
Geospatial Analysis Masterclass with Power BI

A comprehensive guide that explores the concepts and techniques of geospatial analysis using Power BI.

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Geospatial Analysis Masterclass with Power BI


This project aims to provide an expansive guide on geospatial analysis using Power BI. It starts with an understanding of the basic concepts, progresses to real-life application techniques, and concludes with in-depth case studies of geospatial analytics. It will also include examples to provide hands-on experience and clarity. This project can be beneficial for anyone looking to delve deep into geospatial analytics with Power BI or those who are already familiar with the tool but want to explore its geospatial capabilities.

Introduction to Geospatial Analysis in Power BI

In this guide, I will walk you through the practical implementation of geospatial analysis using Power BI. Our discussion will include the installation of Power BI, importing and preparing spatial data, and creating a simple map visualization.

Installing Power BI

As Power BI is a Windows application, you'd need a Windows machine to install it. Follow the steps below to install it:

Visit the official Power BI Download Page at:

Note: Power BI isn't intended for Windows OS older than Windows 7.

  • Click on the Download Free button
  • A file named PBIDesktop.msi will download
  • Once the file is downloaded, click to run the installer
  • Follow the installer steps until successfully installed

Importing Data

For this demonstration, we'll use fictional sample data from an Excel file. This file contains country names along with their respective number of sales. However, similar steps apply for other data sources.

Country Sales USA 100 Canada 150 Brazil 120 Germany 180 ...

Steps to Import Data:

  1. Launch Power BI
  2. Click on Get Data
  3. Select Excel
  4. Navigate to the Excel file and click Open
  5. In the Navigator pane, select the relevant sheet(s) then click Load

Preparing Data for Geospatial Analysis

Before using geographical data within Power BI it's vital to ensure the data is properly formatted. Power BI recognizes geographical data via the data categories you assign to your data fields.

  1. Click on the Data view icon in the left pane
  2. Choose the data field that you want to categorize as geographical data (in our case, 'Country')
  3. Under Column tools go to the Data Category section and choose the appropriate category (in our case, 'Country/Region')


Creating a simple Map visualization

Power BI has numerous types of visualizations including multiple map types. For this introduction, let's create a basic Map.

  1. Click on the Report view icon in the left pane
  2. From the Visualizations pane, click on the Map icon
  3. Drag the 'Country' field to the Location field well in the Visualizations pane, and the 'Sales' field to the Size field well


By following these steps, you should see a map with bubbles representing sales hovering over the respective countries. The larger the bubble, the higher the value for that location.


This completes the introduction on how to perform a geospatial analysis using Power BI. Later, we'll dive into more complex visualization types and advanced geospatial analyzes. For now, try exploring the different settings in the Format pane in the Visualizations pane and see how they affect the map. Remember the best way to learn is by trying out different things.

Foundations of Power BI

Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights.

Importing and Cleaning the Geospatial Data

We don't need to worry about setting up as we already have a preliminary setup. Let's proceed with importing and cleaning of Geospatial data.

Before beginning, you must have a table or dataset that contains at least one location-based attribute. The location attribute can be postal codes, city names, street addresses, state codes, country names, or any geographical entity.

For instance, let's consider that we have a dataset named "Sales_Data" that contains the sales information across several stores in the US i.e., Store_Number, State, City, Zip_Code, Sales.

import pandas as pd

# Load the data
df = pd.read_csv('Sales_Data.csv')

# Check first few records

Ensure your data is clean, and the geographical entities are recognizable in Power BI.

Loading Data into Power BI

Once you have your data, you can import it into Power BI. You will then be able to use Power BI Desktop to clean and transform your data further. Here, we're assuming that you're using Power BI Desktop as your primary business intelligence tool, although the online service offers many of the same features.

# To load data in Power BI
Home -> External Data -> Get Data -> Text/CSV -> Connect -> Load 

Visualizing Geospatial Data

Power BI supports a variety of visuals that natively utilize location data. The core visual is called the "Map" visuals, and currently, there are four types available:

  1. Map
  2. Filled map
  3. ArcGIS maps
  4. Shape maps

Creating Map Visual

After getting the data, we can create a map visual to represent the geospatial data. The fields pane will automatically select location fields for the Locations bucket when you create a Map visual. Here's how to achieve that:

# Creating a basic map visual
Visualizations -> Map -> Drag 'State' to Location and 'Sales' to Size

Here, 'State' represents the location, and 'Sales' represents the magnitude of the attribute.

Customizing the Map Visual

Power BI provides several customizations - colors, labels, titles, etc. Interacting with the fields pane and formatting pane will give you insights into these customizations.

# Customizing the map visual
Format -> Title -> Title text (For changing the title of the visual)
Format -> General -> Tooltip (For control of tool tip)

Rinse and repeat for other customizations.

Creating Advanced Map Visuals

We can add multiple layers to dive deep into our geospatial data. Below is the addition of a new layer to an existing Map visual.

# Adding a new layer
Format -> Add Layer -> Add field -> 'City' to location and 'Sales' to Size 

Here 'City' is the location field for the new layer, and 'Sales' represent the size for the nested layer.

In conclusion, this foundational understanding of Power Bi will help strengthen your geospatial analysis capabilities.

Integrating Power BI and Geospatial Analysis

Power BI provides an effective way to visualize geospatial data to create easy-to-understand, interactive maps. In this guide, we will be using a Power BI feature called "Shape Map" for our geospatial analysis. We will illustrate this with a practical implementation using a dataset that contains geo-coordinates.

Step 1: Loading the Dataset

Before we start with the integration, we need a dataset that we can work with. This dataset should contain spatial information such as coordinates or geographical identifiers like country names, state names, etc.

# For sake of example following code block uses Python
import pandas as pd

# Load the data
data = pd.read_csv('file_path')

# Explore the initial few rows of the data

You can directly upload this dataset in Power BI.

Step 2: Importing Data into Power BI

In Power BI, select "Home" > "Get Data" > "Excel" (or any other source depending on where your data resides)> "Connect".

Navigate to the data file and click “Open”. In Navigator dialog box, select the table you want and then click "Edit". Power BI will load your dataset and it will be ready for use.

Step 3: Data Transformation

In Power BI, the transformation of data is done via the "Transform Data" option. While our main focus is integrating geospatial analysis, ensuring the data types of our geographic identifiers are appropriately set is essential. For latitude and longitude columns, data type should be "Decimal Number"; for geospatial identifiers like country or city names, use "Text".

Step 4: Creating a Shape Map Visualization

Now, let's create a Shape Map visualization and integrate our geospatial data:

  1. Click on the "Report View" > "Shape Map" visual.

  2. Drag and drop the relevant field into the "Location" field well of the visualization. For instance, if your dataset contains "Country" as the geographical indicator, then drag and drop "Country" field into the "Location".

  3. Similarly, drag and drop another relevant field from your dataset into the "Color saturation" field well, which could represent some statistic that you want to portray on your map.

For instance, consider a dataset with "Country" and "Population" fields. Drag and drop "Country" in "Location" and "Population" in "Color saturation", will create a map where each country will be shown in a different color intensity based on its population.

Step 5: Enhancing the Map

Click on the "Format" pane to customize the map according to personal preferences. For example, you can change the "Data colors", manage "Legend", adjust "Map Controls", add "Title", etc.

Step 6: Interactivity

You can make your map interactive by adding more visuals to the report. Select the columns representing the values you wish to choose and then pick the preferred visualization. Once you've added another visual to the canvas, click on a data point in the Shape Map: this will cross-highlight or cross-filter the other visuals in your report.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate geospatial analysis into Power BI.

Geospatial Data Sources and Formats

Here, we will focus on determining the sources for geospatial data and formats that can be utilized when dealing with Power BI. The two primary formats that we'll be focusing on are GeoJSON and Shapefile format, which are commonly used for dealing with geospatial data.

Firstly, let's get to know about data sources and how to import data from it to our Power BI.

Data Sources

Here are two geospatial data sources that we shall use as an instance.

We will use Power BI's built-in options to connect and extract data from these sources.

For Microsoft Open Data:

  1. Open your Power BI Desktop.
  2. Click on Home Tab and then Get Data > Web.
  3. Enter the URL of the Microsoft Open Data Source.
  4. Click OK. Power BI will connect and extract the data.

For USGS Earthquake Data:

  1. Navigate to Get Data > Web.
  2. Enter the URL of the specific dataset that you are interested in.
  3. Click OK. The data will be loaded to Power BI.

Data Formats

Power BI supports many formats for geospatial data. The two primary ones we'll be focusing on are GeoJSON and Shapefile formats.


GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). It supports the following geometry types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection.

You can convert your geospatial data into GeoJSON format using various tools. In Python, it would look something like this:

import geopandas as gpd

data = gpd.read_file('geospatial_data.shp') # Read the shapefile
data.to_file('geospatial_data.json', driver='GeoJSON') # Save it as GeoJSON

Once you have your GeoJSON file, you can easily load it into Power BI:

  1. Navigate to Get Data > Web.
  2. Enter the URL or local path pointing to your GeoJSON file.
  3. Click OK. The GeoJSON data will be loaded to Power BI.


A shapefile is a common geospatial vector data format for geographic information system software.

You can use a tool like ogr2ogr to convert your shapefile to a format that Power BI can recognize (like CSV or GeoJSON).

# Convert Shapefile to CSV
ogr2ogr -f "CSV" output.csv input.shp -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT

# Convert Shapefile to GeoJSON
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" output.json input.shp

Then in Power BI:

  1. Navigate to Home > Get Data > Text/CSV.
  2. Select your CSV file and click Open.
  3. In the Preview dialog, make sure everything looks correct and click Load.

This can be repeated for GeoJSON file conversion also. The data imported from the GeoJSON will be loaded into the Power BI.

This was a demonstration to handle geospatial data, the sources for geospatial data, and the formats of Power BI. The subsequent segments of this guide will focus more on the visualizations and analyzing these geospatial data.

Basics of Mapping with Power BI

Power BI provides several visual types that let you visualize your data on a map. These include filled map, map, and shape map, all of which display proportionally sized points or shapes (for shape map) at geographical locations, where the size of the point or shape is determined by the value of a measure or an aggregate of a field. In this guide, we will be using the map visual as an example.


  1. Power BI Desktop Tool. (Already installed as per previous sections)
  2. Dataset with Geospatial data such as address or coordinates. For this tutorial, we assume you have a simple dataset with country names and some numeric measurements.


Before starting, load your dataset into Power BI. Once that is done, follow the steps below:

1. Selecting the Map Visual

From the Visualizations pane, click on the Map icon to create a new map visual. You can also click on the downwards pointing arrow next to the icon to show the options for map types. For this guide, we'll be using the basic Map visual.

2. Adding Data to the Map

Once the Map visual has been added to your report, drag and drop the geographical field (for instance, 'Country') from the Fields pane to the Location field well in the Visualizations pane.

After that, drag and drop your numerical fields to the Size field well. This field will determine the size of the location's bubble on the map.

3. Fixing Location Data Issues

Depending on the complexity of your geographical data, Power BI might not be able to automatically establish the correct geographical location for every data point. If Power BI encountrs such a location, it will be indicated by a warning sign.

You can fix these issues by clicking on the warning icon and selecting Edit location data. In the resulting window, select the correct location from the options Power BI provides or provide additional location details to guide Power BI.

4. Customizing the Map

You can customize the appearance of your map using the Format section in the Visualizations pane. There, you can control settings like map theme, map controls, bubble color and transparency, among others.

Here is some sample code that you may find useful:

Sample code for adding a map visual with geospatial data in Power BI

Step 1: Load the data

data = pd.read_csv('data/country_data.csv')

Load the data into Power BI

In Power BI, go to 'Home > External data > Excel'

Step 2: Select the Map visual

In the Visualizations pane, click on the Map icon

Step 3: Add the data

Drag the Country field to the Location field well

Drag the Population field to the Size field well

Step 4: Fix any location data issues

Click on any warning icons and select 'Edit location data'

Choose the correct location from the options or add more location details

Step 5: Customize the map in the Format pane

This code snippet assumes that you have a CSV file named 'country_data.csv' with the columns 'Country' and 'Population'.

Remember, this is a sample code and might not directly apply to your specific dataset or requirements. Make sure to replace the sample data paths and column names with your specific details.

With these steps, you should be able to create a basic map visualization that represents your data geographically. It's a powerful way to visualize data and can provide unique insights, especially for large, complex datasets.

Advanced Mapping Techniques in Power BI

This section will focus on implementing more advanced mapping techniques in Power BI. We will cover the following:

  1. Customized maps using Shape Map Visualization
  2. Interactive maps with ArcGIS Maps for Power BI.

1. Customized Maps Using Shape Map Visualization

Power BI offers the Shape Map visualization type, allowing you to use custom geopolitical shapes in your data visualization.

Assuming you have a dataset loaded into Power BI, let's create a Shape Map.

1. Select the Shape Map visual from the Visualizations pane. 
2. Drag your data fields into the Format pane. Typically, this will be a geographical field (like State or Country) and a metric (like Sales).

For customized maps, you'll need to use a TopoJSON file tailored to your needs.

1. Click on the Format button.
2. Under the "Shape" dropdown, click + Add Map.
3. Navigate to your TopoJSON file and select it. If the file is correctly structured, it should appear in the dropdown next to "Map". Click it to apply it to your visualization.

2. Interactive Maps with ArcGIS Maps for Power BI

ArcGIS Maps for Power BI is another mapping tool that provides more interactivity than standard Power BI mapping visuals. Here's how to implement it:

1. Select the ArcGIS Maps visual from the Visualizations pane. 
2. Drag and drop the geographical field (longitude and latitude, or address fields), and the data you want to analyze in the Values field well.

From there, click on the Edit button on the top-right of the map visual to access the ArcGIS Maps for Power BI designer. The options here are vast:

1. Under the Base map dropdown, you can choose the map style. 
2. In the toolbar, you can select different mapping options (like heatmaps or clustering).
3. Use the "Pin Layers" feature to add points, lines, or polygons.
4. Use the "Add Reference Layer" to overlay additional information like weather or demographics.

Remember to save your changes.

Part 7: Location-based Data Analysis in Power BI

In this section, we focus on how to perform a location-based data analysis in Power BI. Opposed to mapping, a location-based analysis is more about clustering, demographics, or time-based changes. It gives us insights based on the location context.

The following practical steps will guide you through:

  1. Load and Prepare Data
  2. Create a Data Visualization
  3. Perform Location-based Analysis

1. Load and Prepare the Data

Start by importing your geospatial data. Since you already know how to accomplish this from previous units, I won't describe it here. For our implementation, we'll assume you've loaded a dataset containing location data (like coordinates or address data) and some numeric values which will be analyzed.

2. Create a Data Visualization

To perform a location-based analysis, first, we need to visualize the data. For this demonstration, we will use Scatter Chart, which is ideal for visualizing data across geographic locations.

Steps to create a scatter chart:

  1. Click Visualizations > Scatter chart.
  2. In the Fields pane, drag the appropriate fields to the X-axis, Y-axis, and Details buckets. The X and Y axes can be geographic coordinates or a categorical location identifier.
  3. Drag a numerical field to the Size bucket. This field will be the basis of the analysis.
  4. (Optional) To play around with time-based changes, drag a date/time field to the Play Axis bucket.

At this point, you should see a scatter chart plotted on your report canvas.

3. Perform Location-based Analysis

After the scatter chart is ready, we can proceed to the location-based analysis. We'll use the Analytics pane to add dynamic reference lines based on our data.

Steps to add dynamic reference lines:

  1. Click on your scatter chart to select it.
  2. Go to the Visualizations > Analytics pane.
  3. Depending on your dataset and the kind of analysis you want to perform, choose to add average, median, or percentile line. Click on the Add button next to your choice.
  4. Set the Data color and Transparency to your preference.
  5. Check Show to display the line on the scatter chart.

The reference line dynamically adjusts based on the filter context of the report.

That sums up how you perform location-based data analysis in Power BI. Using this approach, you can uncover trends and make more informed spatial decisions.

Understanding Geospatial Coordinates with Power BI

Understanding Geospatial Coordinates is the crux of performing geospatial analysis in any business intelligence tool including Power BI. Geospatial coordinates allow us to accurately denote a specific location on Earth. In the world of geography, we mostly work with two types of coordinate systems: Geographic Coordinate System (latitude, longitude) and Projected Coordinate System (X, Y).

Geographic Coordinate System

Latitude and longitude are used to mark any specific location on globe. Latitude specifies the North-South position and Longitude specifies the East-West position.

Let's see how we can use these coordinates on Power BI.

Step 1: Create a Data Table

First of all, you need to have a table that contains latitude and longitude columns.

USA,New York,40.712776,-74.005974,19.2
USA,Los Angeles,34.052235,-118.243683,4

Save this as world_cities.csv.

Step 2: Load Data into Power BI

In Power BI, select Home > Get Data > Text/CSV, select world_cities.csv file and load the data.

Step 3: Create a new Map visualization

Select the Map visualization from the Visualizations pane. Drag and drop the 'Latitude' field to the 'Latitude' field well and 'Longitude' field to the 'Longitude' field well. Similarly, add 'City' to 'Location' and 'Population' to 'Size'. You should see the data points now appearing on the Map.

Projected Coordinate System

Projected Coordinate System is a flat, two-dimensional coordinate system. The Geo-coordinate (Latitude, Longitude) is converted into Cartesian coordinates (X, Y) in meters.

In Power BI, for example, we can use 2D maps to represent this coordinate system.

Step 1: Create a Data Table

USA,New York,9816675,7044430,19.2
USA,Los Angeles,13124050,4021089,4

Save this as world_cities_projected.csv.

Step 2: Load Data into Power BI

In Power BI, select Home > Get Data > Text/CSV, select world_cities_projected.csv file and load the data.

Step 3: Create a new Scatter Plot visualization

Select the Scatter Chart visualization from the Visualizations pane. Drag and drop the 'X' field to the 'X-Axis' field well and 'Y' field to the 'Y-Axis' field well. Similarly, add 'City' to 'Details' and 'Population' to 'Size'. You should see the data points now appearing on the Scatter Chart.

Remember Power BI automatically identifies the columns named 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' or 'X' and 'Y' as geographical data points. If your column names are different, you'd have to specify manually that the columns contain geographic data.

With these methods, we can effectively work with Geospatial Coordinates in Power BI.

Geo-Data Transformation and Adjustment in Power BI

Your Geospatial Analysis project with Power BI is nearly complete. Presently we will be focusing on Geo-Data Transformation and Adjustment. This part involves correcting, changing or transforming various aspects of geospatial data to suit the purpose of the project.

Loading Geo-Data into Power BI

First, we will load a sample Geo-Data set into Power BI. I assume you have the geospatial data file ready and you know how to import data from Excel or CSV files.

// step to load data
 → Home 
 → External Data
 → Excel / CSV
→ Select Geo-Data file

Geo-Data Transformation: Changing The Data Type

One of the first things you might want to adjust in your geospatial data is the data type of the fields.

// steps to change data types
→ Home
→ Transform Data
→ Transform tab
→ Detect Type for Power BI to auto-detect appropriate types

Geo-Data Transformation: Renaming Columns

Renaming of columns is another common transformation required to keep the data more readable and maintainable.

// steps to rename column
→ Transform Data
→ Right-click on column header
→ Rename
→ Type in the new name
→ Press Enter

Geo-Data Transformation: Merging Columns

In some scenarios, you might need to merge or concatenate two or more columns for accurate geospatial analysis.

// steps to merge columns
→ Transform Data
→ Add Column
→ Merge Columns
→ Choose separator 
→ Type in New column name
→ OK

Geo-Data Transformation: Changing Geospatial Coordinates

It is common to have geospatial datasets in one coordinate reference system (CRS) that you need to transform to another CRS. In Power BI, you might need to convert the coordinates into decimal degrees if they are not.

// steps to convert DMS to decimal degrees
→ Add Column 
→ Custom Column
→ Type a formula in the format:
   (Degrees + Minutes/60 + Seconds/3600) for Latitude
   (-Degrees - Minutes/60 - Seconds/3600) for Longitude

Geo-Data Transformation: Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is an important part of data transformation. This quite involves handling missing values, removing duplicates, outliers, and so forth.

// step to fill missing values 
→ Transform Data
→ Replace Values
→ Replace Errors
→ Type the value to replace errors 
→ OK

// steps to remove duplicates
→ Home
→ Remove Duplicates

That's it! Now our geospatial data has been transformed and adjusted accordingly for further processing and analysis.

This markdown guide is useful for transforming and adjusting geospatial data in Power BI for accurate geospatial analysis. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of the analysis depends majorly on how well the geospatial data is adjusted and prepared.

Visualization of Geospatial Data using Power BI

Considering that you have already covered the basics of Power BI and how to use it with Geospatial Data, in this section, we will focus directly on the visualization part using Geospatial data.

For this practical implementation, we will consider an example of worldwide COVID-19 data that contains columns like Country/Region, Confirmed, Deaths, Recovered and Active. We'll assume that you have already imported this dataset and created a table using Power BI.

Visualization with Filled Map

  1. Add a Filled Map: Go to the Visualizations pane and select the Filled Map icon.

  2. Add Data to Fields: Click and drag Country/Region to Location and Confirmed to Values in the Fields pane of the Filled Map visualization.

This will generate a world map filled with colors indicating the intensity of confirmed COVID-19 cases. The regions with more cases appear darker.

Visualization with Bubble Map

  1. Add a Map: Go to the Visualizations pane and select the Map icon.

  2. Add Data to Fields: Click and drag Country/Region to Location and Confirmed to Size in the Fields pane of the Map visualization.

This will generate a bubble map where each country is symbolized by a bubble, and the size of the bubble indicates the number of confirmed cases there.

Visualization with ArcGIS Maps

  1. Add an ArcGIS Map: Go to the Visualizations pane and select the ArcGIS Maps for Power BI icon.

  2. Add Data to Fields: Click and drag Country/Region to Location and Confirmed to Values in the Fields pane of the ArcGIS Maps visualization.

This will generate a more interactive map. You can click on a region to focus on it, and detailed statistics for that region will appear.

Customize the color

For each of the visualization types, you can customize the color based on data. Go to Format > Data colors > FX icon > Color scale, and set the colors for the minimum, center, and maximum data values.

Have drill down into a specific country

  1. Let's add another Filled Map for a detailed visualization of a specific country, like the US.

  2. Click and drag your state/province data to Location and Confirmed to Values in the Fields pane of the new Filled Map visualization.

Now you have a detailed visual representation of cases down to the state-level.

Each of these visualization methods provides a different view of the same data and could be more useful depending on the specific requirements of your analysis. It's important to leverage these varying methods within Power BI to encapsulate data from many different perspectives.

Part 11: Interpreting Geospatial Visualizations in Power BI

In previous sections, we've delved into illustrating geospatial data using Power BI. Now we're on to interpreting the outcomes of our visualizations. This exercise involves interpreting patterns, trends, and relationships generated from geospatial analysis.


  • Generated geospatial visualizations based on previous units

1. Understand the Nature of the Data

Before you can interpret any visualization, you require an understanding of your data's qualities. Since we're dealing with geospatial data, pay attention to the segments which comprise geographical properties and how the remaining columns relate.

    # Python/Pandas way of looking at first few rows of your data
    import pandas as pd
    # Assuming your data is a CSV file named 'datafile.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv('datafile.csv')

2. Evaluate the Type of Visualization

The form of geospatial visualization used gives a strong clue about what the data illustrates. Power BI offers various types such as filled maps, shape maps, arcGIS maps, etc. For instance, a filled map will show regional data, while a flow map would depict movement.

3. Evaluate Colors, Scale, and Legends

Power BI typically uses colors to represent data dimensions or values. The legend or color scale (in case of heat maps) provides context.

    # Assume 'property' is a column in your data you are interested in

4. Identify Patterns, Trends, and Relationships

Geospatial visualization aims to reveal location-based patterns, trends, and relationships that might be less obvious in tabular data presentation. Look for clustering or dispersion of data points, changes over area, etc.

5. Contextualize the Data

Relate the patterns or trends identified to the current context or scenario. Consider temporal factors, relevant events, or other external factors that might explain the observations.

Consider the following example. Assuming your data is sales data for a retail chain with various outlets within a country. The visualization might reveal higher sales in outlets located in urban areas compared to rural areas. A possible interpretation here is that the higher earnings in urban areas might be due to higher population density, higher incomes among urban dwellers, or the presence of more outlets in these areas.

6. Review Existing Insights and Reports

Power BI provides feature to include insights, tooltips, and reports. Review these for additional details or for verifying your interpretations.

    # Extract info from your dataset for insights

In conclusion, keep in mind the goal of the geospatial analysis and whether your interpretations align towards achieving it. Interpreting these results will drive subsequent decision-making processes. By practicing critical and objective examination of the patterns and trends within your data, you can derive valuable and actionable insights.

Please notice that Python examples are used for illustration and might not apply directly to PowerBI environment, but they represent equivalent steps you might take when working on data interpretation. PowerBI will perform most of these operation in a GUI drag and drop manner. To execute Python code, you would need a Python environment, which is outside of the scope of this guide.

Predictive Analytics with Geospatial Data in Power BI

For this tutorial, we assume that you have a competent understanding of geospatial data analysis using Power BI as explained in the previous modules. We also presume you have the necessary data to perform proactive geospatial data analysis in Power BI.

Importing the Data

You must begin by importing your dataset into Power BI. The dataset should be one with geospatial data and the corresponding results you wish to predict.

  1. Open Power BI and create a new report by clicking on 'File' > 'New'.
  2. To import your dataset, click on 'Home' > 'Get Data' and select your data format (e.g., Excel or CSV).
  3. Navigate to the location of your dataset, and click 'Open'.
  4. The Import Data dialog box will open. Click 'Load'.

Formatting Geospatial Data

Make sure your data is in a format that Power BI can understand. Latitude and longitude should be in separate columns, and the data type should be set to decimal.

  1. After loading your data, go to the 'Data' view and select the columns containing your latitudes and longitudes.
  2. On the 'Column tools' tab, select 'Data type' > 'Decimal number'.
  3. On the 'Column tools' tab, select 'Category' > 'Latitude' for your latitude column and 'Longitude' for your longitude column.

Creating a Map

You can employ Power BI's built-in map visualization or any other map-based visual like the 'ArcGIS Maps' to create a geospatial view of your data.

  1. Click the 'Report' view and then click on your preferred map visualization under 'Visualizations'.
  2. Drag the 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' fields to the 'Location' box in the 'Visualizations' panel.

Carrying out Predictive Analysis

For predictive analytics, inbuilt Power BI features may not be sufficient. We will leverage the 'R script' or 'Python script' visual to build a predictive model using these popular languages.

Below, we generate a linear regression model, a simple predictive algorithm perfect for data showing trends over time.

  1. Click 'R script visual' or 'Python script visual' under 'Visualizations'.
  2. You'll see a prompt to enable script visuals; click 'Enable'.
  3. Then, drag your 'Latitude', 'Longitude', and target variables (the one you wish to predict) to the 'Values' field.
  4. In the script box, write an appropriate predictive analysis script in R or Python.

For example, this simple linear regression script in R:

# Load necessary packages

# Create linear regression model
model <- lm([target_variable] ~ Latitude + Longitude, data = dataset)

# Summary of the model
  1. After writing the script, click on the 'Run script' button. Power BI will execute the script, and the output visual will be generated.

Note: Make sure you replace [target_variable] with the actual target variable's column and dataset with your actual dataset in Power BI.

Please bear in mind that for the predictive analytics part, scripting knowledge in R or Python is essential. The scripting approach will change according to the dataset's nature and the complexity of predictions you wish to perform. There's no one-size-fits-all approach.

This implementation, though basic, gives you a clear starting point for bringing predictive analytics to your geospatial data analysis in Power BI.

Implementation of Real-world Power BI Geospatial Use-cases

In this section, we will create two specific use-cases that utilize Power BI's geospatial capabilities:

  1. A real estate company wants to analyze the house prices based on geographical locations.
  2. A delivery company wants to optimize its route planning based on order locations.

Use Case 1: Real Estate Price Analysis

Here, we'll depict the implementation for a real estate company that wants to analyze house prices based on specific locations.

# Load the property data
property_data = pd.read_csv('property_data.csv')

# Select the fields for Power BI
data_for_pbi = property_data[['PropertyID', 'Price', 'Longitude', 'Latitude']]

# Save the data for use in Power BI
data_for_pbi.to_csv('property_data_for_pbi.csv', index=False)

Then in Power BI, we load the data and create a filled map visualization.

// Load Data
Get Data -> Text/CSV -> 'property_data_for_pbi.csv'

// Create Filled Map Visualization
Add -> Filled Map -> Drag 'Longitude' and 'Latitude' to Location -> Drag 'Price' to Color Saturation

This visualization will display regions with higher real estate prices in more intense colors, providing a geographical overview of property valuation.

Use Case 2: Delivery Route Optimization

In this use-case, we'll implement a solution for a delivery firm that intends to optimize its route planning according to the order locations.

# Load the order data
order_data = pd.read_csv('order_data.csv')

# Select the fields for Power BI
data_for_pbi = order_data[['OrderID', 'DeliveryZone', 'Longitude', 'Latitude']]

# Save the data for use in Power BI
data_for_pbi.to_csv('order_data_for_pbi.csv', index=False)

Subsequently, in Power BI, we load this data and use a Route Map visualization.

// Load Data
Get Data -> Text/CSV -> 'order_data_for_pbi.csv'

// Create Route Map Visualization
Add -> ArcGIS Map for Power BI -> Drag 'Longitude' and 'Latitude' to Location -> Select the Route map layer

The visualization will demonstrate the delivery routes, assisting in strategic planning for order deliveries.

In both implementations, it is considered that you're aware of importing data and creating visualizations in Power BI, as mentioned in the initial requirement.

Geospatial Analytics Case Study: Environment

In this section, we'll apply the concepts learned in the previous units to a practical case study in Environmental Analysis using Power BI. We'll examine global CO2 emissions data and aim to identify trends and valuable insights.

Here, we assume that we master concepts such as data ingestion into Power BI, basic and advanced mapping techniques, understanding geospatial coordinates, data transformation and adjustment, etc.

Data Loading and Cleaning

The initial part of any data analytics project is to load and clean the data. For this analysis, let's assume we have global CO2 emissions data that comprises fields: Country, year, and annual CO2 emissions. You can retrieve this information using your regular methods, such as using Power Query.

We assume that each country's emission level for each year is expressed in kilotons or an appropriate scale of your choosing. We'll also assume that you've geocoded the locations into longitude and latitude using the techniques described in the previous units.

Data Transformation

Once data is loaded into Power BI, some transformations might be necessary. For instance, you might need to convert the CO2 emissions data type to a numerical (integer or decimal) format.

  1. Go to the Data view in Power BI.
  2. Select the column with the CO2 emission data.
  3. Click on the Data type icon in the Modeling toolbar.
  4. Choose the appropriate numerical data type.

Data Visualization

We are now ready to create our visualizations. We'll start by creating a map that uses circles to represent the number of emissions in each country.

  1. From the Visualizations pane, select the Map icon.
  2. Drag and drop the Country field to the Location field well.
  3. Drag and drop the annual CO2 emissions field to the Size field well.
  4. You now have a Circle Map that represents CO2 emissions. The larger the circle, the larger the emissions.

To add more dimensions to our visualization, we can use the Play Axis visual to add time dynamics to quantities represented by our circles.

  1. Download and import the Play Axis slicer from the Visuals Marketplace.
  2. Add the Play Axis visual to your report canvas.
  3. Drag and drop the year field into the Values field well of the slicer.
  4. Connect the Play Axis visual to the Circle Map to link them to the same data.
  5. When you click Play on the Play Axis visual, the Circle Map circles should dynamically adjust to show how CO2 emissions have changed over time.

Data Analysis

Using Power BI, we can study relationships between CO2 emissions and time. These insights might help decision-makers understand which countries have been reducing emission levels and which have been increasing, making it possible to identify best practices and target efforts towards areas with increasing emissions.


This is a simple implementation of geospatial analytics for environmental data using Power BI. With more advanced scenarios, you can incorporate other related data such as population density, economic growth which can help you extract deeper insights.

Geospatial Analytics Case Study: Retail Industry using Power BI

In this case study, we are required to implement a solution to a real-world problem leveraging the principles of Geospatial Analysis in the Retail Industry. Specifically, we will illustrate how Power BI can help unmask valuable insights using location data.

Case Description

Our client, a chain of supermarkets is seeking to understand its market presence in a city. The insights drawn will help them understand the effectiveness of their distribution and decide where to situate new stores in the future.

Step 1: Loading and preparing the data

We assume that the data we need has already been fetched and prepared following the concepts and techniques in units 5-9. The data consists of the physical store addresses of the chain, geocoordinates of the stores, and sales data.

Let's load sales dataset:

sales_df = pd.read_csv('sales.csv')

Next, let's merge the datasets:

merged_df = pd.merge(left=store_df, right=sales_df, left_on='store_id', right_on='store_id')

Step 2: Geospatial Visualization

We use Power BI to generate Geospatial Visualizations. How to do so is detailed in units 6 and 11.

Assuming Power BI is already set up, load the merged_df dataset into a Power BI project. Then:

  1. In the Fields pane, drag the store_id to the "Values" field well.
  2. Drag latitude and longitude into the "Latitude" and "Longitude" field wells under Visualizations.
  3. Use the "Color saturation" well to display sales_revenue. Denser color indicates higher sales.

Step 3: Interpreting the Visualization

The heatmap shows high-revenue and low-revenue areas. High-revenue stores might be in populous areas, conveniently located, or have attractive prices. Low-revenue stores may be struggling because of tough competition nearby, poor access, or high prices.

Step 4: Predictive Analysis with Geospatial Data

Building upon unit 13, we can use Python's machine learning libraries to predict the potential revenue of a new location.

First, let's set up our training data. We will use geocoordinates (latitude and longitude) as our features and sales_revenue as our target:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X = merged_df[['latitude', 'longitude']]
y = merged_df['sales_revenue']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

We then train a regression model:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

model = LinearRegression(), y_train)

Now, we can predict the revenue for any specific location:

new_store_location = [[latitude_new, longitude_new]]
predicted_revenue = model.predict(new_store_location)

Our model is very basic, but it is quite practical, especially if combined with additional meaningful features (like population density, number of competitors in the area, etc.).


With the help of Power BI and Python's machine learning libraries, we have been able to analyze the revenue of stores of a supermarket chain and predict the potential earnings of a new store based on its physical location. To make this approach more solid, we would need to refine our model by including additional influential factors.

Wrap-up and Future Directions in Geospatial Analysis

After completing a comprehensive guide on geospatial analysis in Power BI, we have gone through a lot of concepts ranging from basic geographic mapping techniques to advanced location-based data analysis and predictive analytics with geospatial data. As a conclusion, we will highlight lessons learned and give a brief overview into the future directions of geospatial analysis.

Lessons Learned

Leveraging Power BI for Geospatial Analysis

Throughout the various units, we used Power BI to integrate and visualize geospatial data. For example, we did:

1. Create a Power BI workspace
2. Import geospatial data in formats such as Shapefile, KML, GeoJSON
3. Create maps and visualizations with the data

Applying Geospatial Analysis to Real-world Case Studies

We also applied geospatial analysis to real-world scenarios such as in environmental monitoring and retail. Specifically, we learned how to use Power BI to explore:

1. Environmental patterns and trends through the lens of geographic data
2. Retail patterns including store locations and consumer behaviours

Future Directions

Enhancing Analysis with Machine Learning

Although we have discussed predictive analytics with geospatial data, you can take a step further by getting more familiar with machine learning. For example, integrating Python with Power BI opens new possibilities such as predictive modeling of geospatial data or time series forecasting. This could look something like this:

# Import necessary libraries
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import pandas as pd

# Read data from Power BI
data = pd.read_csv('PowerBIdata.csv')

# Prepare features and target
X = data['Feature'].values.reshape(-1,1)
y = data['Target']

# Create a linear regression model
model = LinearRegression().fit(X, y)

Building 3D Visualizations

With the continuous improvement in Power BI feature support, building 3D maps for geospatial visualization could be a future direction. Currently, Power BI does not directly support 3D geographical visualization, but it can be achieved using Python or R scripts, or by using the Mapbox custom visual.

Real-Time Data Streaming

Real-time geospatial analytics is another direction. For example, tracking moving objects or phenomena can be done via streaming data tools. For implementation in Power BI, you might create a streaming dataset and use Power Automate to push real-time data into Power BI. The code for creating, populating, and pushing data to a streaming dataset could be:

# Create dataset
"name": "Real-time dataset",
"tables": [
        "name": "Datafeed",
        "columns": [
                "name": "Timestamp",
                "dataType": "DateTime"
                "name": "Location",
                "dataType": "String"
                "name": "Value",
                "dataType": "Number"

# Push data
"rows": [
        "Timestamp": "2020-07-12T20:00:00Z",
        "Location": "Location1",
        "Value": 45.569
        "Timestamp": "2020-07-12T20:01:00Z",
        "Location": "Location2",
        "Value": 32.649

Given the pace of digital transformation and the growth in the abundance and variety of location-based data, the possibilities with geospatial analysis are endless. Use these insights as the beginning of your further discovery of what is possible with Power BI and geospatial data.