Data-Analytics of Consumer Purchasing Behavior using SQL
The project delves into the realm of data analytics with the focal point being the in-depth examination of customer purchasing habits. By adopting SQL subqueries, window functions, and joins, the project helps draw out important sales metrics per individual consumer. The project aims at achieving a deeper understanding of customer buying patterns, calculating average sales, and identifying high-priority customers based on total sales. These insights could be potentially valuable for directed marketing and strategic planning.
Introduction to SQL and Data Analysis
SQL or Structured Query Language, is a programming language that is used to communicate with and manipulate databases. Data analysis with SQL involves using SQL commands to extract, organize, and analyze data stored in a database.
Database Setup
Before we start analyzing data using SQL, we first need to understand the structure of the database and tables we are going to work with. In our case, let's assume we have a database named ShopDB
with two main tables; Customers
and Orders
. The structure is as follows:
: Unique Identifier for a customer.Customer_name
: The name of the customer.Customer_email
: The email of the customer.
: Unique Identifier for an order.Customer_ID
: The id of a customer who placed the order.Order_Date
: The date when the order was placed.Product_ID
: The id of the product ordered.Quantity
: The amount of items ordered.Order_Cost
: The total cost of the order.
Analyzing Customer Buying Pattern
To analyze customer buying patterns, we would need to identify and extract patterns from the Orders
table. We can do this by using SQL queries. Here are a few examples:
1. Finding the Total Number of Orders Placed By Each Customer:
This can be done by grouping the data by Customer_ID
and counting the number of orders for each.
SELECT Customer_ID, COUNT(Order_ID) as Total_Orders
FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer_ID;
2. Finding Out the Most Ordered Product:
This can be accomplished by grouping the data by Product_ID
and counting the number of orders for each.
SELECT Product_ID, COUNT(Order_ID) as Total_Orders
FROM Orders
ORDER BY Total_Orders DESC
3. Finding Out the Total Profit from Each Customer:
We can find this by grouping the data by Customer_ID
and summing up the Order_Cost
for each.
SELECT Customer_ID, SUM(Order_Cost) as Total_Profit
FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer_ID;
4. Finding Out the Most Valuable Customers:
The "most valuable" customers could be those who have spent the most in your shop. We can find this by grouping the data by Customer_ID
and summing up the Order_Cost
for each, then ordering the result in descending order.
SELECT Customer_ID, SUM(Order_Cost) as Total_Spending
FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer_ID
ORDER BY Total_Spending DESC;
These are just a few of the ways you can use SQL to analyze customer buying patterns. There are many more complex queries that can be built based on the specific needs of your analysis.
Working with SQL Subqueries
A subquery, also known as a nested query or subselect, is a query that is embedded within another SQL query. A subquery can be nested inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or inside another subquery. When a subquery is used, it can return a single value or a list of values depending upon the main query.
SQL subqueries are perfect for when the answer to a question relies on the result of another question.
Analyzing Customer Buying Patterns : SQL subqueries
Let's suppose the following scenario:
- customers table: id, first_name, last_name, email
- orders table: id, customer_id, date, total
You want to know the details of those customers who have spent more than the average amount. This is a situation where the answer to our question (customers who have spent more than the average amount) relies on the result of another question (what is the average amount spent per customer?).
SUM( as total_spent
customers c
orders o ON = o.customer_id
total_spent > (SELECT AVG(total) FROM orders)
The inner subquery (SELECT AVG(total) FROM orders)
is executed first and calculates the average total spent. The results are then used by the main outer query.
Identify potentially valuable customers
In order to identify potentially valuable customers means, we can identify customers who regularly make purchases or have a high total spend.
COUNT(*) AS orders_count,
SUM(total) AS total_spent
orders_count > (SELECT COUNT(*) / 2 FROM orders)
total_spent > (SELECT SUM(total) / 2 FROM orders)
This query identifies customers who have either made more than half of all orders or have spent more than half of the total expenditure.
Find the consumer behavior trends
Finding trends in consumer behavior involves grouping the data in a way that allows patterns to be identified, for example, grouping by month to determine seasonal trends.
DATE_TRUNC('month', date) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) AS unique_customers,
COUNT(*) AS total_orders,
SUM(total) AS total_spent
month ASC
This query groups all orders by the month they were made. It then counts the unique customer IDs to identify how many distinct customers made purchases in each month, counts the total number of orders, and sums the total spent in each month.
While these examples use basic statistical measures such as AVG, SUM, and COUNT, more complex calculations or aggregations could be used depending on your specific data and requirements.
Understanding and Implementing SQL Window Functions
SQL window functions are a powerful feature of SQL that allow us to perform calculations across a set of rows that are related to the current row. This is similar to an aggregate function. But unlike regular aggregate functions, window functions do not cause rows to be grouped into a single output row — the rows retain their separate identities. In this article, we'll cover understanding and implementing SQL window functions for consumer behavior trend and valuable customer analysis.
Introduction to SQL Window Functions
A SQL Window Function performs a calculation across a set of rows that are related to the current row. It does not group the output into a single output row like SQL aggregate functions do.
The basic structure of a window function is:
function_name (expression) OVER (
[PARTITION BY value_expression , ... [ order_clause ] ]
`function_name` is the name of the aggregate function
`PARTITION BY value` expression divides the input into partitions which the function is applied.
`order_clause` can be in ASC or DESC order.
Implementing SQL Window Functions
Let's assume that we have a table 'sales_data' structure as:
CREATE TABLE sales_data (
customer_id INT,
product_id INT,
purchase_date DATE,
purchase_amount FLOAT
And your goal is to calculate the total purchases of each customer. Here, you can use the aggregate function SUM with the window function as below:
SELECT customer_id, SUM(purchase_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id) AS total_purchase
FROM sales_data;
Here, PARTITION BY customer_id
causes sum to reset when the customer_id changes. The total_purchase
column now contains the total purchases for each customer.
Now let's assume you would like to rank each product by its popularity, you can use the RANK()
window function.
SELECT product_id, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS popularity_rank
FROM sales_data
GROUP BY product_id;
Here, RANK()
function provides a unique rank number for each distinct row within the window frame.
Now, let's say you want to calculate running total purchases of each customer, you can use the following:
SELECT purchase_date, customer_id, purchase_amount,
SUM(purchase_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY purchase_date) AS running_total
FROM sales_data;
In this query, SUM(purchase_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY purchase_date)
calculates the cumulative sum only for rows from the current row and that is before it in the ordered data set.
Window functions are a very powerful feature of SQL for performing complex calculations, and they can greatly simplify many types of SQL queries. They are particularly useful for tasks that require a calculation over a group of rows, such as running totals, moving averages, and finding "the first", "the last", or "the Nth" in a group. We have covered how to use window functions in the context of finding valuable customers and analyzing consumer buying patterns. The provided SQL examples can be directly used in a practical scenario.
SQL Joins for Combining Data
SQL Joins are used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. There are several types of SQL Joins that can be used, depending on the necessity and specifics of the tables being joined.
We will cover the following types of SQL Joins:
The INNER JOIN keyword selects records that have matching values in both tables.
For instance, if we have two tables, orders
and customers
, the inner join of these tables will result in a new table that contains rows for every order made by a customer.
SELECT orders.OrderID, customers.CustomerName
FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.CustomerID=customers.CustomerID;
This will return a table that shows the Order ID from the orders
table and the corresponding Customer Name from the customers
table for each order.
LEFT JOIN returns all records from the left table (table1), and the matched records from the right table (table2). The result is NULL from the right side if there is no match.
SELECT orders.OrderID, customers.CustomerName
FROM orders
LEFT JOIN customers ON orders.CustomerID=customers.CustomerID;
This will return all the orders, including the ones that do not have a corresponding Customer ID in the customers
RIGHT JOIN returns all records from the right table (table2), and the matched records from the left table (table1). The result is NULL from the left side, when there is no match.
SELECT orders.OrderID, customers.CustomerName
FROM orders
RIGHT JOIN customers ON orders.CustomerID=customers.CustomerID;
This will return all the customers, including the ones that do not have a corresponding order.
FULL OUTER JOIN returns all records when there is a match in either left (table1) or right (table2) table records.
SELECT orders.OrderID, customers.CustomerName
FROM orders
FULL OUTER JOIN customers ON orders.CustomerID=customers.CustomerID;
This will return a table that includes every record from both the orders
and customers
A SELF JOIN is a regular join, but the table is joined with itself.
SELECT A.CustomerName AS CustomerName1, B.CustomerName AS CustomerName2, A.City
FROM Customers A, Customers B
WHERE A.CustomerID <> B.CustomerID
AND A.City = B.City
The above SQL creates a new resultant table that joins the Customer
table with itself where the City
is the same but CustomerIDs
are different. This will allow you to see all customers that are from the same city.
By using SQL Joins, you can combine data from two or more tables. How the data is combined, and what data is returned, depends on the type of the join you choose to use. This is a critical aspect of SQL and data analysis, as it allows for rich, multifaceted analysis.
Consumer Purchasing Trends Analysis in SQL
Extracting Relevant Data
For this task, we will assume that we have access to the sales database from the company. In our case let's take an example where we have the following tables: customer
, product
, sale
, and each is structured as follows:
: id, name, email, addressproduct
: id, name, pricesale
: id, product_id, customer_id, sale_date, quantity
All identifiers indicated by ids are unique to each table.
Considering the above, in this section, we are going to ask SQL to extract relevant data to identify consumer behavior trends and valuable customers.
Frequency of Purchase
To get the frequency of purchase by each customer:
SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) as frequency
FROM sale
GROUP BY customer_id;
Total Amount Spent by Each Customer
To get the total amount spent by each customer:
SELECT s.customer_id, SUM(s.quantity * p.price) as total_spent
FROM sale s
JOIN product p ON s.product_id =
GROUP BY s.customer_id;
The Most Popular Products
To find the most popular products:
SELECT, SUM(s.quantity) as total_quantity
FROM sale s
JOIN product p ON s.product_id =
ORDER BY total_quantity DESC;
Interpreting Data
The results obtained from the queries above can be analyzed and interpreted in several ways:
The first query gives the frequency of purchase for each customer. This information is useful for identifying customers who purchase frequently, which could be a sign of high customer loyalty.
The second query shows the total amount spent by each customer. This information is useful for identifying high-value customers, as they are contributing a significant amount to the company's revenue.
The third query displays the most popular products, ie, the ones that are being purchased the most. This data is helpful for inventory management and could also be used for customers' targeted advertising of these popular products.
Remember, trends in customer purchasing behavior may also be seasonal or related to some other factor like discounts and sales, so it's crucial to take these factors into consideration when analyzing the results. For this, you'll need to incorporate other relevant information into your SQL queries. The above examples only cover basic scenarios. As you have more information and the business problem gets more complex, you'll need more advanced queries to extract the necessary insights.