
Mastering the CROSSJOIN Function in DAX for Power BI

A practical guide to implementing the CROSSJOIN function using DAX in Power BI.

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Mastering the CROSSJOIN Function in DAX for Power BI


This project aims to teach users how to effectively use the CROSSJOIN function in DAX within Power BI. The guide will cover practical steps to create and visualize data tables by combining two or more tables. You will learn to generate insights from multidimensional data and understand interrelationships between different datasets using CROSSJOIN.

The original prompt:

Create a detailed guide to the CROSSJOIN function in DAX

Setting Up Your Power BI Workspace

Steps to Set Up Power BI Workspace

  1. Log into Power BI Service

    • Go to Power BI and log in with your credentials.
  2. Create a Workspace

    • On the left-hand menu, click on "Workspaces".
    • Click "Create a workspace".
    • Provide the workspace name, description, and other necessary details.
    • Click "Save".

Loading Data to Power BI

  1. Open Power BI Desktop

    • Launch Power BI Desktop application.
  2. Import Data

    • Click on HomeGet Data and select the type of data source you are going to use (e.g., Excel, SQL Server, etc.).
    • Load the dataset into Power BI.

Creating Data Model

  1. Define Relationships
    • Click on Model view from the left-hand side bar.
    • Drag and drop fields to create relationships between tables, if necessary.

Implementing CROSSJOIN Function using DAX

  1. Create a New Table Using CROSSJOIN
MyCrossJoinTable = CROSSJOIN('Table1', 'Table2')
  1. Create Measures Using CROSSJOIN
CombinedTable = 
    "Combined Value", 'Table1'[Column3] + 'Table2'[Column3]
  1. Applying and Visualizing Data

    • Use the newly created tables/measures in your reports and visuals.
    • Drag the fields from MyCrossJoinTable or CombinedTable to the canvas to create your visuals.

Save and Publish

  1. Save Your Report

    • Save your Power BI file with an appropriate name.
  2. Publish to Power BI Service

    • Click on HomePublish and select the workspace you created earlier.
    • Your report will be available in the Power BI Service workspace.

By following these steps, you will be able to effectively set up your Power BI workspace and utilize the CROSSJOIN function using DAX for your data models.

Creating Initial Data Tables in Power BI

Part 2: Implementing the CROSSJOIN Function using DAX in Power BI

Step 1: Create Example Data Tables

Code to Create First Data Table - Table1

    "ID", INTEGER,
    "Product", STRING,
        { 1, "Apple" },
        { 2, "Banana" },
        { 3, "Cherry" }

Code to Create Second Data Table - Table2

    "ID", INTEGER,
    "Category", STRING,
        { 1, "Fruit" },
        { 2, "Vegetable" },
        { 3, "Dairy" }

Step 2: Use CROSSJOIN Function

Create a New Table using CROSSJOIN

CombinedTable = CROSSJOIN(Table1, Table2)

Step 3: Review the Resulting Combined Table

  • Open the Data view in Power BI to inspect the CombinedTable.
  • Verify that each row from Table1 is combined with each row from Table2.

Sample Data of Combined Table

ID_Table1 Product ID_Table2 Category
1 Apple 1 Fruit
1 Apple 2 Vegetable
1 Apple 3 Dairy
2 Banana 1 Fruit
2 Banana 2 Vegetable
2 Banana 3 Dairy
3 Cherry 1 Fruit
3 Cherry 2 Vegetable
3 Cherry 3 Dairy


The CROSSJOIN function successfully combines rows from Table1 with rows from Table2, resulting in a Cartesian product.

Implementing the CROSSJOIN Function in DAX

Create a New Measure Using CROSSJOIN Function

To apply the CROSSJOIN function in DAX, follow these steps within Power BI:

  1. Open the Power BI Desktop.
  2. Navigate to the Data or Report view.
  3. Go to the “Model” tab and select “New Table.”


NewTable = 


  • Replace 'Table1' and 'Table2' with your actual table names.
  • This will produce a table that includes all combinations of rows from Table1 and Table2.


Given the following tables:


ID Value1
1 A
2 B


ID Value2
1 X
2 Y

Resulting Table (NewTable)

Using the above DAX expression:

Table1[ID] Table1[Value1] Table2[ID] Table2[Value2]
1 A 1 X
1 A 2 Y
2 B 1 X
2 B 2 Y

Save and Apply

  1. Click on the checkmark to save the new table definition.
  2. Summarize by adding visualizations on the report view to verify the cross-joined data.

This concludes the implementation of the CROSSJOIN function in DAX. Apply this solution directly in Power BI to enhance your data models.

Visualizing and Analyzing Combined Data Tables Using CROSSJOIN in Power BI

1. Data Preparation

Assuming you already have two tables, Table1 and Table2, and have applied the CROSSJOIN function to create CombinedTable.

CombinedTable = CROSSJOIN('Table1', 'Table2')

2. Create Visualization in Power BI

Step 1: Load Data

  1. Go to the Data view in Power BI Desktop.

Step 2: Define Relationships

  1. Ensure there are relationships established correctly if necessary.

Step 3: Create Matrix/Table Visual

  1. Go to the Report view.
  2. Create a new Matrix/Table visualization.
  3. Drag fields from CombinedTable to Rows, Columns, Values as required.

3. Analyze Data

Step 1: Create Measures

Create measures to perform various analyses on the combined data. For example:

Total Sales = SUM(CombinedTable[Sales])
Average Profit = AVERAGE(CombinedTable[Profit])

Step 2: Add Slicers

To better analyze data, add slicers based on relevant columns:

  1. Select Slicer visualization.
  2. Drag necessary fields (e.g., Category, Date) to the slicer.

Step 3: Use Conditional Formatting

  1. In the Visualizations pane, select the table or matrix.
  2. Use Conditional formatting to highlight important values by selecting the corresponding measure and setting the desired format.

4. Create Charts

  1. Insert bar charts, pie charts, or any other type of desired visualization.
  2. Assign appropriate data fields to Axis and values.

5. Finalize the Report

  1. Adjust visualizations for better readability.
  2. Use additional filters or slicers to make the report interactive.

Sample DAX Measures for Analysis

Total Sales = SUM(CombinedTable[Sales])
Total Quantity = SUM(CombinedTable[Quantity])
Average Sales Price = DIVIDE([Total Sales], [Total Quantity])
Sales by Category = 
    ALLEXCEPT(CombinedTable, CombinedTable[Category])

End of Implementation