's a sample implementation using Node.js with the nodemailer package to automate email generation and embed images.
Install Node.js and Package:
npm install nodemailer
Script to Generate and Send Email:
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
async function generateAndSendEmail(recipientEmail, subject, bodyContent, imagePaths) {
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
// Specify your SMTP server details
host: '',
port: 587,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: '',
pass: 'your-email-password'
let emailBody = bodyContent.join(' '); // convert array to HTML with line breaks
let attachments = [];
let cids = {};
// Attach images and replace paths with cid references
for (let imagePath of imagePaths) {
let filename = path.basename(imagePath);
let cid = `${filename}`;
cids[imagePath] = cid;
filename: filename,
path: imagePath,
cid: cid
emailBody = emailBody.replace(imagePath, ``);
let mailOptions = {
from: '"Sender Name" ',
to: recipientEmail,
subject: subject,
html: emailBody,
attachments: attachments
try {
let info = await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions);
console.log("Message sent: %s", info.messageId);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error sending email: %s", error);
// Example usage
let recipientEmail = '';
let subject = 'Your Power BI Dashboard';
let bodyContent = [
'Here is your requested dashboard:',
let imagePaths = ['path/to/dashboard1.png', 'path/to/dashboard2.png'];
generateAndSendEmail(recipientEmail, subject, bodyContent, imagePaths);
generateAndSendEmail Function: This function handles creating the email, embedding images by setting the 'cid' (content ID) for each image, and sending the email.
nodemailer: Used for handling email sending over SMTP.
Image embedding: Images are read and attached using unique content IDs, allowing them to be embedded within the email body using the <img src="cid:..."> tag.
This approach should help you automate the inclusion of your Power BI dashboard images into your emails effectively.
Testing and Troubleshooting the Automated System
This section will guide you through testing the automated system that integrates Power BI dashboard images into email bodies. The focus is on verifying the integration, ensuring image accuracy, and troubleshooting common issues.
Step 1: Validate Image Extraction
Automated Testing Script
function validate_image_extraction():
extracted_images = extract_images_from_power_bi()
for image in extracted_images:
assert image is not None
assert image format is 'png' or 'jpg'
assert file_exists(temp_image_path)
print("Image extraction validation passed.")
Fix: Confirm the Power BI dashboard and access permissions. Recheck extraction code.
Format Mismatch:
Issue: Image format does not meet criteria.
Fix: Revisit the formatting function and ensure all extracted images are processed.
Email Sending Failure:
Issue: Email not sent or received.
Fix: Check SMTP server settings, recipient email validity, and email content (size too large).
Error Logging
function log_error(message):
with open("error_log.txt", "a") as log_file:
log_file.write(current_datetime() + " - " + message + "\n")
print("Error logged: " + message)
function current_datetime():
return current_date + " " + current_time
Log errors with timestamps for easier troubleshooting.
Store logs in a file for persistent tracking.
Following these steps ensures robust testing of the automated system for embedding Power BI dashboard images in emails. This process includes validating image extraction and formatting, verifying email content, and troubleshooting common issues efficiently.
Power Automate Flow to Automate Inclusion of Power BI Dashboard Images in Email Bodies
This implementation creates a Power Automate Flow that takes a screenshot of a Power BI dashboard and includes it in an email body, automating the process.
Step-by-Step Implementation
1. Trigger
Manual Trigger: Start the flow manually or use a scheduled trigger as per your requirements.
Authorization: Bearer {AccessToken} (ensure you get an access token from Azure AD)
Save Response: Store the image data in a variable.
3. Process Image
Compose (Data Operations): Save the base64 image data into a variable called DashboardImage.
4. Send Email
Send an Email (Outlook):
To: Enter recipient email addresses.
Subject: "Power BI Dashboard Snapshot"
Body: Use HTML to embed the image.
Dear Team,
Here is the latest snapshot of our Power BI Dashboard:
Best Regards, Your Name
This flow captures an image from your Power BI dashboard and embeds it in an email. Customize and enhance the flow based on specific needs, but this implementation covers the core steps necessary for automating the task. Apply the solution directly to resonate with real-life scenarios.
Acquiring an Access Token from Azure AD
To automate the inclusion of Power BI dashboard images into email bodies, you need to acquire an access token from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Below is a practical implementation using general HTTP requests. You can use this pseudocode with any language that supports HTTP requests.
Steps to Get an Access Token
1. Register the Application in Azure AD
Ensure your application is registered in Azure AD with the necessary API permissions.
2. Acquire Access Token
Make a request to Azure AD’s token endpoint.
HTTP Request
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Pseudocode for Access Token Request
function getAccessToken(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret) {
// Token endpoint URL
tokenEndpoint = "" + tenantId + "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
// Set up request body
requestBody = {
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": clientId,
"client_secret": clientSecret,
"scope": ""
// Encode request body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
encodedBody = encodeAsFormUrlEncoded(requestBody);
// Set up HTTP headers
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Make an HTTP POST request
response = makeHttpPostRequest(tokenEndpoint, headers, encodedBody);
// Parse and return the access token from the response
if (response.status == 200) {
responseData = parseJson(response.body);
return responseData.access_token;
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to get access token. Status: " + response.status);
// Utility function to encode the body
function encodeAsFormUrlEncoded(data) {
encodedString = "";
for (key, value in data) {
if (encodedString.length > 0) {
encodedString += "&";
encodedString += encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
return encodedString;
// Mock function to represent HTTP POST request
function makeHttpPostRequest(url, headers, body) {
// Implementation will depend on the programming language or HTTP library being used
// This pseudocode assumes a successful response with status 200 and a JSON body containing an access token
return {
"status": 200,
"body": '{"access_token": "example-access-token"}'
// Usage
tenantId = "your-tenant-id";
clientId = "your-client-id";
clientSecret = "your-client-secret";
accessToken = getAccessToken(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
tenantId: The directory tenant you want to authenticate with.
clientId: The Application (client) ID.
clientSecret: The client secret for the application.
The access token obtained can now be used in subsequent API calls to Power BI or other Azure resources.
Refer to the official Microsoft documentation for any updates or changes regarding the endpoints and required parameters.