
Dynamic Working Days Calculation using DAX

A comprehensive project to calculate and display working days dynamically using DAX in a Power BI report.

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Dynamic Working Days Calculation using DAX


This project centers on creating a DAX formula that determines the number of working days in a month, dynamically adapting based on the current date and user-selected dates. Each unit focuses on different components necessary for understanding, implementing, and expanding this DAX formula. The curriculum units cover everything from understanding time functions in DAX to final integration and practical applications in Power BI reports.

The original prompt:

Can you review this DAX formula and give me a detailed overview of what it is doing and how each part of the formula is operating

_WorkingDays =

VAR todaysDateTime = UTCNOW() + (12 / 24) VAR todaysDate = DATE( YEAR(todaysDateTime), MONTH(todaysDateTime), DAY(todaysDateTime)) VAR todaysMonth01 = DATE( YEAR(todaysDateTime), MONTH(todaysDateTime), 01) VAR selectedMonth = SELECTEDVALUE(CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[_Month-Year]) VAR workingDayToday = CALCULATE( // FIRSTNONBLANKVALUE(CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[CALENDAR_WORKING_DAY_IN_MONTH],1) MAX(CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[_WorkingDaysInMonth]) , CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[CALENDAR_DATE] = todaysDate ) VAR selectedMonth01 = IF(selectedMonth = BLANK() , -1 , CALCULATE( MIN(CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[CALENDAR_DATE]) , CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[_Month-Year] = selectedMonth ) ) VAR workingDayMax = IF(selectedMonth = BLANK() , -1 , CALCULATE( MAX(CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[WORKING_DAY_IN_MONTH]) , CALENDAR_DIM_POSTED[_Month-Year] = selectedMonth ) )

RETURN IF (workingDayMax = -1 , "Working Days - " & "more than one month selected" , IF (todaysMonth01 = selectedMonth01
, "Working Days -- " & workingDayToday & "/" & workingDayMax & " -- for " & FORMAT(todaysDate, "dd mmm yyyy") // we're in the current calendar month , "Working Days -- " & workingDayMax & " -- for " & FORMAT(selectedMonth01, "mmmm yyyy") // it's not the current calendar month - can't show progress on working days ) )

Introduction to DAX and Time Intelligence Functions


Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a collection of functions, operators, and constants that can be used in formulas or expressions to calculate and return one or more values. DAX is essential for creating dynamic and complex calculations in Power BI.

Time intelligence functions are a subset of DAX functions that help you manipulate data using date ranges. These functions are particularly useful for analyzing and comparing data across different time periods.

Setup Instructions

To illustrate the practical implementation of DAX and time intelligence functions, we will create a report in Power BI that calculates and displays the number of working days dynamically.


1. Ensure Data Model Has Date Table

A date table is crucial for using time intelligence functions. It should contain a continuous range of dates covering the data period.

Example Date Table in Power BI

  1. Go to Modeling > New Table.
  2. Create a Date Table with the following DAX code:
DateTable = 
    CALENDAR ( DATE ( 2020, 1, 1 ), DATE ( 2030, 12, 31 ) ),
    "Year", YEAR ( [Date] ),
    "Month Number", MONTH ( [Date] ),
    "Month Name", FORMAT ( [Date], "MMMM" ),
    "Day", DAY ( [Date] ),
    "Weekday", WEEKDAY ( [Date], 2 ) -- 2 makes Monday the first day of the week

2. Identify and Define Working Days

Working days typically exclude weekends and holidays. Let's assume Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.

3. Calculate Number of Working Days

We will create a DAX measure to calculate the number of working days between two dates dynamically.

Example Working Days Measure

  1. Go to Modeling > New Measure.
  2. Enter the following DAX formula:
WorkingDays = 
VAR StartDate = MIN ( DateTable[Date] )
VAR EndDate = MAX ( DateTable[Date] )
    COUNTROWS ( DateTable ),
    DateTable[Date] >= StartDate,
    DateTable[Date] <= EndDate,
    DateTable[Weekday] <= 5 -- Monday to Friday are considered working days

4. Integrate Measure Into Report

  1. Drag and drop the WorkingDays measure into a visual, such as a card or table.
  2. Ensure your report has slicers or filters to dynamically select date ranges.

Example: Dynamic Display of Working Days

To make the visualization dynamic:

  1. Add slicers for start date and end date using the Date field from the DateTable.
  2. Use a card visual to display the number of working days calculated by the WorkingDays measure.

Example Card Visual Setup

  • From the Fields pane, select the WorkingDays measure and add it to the card visual.
  • Adjust slicers to interact with the date ranges, and watch the number of working days update dynamically.


This basic setup introduces you to DAX and Time Intelligence Functions, enabling you to calculate and display working days dynamically in a Power BI report. This foundation is essential for building more advanced time-based calculations and visualizations.

Extracting and Formatting Current Date and Time in DAX

1. Extract Current Date

To get the current date in DAX, use the TODAY() function. Here’s the formula to create a calculated column or measure:

CurrentDate = TODAY()

2. Extract Current Date and Time

For the current date and time, use the NOW() function:

CurrentDateTime = NOW()

3. Formatting Date and Time

To format the date and time, use the FORMAT function. This function converts a value to text based on a specified format.

Date Formatting

To format the date as "YYYY-MM-DD":

FormattedDate = FORMAT(TODAY(), "YYYY-MM-DD")

Or as "MM/DD/YYYY":

FormattedDate = FORMAT(TODAY(), "MM/DD/YYYY")

Date and Time Formatting

To format the date and time as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS":

FormattedDateTime = FORMAT(NOW(), "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS")


FormattedDateTime = FORMAT(NOW(), "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm AM/PM")

Practical Application in Power BI

You can create these measures in a Power BI report:

  1. Go to the Modeling tab.
  2. Select New Measure.
  3. Enter the requisite DAX formula for extracting and formatting the date/time.
  4. Use these measures in your visuals or tables as needed to dynamically display the current date and time.

Full Example

Here is a combination of the above steps to create measures that will be used in your Power BI report:

CurrentDate = TODAY()

CurrentDateTime = NOW()

FormattedDate = FORMAT(TODAY(), "YYYY-MM-DD")

FormattedDateTime = FORMAT(NOW(), "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS")

These measures will provide your report with dynamic and formatted current date and time information. You can add these measures to your visuals to keep your report up-to-date.

// Handling User Selections and Date Comparisons to Calculate Working Days

// Assume that we have a Date table named 'Calendar' with necessary columns
// such as 'Date', 'IsWeekend', 'IsHoliday', etc.

// STEP 1: Get user's selected date range from the Date slicer
// The selected range is from 'StartDate' to 'EndDate'
VAR StartDate = MIN('Calendar'[Date])
VAR EndDate = MAX('Calendar'[Date])

// STEP 2: Calculate total working days within the selected date range
VAR WorkingDaysCount =
            'Calendar'[Date] >= StartDate &&
            'Calendar'[Date] <= EndDate &&
            'Calendar'[IsWeekend] = FALSE &&
            'Calendar'[IsHoliday] = FALSE

// Return the count of working days
RETURN WorkingDaysCount


  1. User Selections: The DAX code uses MIN and MAX functions to get the start and end dates from the user's selection.
  2. Date Comparisons: The FILTER function ensures that dates are compared to determine if they fall within the selected range.
  3. Working Days Calculation: The CALCULATE function, combined with COUNTROWS and FILTER, computes the number of working days by excluding weekends and holidays.

This code snippet directly addresses handling user selections and date comparisons in a Power BI report using DAX. The final measure accurately calculates the number of working days dynamically based on user input.

Here is a practical implementation to calculate working days in a month using DAX in your Power BI report:

// Assume we have a 'Calendar' table with columns 'Date' and 'IsWorkingDay'
// The 'IsWorkingDay' column should be a calculated column indicating whether
// each date is a working day or not (1 for working day, 0 for non-working day)

WorkingDaysInMonth = 
VAR CurrentMonthStart = STARTOFMONTH('Calendar'[Date])
VAR CurrentMonthEnd = ENDOFMONTH('Calendar'[Date])

    'Calendar'[IsWorkingDay] = 1,
    'Calendar'[Date] >= CurrentMonthStart,
    'Calendar'[Date] <= CurrentMonthEnd


  1. CurrentMonthStart and CurrentMonthEnd:

    • STARTOFMONTH('Calendar'[Date]) is used to get the start date of the current month.
    • ENDOFMONTH('Calendar'[Date]) is used to get the end date of the current month.
  2. Main Calculation:

    • CALCULATE(COUNTROWS('Calendar'), ...) counts the number of rows in the 'Calendar' table.
    • The filter 'Calendar'[IsWorkingDay] = 1 ensures only working days are considered.
    • The filters 'Calendar'[Date] >= CurrentMonthStart and 'Calendar'[Date] <= CurrentMonthEnd ensure the calculation is limited to the current month.

This code can be directly used in a Power BI measure to calculate the number of working days in any given month dynamically.

Note: Ensure that your 'Calendar' table has an 'IsWorkingDay' column calculated to determine the working days. This column might be based on predefined holidays and weekends logic.

Managing Multiple Date Selections and Edge Cases in DAX for Power BI

This section builds upon your existing DAX implementation to manage multiple date selections and handle edge cases. Here, we consider scenarios where users might select multiple date ranges and ensure that the working days are accurately calculated and displayed.

Handling Multiple Date Selections

Example Scenario:

  • Users can select multiple date ranges using slicers, and you need to calculate the total working days across all selected ranges.


  1. Create a Date Table: Ensure you have a Date table in your Power BI model. If not, create one using DAX.

    DateTable = 
            DATE(2020, 1, 1), 
            DATE(2025, 12, 31)
  2. Add Columns to Identify Working Days: Add columns to the Date table to identify working days (excluding weekends and holidays).

    IsWorkingDay = 
            WEEKDAY(DateTable[Date], 2) <= 5,
  3. Add a Relationship to Link Your Date Table with Fact Table: Ensure that your model has a relationship linking the Date table to your relevant fact table.

  4. Create a Measure to Calculate Total Working Days:

    SelectedWorkingDays = 
                DateTable[IsWorkingDay] = "Yes" 
                && DateTable[Date] IN VALUES(DateTable[Date])

Handling Edge Cases

  1. Edge Case 1: Public Holidays

    • If your region has public holidays, add another table to store these holidays.
    Holidays = 
        DATATABLE (
            "HolidayDate", DATE,
                { DATE(2023, 1, 1) },
                { DATE(2023, 12, 25) }
                -- Add more holiday dates here
    • Modify the IsWorkingDay column to exclude holidays:
    IsWorkingDay = 
            WEEKDAY(DateTable[Date], 2) <= 5
            && NOT (DateTable[Date] IN SELECTCOLUMNS(Holidays, "HolidayDate", Holidays[HolidayDate])),
  2. Edge Case 2: Ensure No Overlapping Selections

    • Use a measure to check for overlapping selections and handle accordingly:
    DistinctDateSelections = 
    • Add logic in your visuals to alert users if overlapping selections are made.
  3. Edge Case 3: Empty Selections

    • Handle cases where no dates are selected by adding a default behavior:
    SelectedWorkingDays = 
                    DateTable[IsWorkingDay] = "Yes" 
                    && DateTable[Date] IN VALUES(DateTable[Date])

By following this approach, you can dynamically manage multiple date selections and properly account for various edge cases in your Power BI report, ensuring accurate calculation and display of working days.

Important Note: The above DAX snippets assume you have basic knowledge of creating and managing date tables, relationships, and measures in Power BI. Adjust the code to fit your specific model and requirements.

Creating Dynamic and User-Friendly Outputs: Calculating and Displaying Working Days in Power BI using DAX

In this section of your project, we will focus on crafting a dynamic and user-friendly output that displays the calculated working days in a Power BI report. We will use DAX to achieve this, leveraging dynamic measures and interactive elements.

Steps to Implement Dynamic and User-Friendly Outputs

1. Define Working Days Measure

First, ensure you have a measure to calculate working days. Assuming you have a table called Calendar with a column WorkDay that defines if a day is a working day or not (1 for working days, 0 for non-working days):

WorkingDays = 
    'Calendar'[WorkDay] = 1

2. Create Date Range Selection Inputs

Power BI slicers are used to allow users to select the start and end dates dynamically. Add slicers for date ranges to your Power BI report.

3. Define a Measure to Calculate Working Days for Selected Range

Create a dynamic measure to calculate working days based on user-selected dates:

SelectedWorkingDays = 
VAR StartDate = MIN('Calendar'[Date])
VAR EndDate = MAX('Calendar'[Date])
    'Calendar'[WorkDay] = 1,
    'Calendar'[Date] >= StartDate,
    'Calendar'[Date] <= EndDate

4. Create User-Friendly Dynamic Text

To make the report user-friendly, you can create dynamic text that provides the context of the calculation. This enhances the interactivity and understanding:

DisplayText = 
VAR StartDate = MIN('Calendar'[Date])
VAR EndDate = MAX('Calendar'[Date])
VAR WorkingDaysCount = [SelectedWorkingDays]
"From " & FORMAT(StartDate, "MM/DD/YYYY") & 
" to " & FORMAT(EndDate, "MM/DD/YYYY") & 
", there are " & WorkingDaysCount & " working days."

5. Display User-Friendly Dynamic Text in a Card

Add a card to display the dynamic text from the DisplayText measure:

  1. Insert a card visual in your Power BI report.
  2. Set the card's data field to DisplayText.

6. Custom Visual Formatting

Format the card visual to enhance its user-friendliness:

  • Title: Enable and set a meaningful title, e.g., "Working Days Information".
  • Data Label: Adjust the font size, color, and style to make it readable.

Complete Example in DAX

Here’s how all the implemented measures come together:

WorkingDays = 
    'Calendar'[WorkDay] = 1

SelectedWorkingDays = 
VAR StartDate = MIN('Calendar'[Date])
VAR EndDate = MAX('Calendar'[Date])
    'Calendar'[WorkDay] = 1,
    'Calendar'[Date] >= StartDate,
    'Calendar'[Date] <= EndDate

DisplayText = 
VAR StartDate = MIN('Calendar'[Date])
VAR EndDate = MAX('Calendar'[Date])
VAR WorkingDaysCount = [SelectedWorkingDays]
"From " & FORMAT(StartDate, "MM/DD/YYYY") & 
" to " & FORMAT(EndDate, "MM/DD/YYYY") & 
", there are " & WorkingDaysCount & " working days."

With these steps, your Power BI report now dynamically calculates and displays the number of working days in a user-friendly manner based on user-selected date ranges.

Advanced Techniques: Optimization and Performance Tuning in DAX

In this section, we will focus on optimizing and tuning the performance of DAX calculations related to dynamically calculating and displaying working days in Power BI. Introduction to specific techniques, practical implementations through DAX expressions, and considerations for improving query performance will be covered.

Optimization Techniques

1. Measure Reuse

To avoid recalculating measures repeatedly, use variables to store intermediate results and reuse them in further calculations.


VAR StartDate = DATE(2023, 1, 1)
VAR EndDate = DATE(2023, 1, 31)
VAR PublicHolidays = 
            HolidaysTable[Date] >= StartDate && HolidaysTable[Date] <= EndDate

            DatesTable[Date] >= StartDate &&
            DatesTable[Date] <= EndDate &&
            DatesTable[DayOfWeek] <> 1 && 
            DatesTable[DayOfWeek] <> 7
    ) - PublicHolidays

2. Filter Context Reduction

Directly modify the filter context to remove unnecessary calculations.


    DatesTable[Date] >= DATE(2023, 1, 1),
    DatesTable[Date] <= DATE (2023, 1, 31),
    NOT (DatesTable[DayOfWeek] IN {1, 7}),
    NOT (RELATED (HolidaysTable[Date] IN DatesTable[Date]))


CALCULATETABLE can be used for more complex filter conditions while optimizing performance.


VAR FilteredDates = 
        DatesTable[Date] >= DATE(2023, 1, 1) && DatesTable[Date] <= DATE(2023, 1, 31),
        NOT DatesTable[DayOfWeek] IN {1, 7},
        EXCEPT (
            FILTER (
                HolidaysTable[Date] IN DatesTable[Date]


4. Aggregated Calculations

Perform calculations at a higher level of granularity whenever possible to reduce processing time.


VAR WorkingDays = 
        VALUES (DatesTable[YearMonth]),
            DatesTable[DayOfWeek] <> 1 && DatesTable[DayOfWeek] <> 7,
            ALL (HolidaysTable)

        FILTER (
            DatesTable[Date] >= StartDate && DatesTable[Date] <= EndDate

Performance Tuning Considerations

1. Data Model Optimization

  • Ensure that the DatesTable and HolidaysTable are properly indexed and optimized for querying.
  • Use appropriate data types and minimize the number of columns to those necessary for the calculations.

2. Measure Dependencies

  • Avoid nested measures that can lead to repeated calculations; use variables to hold intermediate steps.
  • Analyze measure dependencies using DAX Studio to identify and eliminate redundant calculations.

3. Efficient Use of Aggregations

  • Pre-aggregate data where possible to reduce the amount of computation needed at query time.

4. Use of Composite Models

  • Leverage composite models to bring together different data sources effectively, ensuring that only necessary data is loaded and queried.

By employing these optimization techniques and performance tuning considerations, you will be able to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of your DAX calculations, thereby providing a better user experience in your Power BI reports.

Integration and Visualization in Power BI

Step 8: Displaying Working Days Dynamically

In this step, we will integrate the DAX calculations for working days into a Power BI report and visualize the results dynamically.

Measures in DAX

First, ensure that you have a measure to calculate the number of working days already created. If not, here’s an example measure:

WorkingDays = 
VAR CurrentMonth = MONTH(TODAY())
VAR CurrentYear = YEAR(TODAY())
        'Date'[IsWorkingDay] = TRUE() &&
        MONTH('Date'[Date]) = CurrentMonth &&
        YEAR('Date'[Date]) = CurrentYear

Creating a Table Visual

  1. Add a Table Visual:

    • Drag and drop a Table visual from the Visualizations pane into your report canvas.
  2. Add Columns to Table:

    • Drag the necessary date dimensions from your model (e.g. Year, Month, Week, Date) to the Table visual.
    • Also, drag the WorkingDays measure to the Table.

Dynamic Text Box

To display the number of working days dynamically in a text box, use the following steps:

  1. Add a Card Visual:

    • Drag and drop a Card visual from the Visualizations pane into your report canvas.
  2. Set the Value:

    • Drag the WorkingDays measure to the "Values" field of the Card visual.

Interactive Slicer

To allow users to dynamically change the date range and see the working days update:

  1. Add a Date Slicer:

    • Drag and drop a Slicer visual onto your report canvas.
    • Drag the Date field from your Date table into the slicer.
    • Optionally, change the slicer to a range slicer for better user experience.
  2. Filtering the Working Days Measure:

    • Since the slicer will filter the data based on user selection, the WorkingDays measure will automatically update to reflect the filtered date range.

Conditional Formatting

To make your visual standout:

  1. Select your Table Visual, go to the Values section in the Fields pane.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow, and select Conditional Formatting.
  3. Choose the formatting criteria, for example, if WorkingDays > 20 display in green, else in red.

Automated Report Title

For additional user context, create a dynamic title for your report:

  1. Create a Measure:
DynamicTitle = 
VAR SelectedStartDate = MIN('Date'[Date])
VAR SelectedEndDate = MAX('Date'[Date])
"Working Days from " & FORMAT(SelectedStartDate, "MMMM D, YYYY") & " to " & FORMAT(SelectedEndDate, "MMMM D, YYYY")
  1. Add a Text Box Visual:
    • Insert a Text Box visual onto your report canvas.
    • Insert this measure in the text box by clicking on the value field and selecting your DynamicTitle measure.

By following these steps, you will have fully integrated and visualized the dynamically calculated working days in your Power BI report using DAX.

Final Layout Adjustments

  1. Arranging Visuals:

    • Ensure all visuals are properly aligned and sized for clear visibility.
  2. Testing User Interactions:

    • Verify that interactions between slicer and visuals work as intended and update dynamically upon user selections.

By completing these steps, you will have successfully implemented the integration and visualization of dynamic working days calculation using Power BI and DAX.