
Implementing and Understanding Filter Queries in Power Automate for Effective Data Filtering

A project that explores and implements filter queries in Power Automate, focusing on practical applications and understanding of syntax such as '(Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)'.

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Implementing and Understanding Filter Queries in Power Automate for Effective Data Filtering


This project is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to use filter queries in Power Automate to streamline workflows through efficient data filtering. The curriculum includes an introduction to filter queries, an in-depth look at specific practical examples, and hands-on implementation exercises to reinforce learning. The goal is to equip participants with the skills needed to optimize their Power Automate processes with advanced querying techniques.

The original prompt:

what does "(Owener_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)" in a filter query in Power Automate mean

Power Automate and Filter Queries: Introduction

Introduction to Power Automate

Power Automate, formerly known as Microsoft Flow, is a cloud-based service that enables users to create automated workflows between various applications and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more. It is integrated with a wide range of applications, both within the Microsoft ecosystem (like SharePoint, Office 365, Dynamics 365) and other third-party applications (like Google Drive, Twitter, etc.).

Setting Up Power Automate

Step 1: Accessing Power Automate

  1. Sign in to Power Automate.
  2. If you don't have an account, create one using your work or school email.

Step 2: Creating Your First Flow

  1. Click on "Create" from the left-hand menu.
  2. Choose a "Scheduled Cloud Flow" for periodic tasks, or "Instant Cloud Flow" for manual triggers. For this example, we'll use an Instant Cloud Flow.

Step 3: Setting Up Trigger

  1. Select "Manually trigger a flow", and click on "Create".
  2. You can add any inputs required for the trigger as needed. Click on "New step".

Implementing Filter Queries

Filter Queries Overview

In Power Automate, filter queries are used to retrieve items from a data source that match certain criteria. Filters can be applied to various data sources, such as SharePoint lists, SQL databases, and more.

Syntax for Filter Queries

The syntax for filter queries follows the OData (Open Data Protocol) format. Example syntax:

fieldname operator value

Operators include:

  • eq (equal to)
  • ne (not equal to)
  • gt (greater than)
  • ge (greater than or equal to)
  • lt (less than)
  • le (less than or equal to)

Practical Example

Assume you have a SharePoint list with fields Owner_x002d_CO and Holder_x002d_CH. You want to filter items where either of these fields is null.

Step-by-Step Implementation:

  1. Add a new action by clicking New step.
  2. Choose the connector "SharePoint", and pick the action "Get items".
  3. Configure the "Site Address" and "List Name" for the SharePoint list you want to query.
  4. In the Filter Query field, provide the following OData filter query:
    (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)
  5. Ensure that the logic uses the correct column internal names from SharePoint.

Example Flow JSON

A minimal example of the flow configuration for the 'Get items' action using a filter query might look like:

    "inputs": {
        "host": {
            "connection": {
                "name": "shared_sharepointonline"
        "method": "get",
        "path": "/v2/sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items",
        "queries": {
            "$filter": "(Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)"


By following the above steps, you set up a basic flow in Power Automate to retrieve items from a SharePoint list using filter queries. This example aims to provide a hands-on approach to understanding and implementing filter queries, focusing on practical applications and correct syntax usage.

Understanding Filter Query Syntax and Logical Operators in Power Automate

Introduction to Filter Queries

Filter queries in Power Automate are used to retrieve data from a data source (like SharePoint, Dataverse, etc.) by applying specific criteria. Understanding the syntax and logical operators in these queries is crucial for efficiently fetching the required data.

Syntax Explanation

The syntax for filter queries generally follows the OData query standards. Typical logical operators used include eq (equals), ne (not equal), gt (greater than), lt (less than), ge (greater than or equal), le (less than or equal), and, or, not.


A filter query such as (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null) represents a logical OR operation checking if either Owner_x002d_CO or Holder_x002d_CH is null.

Practical Implementation

Here’s a practical implementation demonstrating how to use filter queries in Power Automate with the provided logical operators:

Use Case: Retrieve items from a SharePoint List where "OwnerCO" or "HolderCH" field is empty (null).

  1. Create an Automated Flow:

    • Trigger the flow when an item is created or modified in the SharePoint list.
  2. Add 'Get items' Action:

    • Use the "Get items" action to fetch the list items.
  3. Configure the 'Get items' Action:

    • Set the Site Address and List Name.
    • In the Filter Query field, enter the following query:
      • (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)

Specific Steps in the Flow:

  1. Trigger: When an item is created or modified

    • Trigger on the target SharePoint list.
  2. Action: Get items

    • Site Address: Enter your SharePoint site URL.
    • List Name: Select the desired list.
    • Filter Query: (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)
  3. Processing Items:

    • Use subsequent actions (like Apply to Each) to process the retrieved items as per your requirements.



In this implementation, the provided filter query efficiently retrieves SharePoint list items where either Owner_x002d_CO or Holder_x002d_CH field is null, demonstrating the use of or logical operator and understanding the basic filter query syntax in Power Automate. This can be directly applied in real-life scenarios to filter data based on specified conditions.

Practical Examples: Implementing '(Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)'

In this section, you will learn how to practically implement a filter query in Power Automate to identify items where either Owner_CO or Holder_CH fields are null.

Implementation Steps

Step 1: Set Up the Trigger and Initial Action

  • Trigger: Choose a trigger relevant to your use case, such as "When an item is created" or "Recurrence" to run at specified intervals.

Step 2: Add Action to List Items from SharePoint

  • Add the "Get Items" action from the SharePoint connector.
  • Select the appropriate site address and list name.

Step 3: Apply the Filter Query

  • In the "Get Items" action, locate the Filter Query field.
  • Enter the filter query: (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)

Here is how it looks in the Get Items action:

Filter Query:
(Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)

Step 4: Process Filtered Items

  • After the "Get Items" action, you can add steps to process the filtered items:

Example: Sending an Email for Each Item

  1. Add a "Apply to each" control and select the value from the "Get Items" action.
  2. Inside the "Apply to each" control, add the "Send an email (V2)" action from the Outlook connector.
  3. Configure the email parameters using dynamic content from the filtered items:
    • To: Appropriate email address.
    • Subject: Alert regarding null fields.
    • Body: Include the necessary details about the item.

Example Email Configuration in "Send an Email (V2)"

To: Subject: Item with Null Ownership or Holder Body: There is an item with either Owner_CO or Holder_CH as null.

  • Item ID: @{items('Apply_to_each')?['ID']}
  • Title: @{items('Apply_to_each')?['Title']}

Step 5: Save and Test the Flow

  • Save the flow.
  • Test the flow by triggering it either manually or through the specified trigger conditions.
  • Verify that the flow runs successfully and processes items where Owner_CO or Holder_CH are null.


By implementing the steps above, you can filter and process SharePoint items based on the condition (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null) using Power Automate. This practical example can be extended to other scenarios based on specific requirements and available connectors in Power Automate.

Creating and Testing Custom Filter Queries in Power Automate

In this section, we will implement and test custom filter queries in Power Automate. We will assume that you already have the necessary Power Automate environment set up and are familiar with filtering syntax.

Step 1: Create a New Power Automate Flow

  1. Navigate to Power Automate:

    • Open Power Automate via Office 365.
  2. Create a New Flow:

    • Click on "Create" from the left-hand menu.
    • Choose "Automated Flow."
  3. Define the Trigger:

    • Select a suitable trigger for your flow (e.g., "When a new item is created" in SharePoint).

Step 2: Apply the Custom Filter Query

  1. Add a New Step:

    • Click on "New step."
    • Choose a connector and action that supports OData filtering (e.g., SharePoint's "Get items").
  2. Configure the Action:

    • Select the required settings such as Site Address and List Name.
  3. Add Filter Query:

    • In the "Filter Query" field, input the filter syntax:
    (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)

Example filter setup:

Site Address:
List Name: Documents
Filter Query: (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null)

Step 3: Test the Flow

  1. Save the Flow:

    • Click "Save" to save your flow setup.
  2. Test the Flow:

    • Click on "Test" to run the flow manually or let it trigger based on the specified condition.
  3. Review the Results:

    • Navigate to the flow run history to ensure that items matching your filter query were correctly processed.

Example Flow Result Check

  1. Run History:

    • Go to "My flows" from the left-hand menu.
    • Find your flow and click on "Run history."
  2. Examine Output:

    • Click on a completed run.
    • Check the "Get items" action to see the filtered results.

Using the above steps, you should be able to create, apply, and test custom filter queries in Power Automate, ensuring that your environment correctly processes items where either Owner_x002d_CO or Holder_x002d_CH fields are null.

By following this implementation guide, you can ensure your filters work effectively, and any issues encountered can be debugged within the Power Automate platform.

Advanced Techniques for Enhancing Workflow Efficiency with Power Automate


After laying the groundwork with fundamental concepts and practical examples, this section focuses on advanced techniques for optimizing workflows in Power Automate by leveraging filter queries. The emphasis will be on practical implementations and nuanced understanding of the syntax, such as (Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null).

Optimizing Filter Queries

1. Combining Multiple Conditions

To enhance the efficiency of your workflow, combine multiple filter criteria using logical operators (and, or). This can drastically reduce the number of records processed, speeding up the flow.


Filter Query: "Status eq 'Active' and ((Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null))"

2. Select Specific Columns

Use $select in OData queries to retrieve only the necessary columns. This minimizes data transfer and processing time.


url: "[SharePoint List URL]/items?$select=Title,Owner_x002d_CO,Holder_x002d_CH&$filter=(Status eq 'Active') and ((Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null))"

3. Pagination and Filtering

When dealing with large datasets, use paging to handle data more efficiently. Configure pagination settings in Power Automate, combined with filter queries to handle large lists or tables.


limit: 5000

Configure the Get Items action:

  • Pagination: Enable
  • Threshold: Specify a higher number if needed (e.g., 5000).

4. Dynamic Filtering

Power Automate allows the use of dynamic content to build filter queries at runtime based on user inputs or previous actions.


Filter Query: "(Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null) and Modified ge ' @{formatDateTime(triggerOutputs()?['body/modifiedDate'], 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ')}'"

This example dynamically filters items where Owner_x002d_CO or Holder_x002d_CH are null and items have been modified since a particular date retrieved from a previous trigger.

5. Using 'startswith' and 'substringof'

For more advanced filtering like checking if a column value starts with a specific string or contains a substring, use startswith and substringof.


Filter Query: "startswith(Owner_x002d_CO, 'John') or substringof('Manager', Title)"

Practical Implementation Examples

Example Scenario: Cleaning Up Inactive User Data

Assume you have a list of user data in SharePoint and want to identify records that are either missing an 'Owner' or 'Holder' field and whose status is 'Active'.

Create a flow:

  1. Trigger: Scheduled (e.g., daily at 9 AM).

  2. Action: Get Items from SharePoint list with the following filter query and selected fields:

    Filter Query: "(Owner_x002d_CO eq null) or (Holder_x002d_CH eq null) and (Status eq 'Active')"
  3. Action: Use a Condition step to validate if any items are returned.

  4. Action (If items exist): Loop through the filtered items and perform the necessary action (e.g., notify admin, assign default owner).


By combining multiple conditions, selecting specific columns, handling pagination, using dynamic content for filtering, and leveraging advanced query functions like startswith and substringof, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your Power Automate workflows. This will not only streamline your processes but also ensure they are scalable and maintainable in the long run.