Mastering M Code in Power BI: From Basics to Advanced Techniques
This comprehensive course is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of M code in Power BI. Starting from the fundamentals, you'll progressively learn to write, debug, and optimize M code to perform complex data transformation tasks. With practical examples and exercises, you'll gain the expertise needed to unlock the full potential of Power BI's capabilities.
The original prompt:
I need a deep understanding on M code
Lesson 1: Getting Started with M Code in Power BI
Welcome to the first lesson of our course, "Gain a Deep Understanding of M Code in Power BI." In this lesson, we will introduce you to M code, an essential component in Power BI that enhances data transformations and analysis.
Overview of M Code
M Code is the language used by Power Query in Power BI for data manipulation and transformation. It is a functional, case-sensitive language designed to handle complex data shaping tasks efficiently. Understanding M Code allows you to perform intricate data transformations that may not be straightforward with the Power Query UI alone.
Why Learn M Code?
- Advanced Data Transformation: Perform complex data shaping that isn't possible through the Power Query UI.
- Automation: Automate repetitive tasks with custom scripts.
- Customization: Tailor data transformations exactly to your requirements.
- Efficiency: Improve performance of data loading and processing.
Setting Up
Accessing the Power Query Editor
- Open Power BI Desktop.
- Load a dataset by either uploading a file (e.g., CSV, Excel) or connecting to a data source (e.g., database).
- In the ‘Home’ tab, click on
Transform Data
to open the Power Query Editor.
Power Query Editor Interface Explained
- Ribbon: Contains various tabs with commands grouped by functionality.
- Queries Pane: Lists all the queries in your report.
- Data View: Shows a preview of the data for the selected query.
- Formula Bar: Displays the M code for the selected transformation step.
- Applied Steps: Lists all the transformations applied to the query.
Basic Syntax and Structure of M Code
Variables and Data Types
M Code allows multiple data types, such as text, number, date/time, and more. Variables are created using the let
and in
Source = "Hello, Power BI!",
Length = Text.Length(Source)
Common Functions
Text Functions
: Combines a list of text values.Text.Lower
: Converts text to lower case.
TextList = {"Hello", "World"},
CombinedText = Text.Combine(TextList, " ")
Number Functions
: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.Number.Abs
: Returns the absolute value of a number.
NegativeNumber = -5.678,
PositiveNumber = Number.Abs(NegativeNumber)
Number.Round(PositiveNumber, 2)
Date Functions
: Extracts the date part from a DateTime value.Date.AddDays
: Adds a specified number of days to a date.
CurrentDate = DateTime.LocalNow(),
DateOnly = DateTime.Date(CurrentDate),
FutureDate = Date.AddDays(DateOnly, 10)
Transforming Data: A Real-Life Example
Let's go through a practical example where we import a dataset and apply transformations using M code.
Step-by-Step Example
Load the Dataset
Load a sample sales dataset which includes columns like
.Open Power Query Editor
Navigate to the Power Query Editor as described earlier.
Basic Transformation
Renaming Columns:
let Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("C:\SalesData.xlsx"), null, true), Sheet = Source{[Item="Sheet1",Kind="Sheet"]}[Data], RenamedColumns = Table.RenameColumns(Sheet, {{"Column1", "Date"}, {"Column2", "Product"}, {"Column3", "Sales"}}) in RenamedColumns
Filtering Rows:
let Source = ..., RenamedColumns = ..., FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(RenamedColumns, each [Sales] > 100) in FilteredRows
Creating a New Column:
let Source = ..., RenamedColumns = ..., FilteredRows = ..., AddedColumn = Table.AddColumn(FilteredRows, "SalesWithTax", each [Sales] * 1.2) in AddedColumn
Applying custom M code in Power Query Editor
Navigating to Advanced Editor
- In the Power Query Editor, go to the
tab and click onAdvanced Editor
- In the Power Query Editor, go to the
Editing the M Code
- You can directly type or paste the M Code into the Advanced Editor. Be sure to update the steps accordingly.
In this lesson, we have covered the basics of M Code in Power BI, including its syntax, key functions, and how to perform simple data transformations. Understanding the fundamentals of M Code will set a strong foundation for more advanced data shaping tasks in Power BI.
Your homework is to practice loading a dataset and applying basic transformations using the M code snippets provided in this lesson. Happy coding!
Ready to move forward? In the next lesson, we will dive deeper into advanced data transformations and optimization techniques using M Code. Stay tuned!
Lesson #2: Understanding Data Types and Structures
In this lesson, we will explore the various data types and structures within M code in Power BI. Understanding these concepts is crucial for successful data manipulation and transformation.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Data Types
- Primary Data Types in M
- Complex Data Types in M
- Introduction to Data Structures
- Using Data Types and Structures in M
- Real-Life Examples
1. Introduction to Data Types
Data types define the kind of value a variable can hold. In M, the data types are similar to those in other programming languages but are tailored to data transformation needs within Power BI.
2. Primary Data Types in M
M code supports several primary data types:
- Number: Represents both integers and floating-point numbers.
- Text: Represents string values.
- Logical: Boolean values,
. - Null: Represents an absence of a value.
- DateTime: Represents dates and times.
NumberExample = 42,
FloatExample = 42.5
TextExample = "Hello, Power BI!"
LogicalExample = true
NullExample = null
DateExample = #date(2023, 10, 5),
TimeExample = #datetime(2023, 10, 5, 15, 30, 0)
3. Complex Data Types in M
Beyond primary data types, M supports more complex structures:
- Record: A collection of named fields.
- List: A collection of values.
- Table: A collection of rows and columns.
RecordExample = [ Name = "John Doe", Age = 30 ]
ListExample = {1, 2, 3, "A", "B", "C"}
TableExample =
{ "ID", "Name" },
{ {1, "Alice"}, {2, "Bob"} }
4. Introduction to Data Structures
Data structures organize data in a way that enables efficient access and modification. In M, these include lists, records, and tables.
- Lists: Ordered collections that can contain items of different types.
- Records: Unordered collections with named fields, similar to structs in other languages.
- Tables: Collections of rows and columns, similar to data frames or spreadsheets.
Combining Data Structures
It's common to combine data structures to model complex data:
EmployeeRecord = [
Name = "Jane Smith",
Age = 29,
Skills = {"C#", "M", "SQL"}
DepartmentTable = #table(
{"DepartmentID", "DepartmentName"},
{ {1, "HR"}, {2, "Finance"} }
5. Using Data Types and Structures in M
Understanding how to leverage data types and structures allows for effective data transformation in M.
Example: Filtering a Table by a Condition
Source = Table.FromRecords({
[ID = 1, Name = "Alice", Age = 28],
[ID = 2, Name = "Bob", Age = 34],
[ID = 3, Name = "Charlie", Age = 22]
Filtered = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Age] > 25)
Example: Transforming Data within a List
Numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
SquaredNumbers = List.Transform(Numbers, each _ * _)
6. Real-Life Examples
Example 1: Sales Data Transformation
Let's assume you have a sales table, and you need to calculate the total sales amount:
SalesTable = Table.FromRecords({
[Product = "A", Quantity = 10, UnitPrice = 20],
[Product = "B", Quantity = 5, UnitPrice = 15]
AddTotalSales = Table.AddColumn(SalesTable, "TotalSales", each [Quantity] * [UnitPrice])
Example 2: Merging Customer and Orders Tables
Customers = Table.FromRecords({
[CustomerID = 1, CustomerName = "Alice"],
[CustomerID = 2, CustomerName = "Bob"]
Orders = Table.FromRecords({
[OrderID = 101, CustomerID = 1, Amount = 250],
[OrderID = 102, CustomerID = 2, Amount = 180]
MergedTables = Table.Join(Customers, "CustomerID", Orders, "CustomerID")
Understanding data types and structures is foundational for mastering M code in Power BI. By grasping these concepts, you can effectively manipulate and transform your data, leading to more insightful analyses.
Lesson #3: Advanced Data Transformation Techniques
Welcome to Lesson #3 of your course on M Code in Power BI. In this lesson, we will explore advanced data transformation techniques in Power BI using M Code. We aim to equip you with the skills to perform complex data manipulations, making your data more meaningful and analyzable.
Key Concepts
- Understanding M Functions
- Advanced Query Operations
- Conditional and Custom Columns
- Using Parameters
- Optimizing Performance
1. Understanding M Functions
M functions are powerful tools in Power BI for transforming data. They provide a versatile way to manipulate, shape, and analyze data sets.
Commonly Used Functions
- Text Functions: E.g.
- Date & Time Functions: E.g.
- List Functions: E.g.
- Table Functions: E.g.
Example: To extract the year from a date:
Source = Table.FromRecords({[Date = #date(2023, 1, 1)]}),
YearColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Year", each Date.Year([Date]))
2. Advanced Query Operations
Gain control of your transformations through advanced query operations in M code.
Grouping Data
Grouping data helps condense large datasets into summaries.
Example: Group sales data by product category to calculate total sales per category.
SalesData = Table.FromRecords({
[Product="A", Sales=100],
[Product="B", Sales=200],
[Product="A", Sales=150]
GroupedData = Table.Group(SalesData, {"Product"}, {{"TotalSales", each List.Sum([Sales]), type number}})
Merging Queries
Merge multiple tables to create enriched datasets.
Example: Combine customer details with sales data.
Customers = Table.FromRecords({[CustomerID=1, Name="John Doe"], [CustomerID=2, Name="Jane Smith"]}),
Sales = Table.FromRecords({[CustomerID=1, Sales=300], [CustomerID=2, Sales=500]}),
MergedData = Table.NestedJoin(Customers, "CustomerID", Sales, "CustomerID", "SalesDetails", JoinKind.Inner),
ExpandedData = Table.ExpandTableColumn(MergedData, "SalesDetails", {"Sales"}, {"TotalSales"})
3. Conditional and Custom Columns
Enhance your data model by adding conditional and custom columns using M code.
Conditional Columns
Use conditional logic to create new columns.
Example: Categorize sales as "High" or "Low" based on a threshold.
SalesData = Table.FromRecords({[Product="A", Sales=100], [Product="B", Sales=500]}),
AddedConditionalColumn = Table.AddColumn(SalesData, "SalesCategory", each if [Sales] > 300 then "High" else "Low")
Custom Columns
Create custom columns for more specific needs.
Example: Add a column showing the length of a product name.
ProductData = Table.FromRecords({[Product="Product A"], [Product="Product B"]}),
CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(ProductData, "NameLength", each Text.Length([Product]))
4. Using Parameters
Parameters allow for dynamic and reusable queries.
Defining Parameters
Define parameters to make your queries flexible.
Example: Create a parameter for filtering data by a specific year.
YearParameter = 2022,
SalesData = Table.FromRecords({
[Year=2021, Sales=100],
[Year=2022, Sales=200]
FilteredData = Table.SelectRows(SalesData, each [Year] = YearParameter)
5. Optimizing Performance
Optimizing M code is crucial for handling large datasets efficiently.
Best Practices
- Reduce Step Complexity: Simplify transformation steps where possible.
- Avoid Multiple Evaluations: Ensure source data tables are referenced just once.
- Minimize Calculated Columns: Limit the use of calculated columns in large tables.
Example: Avoid unnecessary steps by combining transformations.
Data = Table.FromRecords({
[Category="A", Sales=100],
[Category="B", Sales=300]
OptimizedQuery = Table.AddColumn(Data, "SalesCategory", each if [Sales] > 150 then "High" else "Low")
This lesson covered advanced data transformation techniques using M code in Power BI. Understanding and applying these techniques will enable you to derive more meaningful insights from your data. Practice these methods to become proficient in handling various data transformation scenarios.
Happy transforming!
Lesson 4: Writing Custom Functions in M Code
In this lesson, we will dive into how to create custom functions using M code in Power BI. Custom functions can streamline your data transformations by making your code reusable, modular, and easier to maintain. This lesson builds on the concepts of data types, structures, and advanced data transformation techniques discussed in the previous lessons.
What is a Custom Function?
A custom function is a reusable block of M code that takes one or more inputs (parameters), performs some operations, and returns an output. These functions can be called multiple times within your data transformation scripts, reducing redundancy and improving code clarity.
Syntax of a Custom Function
The syntax for creating a custom function in M code is as follows:
function_name = (parameter1 as datatype, parameter2 as datatype, ...) as returntype =>
// Your transformation logic here
// Final computed value
Key Elements
- function_name: Name of the function, which can be used to call it.
- parameter1, parameter2, ...: Inputs required by the function.
- datatype: Data type of each parameter (e.g.,
). - returntype: Data type of the value returned by the function.
- let: Section where intermediate calculations are performed.
- in: Section that defines the final output of the function.
Example: Calculating Sales Tax
Let's create a simple custom function to calculate the sales tax for a given amount.
Function Definition
CalculateSalesTax = (amount as number, taxRate as number) as number =>
taxAmount = amount * taxRate,
totalAmount = amount + taxAmount
Using the Function
To use this function within your transformation script, call it with the required parameters:
SalesAmounts = {100, 200, 300},
TaxRate = 0.05,
SalesWithTax = List.Transform(SalesAmounts, each CalculateSalesTax(_, TaxRate))
In this example, the CalculateSalesTax
function is applied to each element in the SalesAmounts
list with a TaxRate
of 5%.
Real-Life Example: Data Cleansing
Consider a scenario where you need to clean a dataset by trimming whitespace and converting text to proper case. You can create a custom function to handle this transformation.
Function Definition
CleanText = (inputText as text) as text =>
trimmedText = Text.Trim(inputText),
properCaseText = Text.Proper(trimmedText)
Using the Function
Assume you have a table with a ProductName
column that needs cleaning:
// Step to access your data (e.g., from a database)
Source = YourDataSource,
CleanedData = Table.TransformColumns(Source, {"ProductName", each CleanText(_), type text})
This transforms the ProductName
column by applying the CleanText
function to each entry, ensuring that all product names are properly trimmed and capitalized.
Benefits of Custom Functions
Custom functions allow you to encapsulate logic that can be reused across multiple queries, reducing redundancy.
Breaking down complex transformations into smaller, manageable functions makes your code easier to understand and maintain.
Using custom functions ensures consistent application of transformation logic across all instances where it is required.
Creating custom functions in M code enables you to write more efficient, modular, and maintainable scripts for your Power BI data transformations. By encapsulating repetitive logic into functions, you can streamline your workflows and make your data transformations more scalable and error-free.
In the next lesson, we will explore how to debug and optimize your M code to ensure peak performance in your Power BI reports.
Happy coding!
Lesson 5: Optimizing and Debugging M Code
In this lesson, you will learn how to optimize and debug M code effectively. Optimizing ensures your data transformations run efficiently, while debugging allows you to identify and fix issues in your code. We'll explore practical techniques and look at real-life examples to illustrate best practices.
Section 1: Importance of Optimization
Performance Considerations
Optimization is crucial for making your queries and transformations run faster and more efficiently. This is especially important when dealing with large datasets where inefficient code can lead to significant slowdowns.
Techniques for Optimization
Reduce Row Counts Early: Perform filtering operations early to minimize the number of rows in subsequent operations.
// Inefficient let Source = YourDataSource, Transformed = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {{"Column1", type text}}), Filtered = Table.SelectRows(Transformed, each [Column1] = "SpecificValue") in Filtered // Efficient let Source = YourDataSource, Filtered = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Column1] = "SpecificValue"), Transformed = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Filtered, {{"Column1", type text}}) in Transformed
Minimize Step Dependencies: Avoid unnecessary steps dependent on one another.
let Source = YourDataSource, RemovedColumns = Table.RemoveColumns(Source, {"UnwantedColumn"}), Filtered = Table.SelectRows(RemovedColumns, each [Column2] = "Value") in Filtered // Combine into one step if possible let Source = YourDataSource, FilteredRemoved = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Column2] = "Value" and [UnwantedColumn] != null) in FilteredRemoved
Avoid Recomputing Values: Use intermediate variables to store reusable values.
// Inefficient let Source = YourDataSource, ComputedColumn1 = Table.AddColumn(Source, "NewColumn", each [Column1] * 2), ComputedColumn2 = Table.AddColumn(ComputedColumn1, "AnotherNewColumn", each [Column1] * 2 + 5) in ComputedColumn2 // Efficient let Source = YourDataSource, ComputedValue = each [Column1] * 2, ComputedColumn1 = Table.AddColumn(Source, "NewColumn", ComputedValue), ComputedColumn2 = Table.AddColumn(ComputedColumn1, "AnotherNewColumn", each ComputedValue([Column1]) + 5) in ComputedColumn2
Section 2: Debugging M Code
Identifying Errors
Debugging involves tracing errors and understanding the cause of issues in your code. Errors can arise from syntax issues, incorrect data types, or logical errors.
Common Errors and Fixes
Type Mismatch:
Error: We couldn’t apply the calculated column as the expression. Fix: Ensure correct data types are used, e.g., converting text to numbers.
// Converting text to number let Source = YourDataSource, CorrectedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {{"NumberColumn", Int64.Type}}) in CorrectedType
Missing or Incorrect Columns:
Error: The column 'ColumnName' of the table wasn't found. Fix: Always check column names and existence before transformations.
let Source = YourDataSource, CheckColumns = Table.SelectColumns(Source, {"ExistingColumn", "AnotherColumn"}) in CheckColumns
Debugging Techniques
Step-by-Step Execution: Break down your code and validate each step individually.
let Source = YourDataSource, Step1 = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Column1] = "Value"), Step2 = Table.AddColumn(Step1, "NewColumn", each [Column2] * 2) in Step2
, then proceed toStep2
.Use Trace Functions:
let Source = YourDataSource, LoggedStep = Table.TransformColumns(Source, {}, ((columnName, number) => if columnName = "Column1" then TraceValue(number, "Column1 Processing") else number)) in LoggedStep
Section 3: Best Practices
Use Descriptive Names
Name your steps and variables descriptively to make your code more readable and maintainable.
Source = YourDataSource,
FilteredData = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Status] = "Active"),
TransformedData = Table.TransformColumnTypes(FilteredData, {{"Amount", Currency.Type}})
Comment Your Code
Include comments to explain complex logic.
// Load data from source
Source = YourDataSource,
// Filter active status records
FilteredData = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Status] = "Active"),
// Convert Amount column to currency type
TransformedData = Table.TransformColumnTypes(FilteredData, {{"Amount", Currency.Type}})
Optimizing and debugging M code are essential skills that can significantly impact the performance and reliability of your data transformations in Power BI. Use the techniques outlined in this lesson to write efficient and error-free M code. Make sure to always review and test each step of your queries to ensure they are performing as expected.