
Neural Networks: A Beginners Guide

An introductory course designed to educate beginners about the fundamental concepts of neural networks and their practical applications.

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Neural Networks: A Beginners Guide


This course is a perfect stepping stone for those interested in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, or computer programming, but have no prior knowledge on Neural Networks. We start from the basics, explaining the concept theoretically and then dive deep into practical application, making complex concepts accessible and understandable. By the end of this course, you'll gain an understanding of the architecture of neural networks, their mechanics, and how to train them effectively.

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Can you create a beginners guide to neural network for me

Lesson 1: Understanding the Basics of Neural Networks


Welcome to Lesson 1 of our noteworthy module on neural networks. Neural networks form the very backbone of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning. Let's get started by understanding what exactly is a neural network and how it functions.

What Are Neural Networks?

Neural Networks are a system of algorithms which mimic the operations of a human brain to recognize relationships between vast amounts of data. They are used in various applications such as speech recognition, image recognition, prediction, and so on.

Structure of Neural Network

A Neural Network consists of the following components:

  1. Input Layer: This is the layer which receives input from our dataset. It passes on the data to the next layer (hidden layer) for analysis.

  2. Hidden Layers: These are the layers positioned between the input and output layer. The computations are done in these layers. There can be multiple hidden layers in a neural network.

  3. Output Layer: This is the final layer. It provides the final output after all the computations from prior layers.


Each layer consists of multiple nodes (or neurons), which hold a number called a 'weight'. A neuron receives inputs from either the dataset or the previous layer, multiplies it by its weight, and passes it on to the next neuron. The structure of a neural network is based on connectivity of these neurons across layers.

How does a Neural Network work?

Let's understand this using a simple example. Assume we have a neural network for detecting if an animal in an image is a cat. The image is broken down into pixels, with each pixel acting as an individual input.

  • This pixel data flows through the network and undergoes computations in the hidden layers. These computations are just mathematical operations using weights and activation functions.

  • Post computation, the output layer assigns a probability score to different outcomes (cat or not).

  • The output with highest probability is considered as the recognized output. In this case, if the image consists of a cat, the neural network will provide the outcome 'cat' with the highest probability.

Model Training

Neural network training is based on the concept of 'learning from mistakes'. Let us consider our example of a cat image identifier.

  • Initially, the neural network makes random predictions, resulting in inaccurate results. This difference between the predicted and actual output is called 'loss'.
  • The aim of the training is to adjust weights in such a way that the 'loss' is minimized. This process is known as 'Backpropagation'.


Neural networks are powerful tools used in various fields of technology. These systems learn and improve over time, and are able to achieve task performance which often surpasses human capabilities. Understanding the concept and working mechanism of neural networks is a step forward in unleashing their full potential.

In our next lesson, we'll be delving deeper into the architecture of a neural network and learning how to implement it practically. So stay tuned!

Happy Learning!

Lesson 2: Exploring How Neural Networks Work

Welcome to Lesson #2 of your introductory course! Now that you have grasped the basics of neural networks from the first lesson, it's time to dive deeper and explore how exactly these neural networks function.


First, let's have a brief refresher. Neural networks are computational models inspired by the human brain. They are designed to recognize patterns, and they do so by receiving, processing, and transmitting information. The fundamental units of neural networks are neurons, which are organized in layers.

Forward Propagation

The process by which a neural network makes predictions is called forward propagation. This process starts in the input layer, with the network processing the input data, and ends at the output layer, with the network making its prediction.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how forward propagation works:

  • Step 1: Each input is multiplied by a weight. Initially, these weights are usually assigned randomly, and they will be 'learned' and updated later.
  • Step 2: The weighted inputs are then added together with a bias. A bias is just a constant number that helps the network adjust its outputs.
  • Step 3: The result goes through an activation function. There are many kinds of activation functions, such as the sigmoid, ReLU, or softmax function, which convert the input signals into outputs.
  • Step 4: The outputs of neurons become the inputs of the next layer's neurons.

These steps are repeated until the signal reaches the output layer.

Backward Propagation

Once the network has made its prediction, it needs to evaluate how well it did, so it can learn to improve for the next times. This is where backward propagation comes in.

  • Step 1: The network computes the error of the prediction by comparing the predicted output to the actual output.
  • Step 2: The network uses the chain rule of calculus to find the derivative of the error with respect to each weight and bias in the network. This represents how much the error will change if the weights and biases are altered.
  • Step 3: The weights and biases are updated via an optimization algorithm like Gradient Descent, which minimizes the overall error.

After the weights and biases have been updated, the network repeats the forward and backward propagation process using the next set of inputs and actual outputs. This process is iterated for a number of epochs (or iterations) or until the error of the network is below a certain threshold.

Real-Life Example

To visualize how neural networks work, think of a post-office sorting system. Each layer of sorters (neurons) have certain criteria (weights and biases) for sorting mail.

In the beginning, the sorters might not be very good at identifying where packages belong (random weights), but as they sort more and more packages (iterate over more data), they adjust their criteria (update weights and biases) to minimize the number of mis-sorted packages (minimize error).

While this example oversimplifies the intricate operations of neural networks, it illustrates the fundamental idea nicely: neural networks learn how to perform tasks better by continually adjusting themselves to minimize error!


Congratulations on completing Lesson 2! You've learned how neural networks process information and learn with forward and backward propagation. At this point, you should now have a deeper understanding of how neural networks function. In the next lessons, we'll dive into more specialized topics such as different types of neural networks and practical applications. Keep up the good learning momentum!

Lesson 3: Learning Neural Network Architecture

We're excited to have you return for lesson 3 of the Introductory Course on Neural Networks! Now that you have a foundational understanding of the basic principles of neural networks and how they function, it's time to delve deeper into the fascinating world of network architecture. With this knowledge, you'll gain a better understanding of the system organization of neural networks and how they're structured to perform intricate tasks.

Part 1: Introduction to Neural Network Architecture

A neural network's architecture refers to the structure and organizational layout of the interconnected layers of artificial neurons or 'nodes'. The configuration of these individual components determines the overall operation of the network - how data is processed, analyzed, and interpreted. Each network features three main types of layers: input layer, hidden layer(s), and output layer.

1.1 Input Layer

The input layer is the first layer in the neural network. It's where external data, like images, sounds, or text, is initially processed for further use in the neural network.

1.2 Hidden Layer(s)

Generally, a network will consist of one or more hidden layers, and these are essentially what make a model ‘deep’. Processing of the data happens across nodes in these layers and the complexity of the relationship that the network will be able to model is dependent on the number of hidden layers it has and the number of nodes in each layer.

1.3 Output Layer

The output layer is the final layer in the neural network. After data passes through the input layer and any hidden layers, it arrives at the output layer where an output value is generated.

Part 2: Common Architectures

Let's look at a few of the standard network architectures: Feedforward, Convolutional, and Recurrent.

2.1 Feedforward Neural Network (FNN)

Feedforward Neural Networks (FNNs) are the simplest type of neural network architecture. Data passes through the network's layers in a single direction—from the input layer, through any hidden layers, and finally to the output layer. This is the architecture you would likely employ when wanting a quick, straightforward model for simple tasks such as recognizing hand-written digits.

2.2 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

CNN's are a specialized kind of network that's highly effective in processing grid-like data like images. The unique architectural feature of CNN's is their ability to maintain spatial relationships between pixels by learning internal feature representations using small squares of input data – making them great for Computer Vision applications.

2.3 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Unlike FNN's and CNN's, RNN's are capable of processing sequential data because they can maintain a 'state' from one iteration to the next by feeding the output from a previous network layer to the next one. This makes them highly effective when dealing with time-series data, natural language processing, or any application that requires the network to remember past information to inform its current output.

Part 3: Deciding on an Architecture

Opting for a specific architecture depends on the unique needs of your project. You might choose a Feedforward network for simple tasks, a Convolutional network for image processing tasks, or a Recurrent network for sequential or time-series data. The complex architectures of deep learning networks are largely responsible for the leap in the performance of artificial intelligence systems in recent years.

In conclusion, understanding the architecture of neural networks is as crucial as understanding their basic function. By having a robust understanding of both, you'll be well equipped to harness the power that these amazing computational models possess—and be better prepared to solve complex problems using neural networks.

In the next lesson, we'll dig deeper into the concept of 'Training a Neural Network'. Don't miss it!

Lesson 4: Discovering the Mechanics of Neural Networks

In our penultimate lesson, we're going to delve into the core mechanics of Neural Networks. Here, we'll build on the basics, exploration, and architecture of neural networks you learned in our previous lessons, and delve deeper into how exactly they operate.

Forward Propagation and Backward Propagation

To understand the mechanics of a neural network, we must start by understanding the fundamental operations involved in training a model, that is, Forward propagation and Backward propagation.

Forward Propagation

Forward Propagation is essentially the prediction phase where the input data is fed into the network, traversing through the nodes in a forward direction — from input layer through the hidden layers till the output layer — culminating in a predicted output. Here is a schematic representation of the forward propagation process in pseudocode:

- Initialize the input layer with the feature values.
- Propagate to the next layer.
- For each neuron in the current layer, sum the products of the inputs and their corresponding weights.
- Apply the activation function to these summated values to compute the output. 
- Repeat until the output layer is reached. 

Backward Propagation

Backward Propagation (or backpropagation), on the other hand, is the core training phase in which the model assesses its performance using a loss function, followed by the optimization of weights through a process called gradient descent. The steps of backpropagation are as follows:

- Calculate the error which is the difference between the predicted output and the actual output.
- Propagate this error backwards through the network.
- For each neuron in the current layer, calculate the derivative of the error with respect to its inputs (partial derivative).
- Update the weights and bias values of the neurons using this derivative and a learning rate.
- Repeat iterating backwards until the input layer is reached. 

Activation Functions and Loss Functions

An integral part of Forward and Backward Propagation are Activation Functions and Loss Functions respectively.

Activation Functions

Activation Functions decide how much signal to pass onto the next layer. They help introduce non-linearity into the input data.

There are several activation functions such as Sigmoid, RELU, Tanh, etc., and the choice of activation function is dependent on the nature of the problem and the type of output desired.

Loss Functions

Loss Functions, also known as cost or objective functions, are used to calculate the error between actual and predicted outputs. There are numerous types of loss functions such as Mean Squared Error (for regression problems) and Cross-Entropy Loss (for classification problems). The choice of a loss function depends largely on the type of problem at hand.

Practical Example

Consider this simplified form of a weather prediction neural network where we're using variables like temperature, humidity, and wind speed to predict whether or not it will rain.

During Forward Propagation, these input values are weighted and summed, passed through an activation function, and proceed through the hidden layers until an output (rain/no-rain) is predicted.

During Backward Propagation, the model compares its prediction with the actual result using a loss function and adjusts the weights according to the error calculated using gradient descent.

This iterative process goes on one epoch after another until the weights are optimized and a satisfactory level of accuracy is achieved. From there, the neural network would be ready to make reliable weather predictions based on temperature, humidity, and wind speed.

Now, you have a clear understanding of how neural networks work their magic. In our next chapter, we'll be taking things a step further as we explore advanced concepts in neural networks, so stay tuned!

Lesson 5: Training Neural Networks: Techniques and Process

In this lesson, we will delve into the techniques and processes involved in training Neural Networks. We've covered the basics, mechanics, architecture, and working of neural networks in previous lessons. Let's move forward and grasp an understanding of how to train these fascinating systems.

1. Preparing The Data

Before we start training a neural network, we first need to prepare our data. Data preparation involves several steps:

  • Data Collection: Collect the relevant data needed for your task. It could be images, text, audio, or any type of data that your Neural Network should learn from.

  • Data Cleaning: Eliminate noise and correct inconsistencies in the data. The quality of the data can significantly affect the outcome, so this step is crucial.

  • Data Normalization: Data normalization is the process of transforming all data to a common scale without distorting differences in ranges of values.

  • Train/Test Split: The data is split into two sets. One set (usually the larger chunk) is used for training the model, and the second set is used for testing its accuracy.

2. Forward Propagation

After the data preparation, the actual training begins. The training data is fed into the neural network during a process called forward propagation. In forward propagation, information moves in a forward direction through the network. The data passes through the input nodes and moves through the hidden layers of nodes, finally resulting in an output.

3. Defining The Loss Function

A loss function calculates the difference between the network's prediction and the actual value for a given input data set. This difference is referred to as the "loss." There are numerous types of loss functions, each suitable for different kinds of problems. For example, Mean Squared Error (MSE) is often used for regression problems, while Cross-Entropy is commonly used for classification problems.

4. Backpropagation

Backpropagation is a core algorithm for training neural networks. It calculates the gradient of the loss function concerning weights in the network. The gradient points in the direction of the highest rate of increase of the loss function. By adjusting the weights in the opposite direction of the gradient, the neural network reduces the loss and gets closer to the correct outputs.

5. Updating Weights

After we calculate the gradient, we use it to update the weights of the neural network. We multiply the gradient by a predetermined step size, known as the learning rate, and subtract that from the current weights. This process is repeated iteratively until the neural networks reach complete training, or in other words, until they learn to predict the correct output with an acceptable accuracy.

6. Verification

After the training process, it's essential to test the performance of our neural network on unseen data. For this, we use the test set that was separated during the data preparation phase. This will give us a good understanding of how well our model generalizes to new data.

Real-life Example

Let's consider a real-life problem where a company wants to classify emails as either "spam" or "not spam."

  • In Data Collection, we would gather a large number of emails, both spam and non-spam.
  • For Data Cleaning, we'd remove all irrelevant information from the emails, maybe any attachments or images.
  • Normalization might involve standardizing all words to lowercase and maybe even removing common words.
  • In Forward Propagation, we would input the processed email data into the neural network.
  • Using the Loss Function, the network would calculate its prediction against the actual output (whether the email is spam or not spam)
  • Backpropagation would be used to calculate how much changing each weight would affect the loss.
  • The neural network would then update the weights based on the gradients calculated in Backpropagation.
  • Lastly, we would verify our model by feeding it new emails and checking how accurately it classifies them.

Remember that the steps mentioned above are iterative and are repeated until the desired outcome is achieved.

That's it for this lesson. In the next lesson, we'll move onto more advanced topics and delve deeper into the intricacies of neural networks. Happy learning!

Lesson 6 - Practical Applications of Neural Networks

Welcome to the sixth lesson of our introductory course. By now, you have gained an understanding of the basics of neural networks, learned how they work, how they are architected, the mechanics underpinning these architectures, as well as training techniques and processes.

For this session, we will leap over the theory and dive straight into the practical applications of neural networks. From recognizing voices and faces to making predictions - neural networks have arisen as a powerful tool that has infinite use cases. We aim to explore some of these applications.

Image Recognition

Image recognition is one of the most common uses of neural networks. Within this broad application, there are several specific uses - face recognition, object identification, and even handwriting identification.

Neural networks are trained to analyze images and look for patterns or characteristics that identify the image. For example, for facial recognition, neural networks look for specific features - like the distance between the eyes or the shape of the chin.

In pseudocode, an image recognition task might look like this:

Initialize the neural network with appropriate architecture.
Load the training images.
Extract features from each image.
Train the neural network with the features and associated labels.
Once training is complete, show the neural network a new image.
The neural network returns the identified object/name/etc.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Another area where neural networks shine is Natural Language Processing (NLP). This includes applications such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and chatbots.

For instance, a neural network could be trained to understand and answer questions posed in different languages. It would be fed large amounts of text data, learn the structure of the language, the meaning of words and context, and be able to produce sound responses.

A simple pseudocode for a chatbot would look something like this:

Initialize the neural network with the appropriate architecture.
Load the language dataset.
Extract features from the text.
Train the neural network with the features and associated labels.
Once training is complete, give the neural network a question/statement.
The neural network returns an appropriate response.

Predictive Analysis

Neural networks are also used extensively in predictive analysis. This includes market trend prediction, weather forecasting, and more. The network is fed historical data and trends, learns correlations and patterns, and then uses this information to produce predictions for future data points.

For instance, a weather prediction model might look something like:

Initialize the neural network with the appropriate architecture
Load historical weather data
Feed the data into the network, allowing it to identify patterns and correlations
Once training is complete, feed the network recent weather data
The network then predicts weather patterns/conditions for future dates


These are just a few of the many practical applications of neural networks. Their uses are diverse and constantly growing as technology and data availability advances. From medical diagnoses to autonomous vehicles and stock market predictions, the potential of neural networks is enormous.

Understanding these applications and their real-world impact can aid in conceptualizing what we have learned so far, and see how these concepts come to life in our daily activities. We hope that this gets you excited to build your own neural network and tackle a problem using one of these applications in future lessons.