
Transforming Actual vs Budget Data in Excel using Power Query M

Learn how to transform and shape actual vs budget data in Excel using the Power Query M language for better insights and data analysis.

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Transforming Actual vs Budget Data in Excel using Power Query M


This project focuses on transforming a given dataset that includes actual and budget values for various accounts. You'll learn how to use Power Query M in Excel to reshape the data into a more analyzable format with columns for Month, Year, Account, Budget Amount, and Actual Amount. By the end of this project, you will have a practical understanding of data transformation techniques in Power Query M.

The original prompt:

I have the following Data Set. It is actual vs budget. I want to transform this data set into the following columns using power query M code: Month, Year, Account, Budget Amount, Actual Amount. Row 2 contains labels for Actuals or Budget per column, row 3 contains Month-Year, column contains a list of accounts. Provide for me the list of steps needed for the wanted outcome given this input:

Trim Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Actuals 2024 Budget 3x9 $90M Actuals 2024 Budget 3x9 $90M Accounts Jan-2024 Jan-2024 Feb-2024 Feb-2024 6020 - Indirect labor - salary and wage 7076.92 7076.92 6461.53 6461.53 6031 - Paid Time Off (PTO) 6040 - Bonus Pay 6070 - Fringe - Group Medical & Dental 793 793 793 793 6071 - Fringe - HSA Employer Match 500 500 6073 - Fringe - Workers' Compensation 5 5 5 5 6080 - Payroll Taxes 600.86 600.86 495.02 495.02 6200 - Travel - Airfare, Train or Bus 6205 - Travel - Personal Meals 6210 - Travel - Business Meals & Entertainment 6215 - Travel - Lodging 299 299 6220 - Travel - Car Expense (Rental, Fuel, Taxi, Parking) 6225 - Travel - Mileage 298.7 298.7 -50 -50 6375 - Digital Product Development 1200.65 1200.65 1499.65 1499.65 6900 - Software Agreement, License, Renewal 66018.34 66018.34 80553.94 80553.94 6910 - Computer Hardware 6463.48 6463.48 11788.24 11788.24 6920 - Platform Agreements - DTC 20440.26 20440.26 20171.62 20171.62 7130 - Equipment Lease 5699.57 5699.57 1068.73 1068.73 7300 - Telephone & Company Internet 12128.09 12128.09 12081.95 12081.95 7310 - Cell Phone 450.21 450.21 462.24 462.24 7330 - Employee Internet 215 215 195 195 7525 - Outside Services 17280.31 17280.31 17139.4 17139.4 7535 - Certifications 811.13 811.13 811.13 811.13 7700 - Allocation Support -24262 -24262 -24523 -24523

Understanding the Initial Dataset


This section will show you how to understand and transform your actual vs. budget data using Power Query M language in Excel. You will learn to import, clean, and transform your dataset, setting the foundation for better data insights and analysis.


Step 1: Importing Data

  1. Open Excel and navigate to the 'Data' tab.
  2. Click on 'Get Data' > 'From File' > 'From Workbook'.
  3. Select the Excel file containing your actual vs. budget data.
  4. Choose the specific sheet or range containing the data and click 'Load' or 'Transform Data' for more customization.

Step 2: Inspecting the Dataset

Once the data is loaded into Power Query Editor, inspect its structure:

// View the first few rows of the dataset
    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="YourTableName"]}[Content],
    FirstRows = Table.FirstN(Source, 10)

This script will show you the first 10 rows of your data to get a sense of what it looks like.

Step 3: Data Cleansing

Ensure columns have appropriate data types and handle any missing values:

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="YourTableName"]}[Content],
    // Convert data types
    ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {
        {"Date", type date},
        {"Actual", type number},
        {"Budget", type number},
        {"Category", type text}
    // Remove rows with missing values
    RemovedRows = Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(ChangedType)

Step 4: Adding Calculated Columns

Add a calculated column to see the variance between actual and budget values:

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="YourTableName"]}[Content],
    ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {
        {"Date", type date},
        {"Actual", type number},
        {"Budget", type number},
        {"Category", type text}
    RemovedRows = Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(ChangedType),
    // Add a new column to calculate variance
    AddedCustom = Table.AddColumn(RemovedRows, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget], type number)

Step 5: Grouping Data

Group data by Category to get summarised insights:

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="YourTableName"]}[Content],
    ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {
        {"Date", type date},
        {"Actual", type number},
        {"Budget", type number},
        {"Category", type text}
    RemovedRows = Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(ChangedType),
    AddedCustom = Table.AddColumn(RemovedRows, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget], type number),
    // Group by Category
    GroupedData = Table.Group(AddedCustom, {"Category"}, {
        {"Total Actual", each List.Sum([Actual]), type number},
        {"Total Budget", each List.Sum([Budget]), type number},
        {"Total Variance", each List.Sum([Variance]), type number}

Step 6: Loading Transformed Data Back into Excel

Once you've done the necessary transformations, load the data back into Excel:

  1. Click on 'Close & Load' in the Power Query Editor.
  2. Select 'Close & Load To' to customize how you want the data loaded into Excel (e.g., to a table or pivot table).


You have successfully transformed and analyzed your actual vs. budget data in Excel using Power Query M language. This foundational step sets up a robust structure for further data insights and analysis.

Loading and Shaping Data in Power Query

Loading Data into Power Query

  1. Load Actual Data Table

        Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("C:\Path\To\ActualData.xlsx"), null, true),
        Actuals_Sheet = Source{[Name="Actuals"]}[Content],
        ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Actuals_Sheet,{{"Date", type date}, {"Amount", type number}, {"Category", type text}})
  2. Load Budget Data Table

        Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("C:\Path\To\BudgetData.xlsx"), null, true),
        Budget_Sheet = Source{[Name="Budget"]}[Content],
        ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Budget_Sheet,{{"Date", type date}, {"Amount", type number}, {"Category", type text}})

Shaping and Transforming Data

  1. Removing Unnecessary Columns

        RemovedColumns = Table.RemoveColumns(ChangedType, {"UnnecessaryColumn1", "UnnecessaryColumn2"})
  2. Filtering Data

        FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(RemovedColumns, each ([Date] >= #date(2023, 1, 1) and [Date] <= #date(2023, 12, 31)))
  3. Pivoting Data (if needed)

        PivotedColumn = Table.Pivot(RemovedColumns, List.Distinct(RemovedColumns[Category]), "Category", "Amount", List.Sum)
  4. Renaming Columns

        RenamedColumns = Table.RenameColumns(RemovedColumns, {{"OldColumnName", "NewColumnName"}})
  5. Merging Data: Actual vs Budget

        MergedTables = Table.NestedJoin(ActualsTable, {"Date", "Category"}, BudgetTable, {"Date", "Category"}, "BudgetData", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
        ExpandedBudget = Table.ExpandTableColumn(MergedTables, "BudgetData", {"Amount"}, {"BudgetAmount"})
  6. Calculating Variance

        AddedVariance = Table.AddColumn(ExpandedBudget, "Variance", each [Amount] - [BudgetAmount], type number)

Final Steps

  1. Close & Load After performing all the transformations, click on the 'Close & Load' option in Power Query to load the transformed data back into Excel for further analysis.

By following these steps, you can effectively load and shape your Actual vs Budget data in Excel using Power Query M language, enabling more insightful data analysis and visualization.

Transforming Columns and Rows in Power Query M Language for Actual vs Budget Data

Below you will find the practical implementation for transforming columns and rows in Power Query M Language for an Excel data project comparing actual vs budget data.

Example Data

Assume you have the following initial dataset loaded in Power Query:

Date Category Actual Budget
2023-01-01 Sales 2000 1800
2023-01-01 Expenses 1500 1400
2023-02-01 Sales 2200 1900
2023-02-01 Expenses 1600 1500

Transforming Columns and Rows

Step 1: Unpivot the Actual and Budget Columns

To analyze the difference between actual and budget values, you may want to unpivot these columns.

    Source = YourSourceHere,
    UnpivotedColumns = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Source, {"Date", "Category"}, "Attribute", "Value")

This will transform your data to:

Date Category Attribute Value
2023-01-01 Sales Actual 2000
2023-01-01 Sales Budget 1800
2023-01-01 Expenses Actual 1500
2023-01-01 Expenses Budget 1400
2023-02-01 Sales Actual 2200
2023-02-01 Sales Budget 1900
2023-02-01 Expenses Actual 1600
2023-02-01 Expenses Budget 1500

Step 2: Pivoting More Granular Rows into Columns

If you want to have a table where each row is a monthly summary for each category, with actuals and budget side-by-side:

    Source = YourSourceHere,
    UnpivotedColumns = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Source, {"Date", "Category"}, "Attribute", "Value"),
    PivotedColumns = Table.Pivot(UnpivotedColumns, List.Distinct(UnpivotedColumns[Attribute]), "Attribute", "Value")

This will transform your data to:

Date Category Actual Budget
2023-01-01 Sales 2000 1800
2023-01-01 Expenses 1500 1400
2023-02-01 Sales 2200 1900
2023-02-01 Expenses 1600 1500

Step 3: Calculating Variances

To calculate the variance between actuals and budgets:

    Source = YourSourceHere,
    UnpivotedColumns = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Source, {"Date", "Category"}, "Attribute", "Value"),
    PivotedColumns = Table.Pivot(UnpivotedColumns, List.Distinct(UnpivotedColumns[Attribute]), "Attribute", "Value"),
    AddVarianceColumn = Table.AddColumn(PivotedColumns, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget])

This adds a "Variance" column to your dataset:

Date Category Actual Budget Variance
2023-01-01 Sales 2000 1800 200
2023-01-01 Expenses 1500 1400 100
2023-02-01 Sales 2200 1900 300
2023-02-01 Expenses 1600 1500 100


By following the above steps, you have successfully transformed your data to allow for better insights and analysis. The transformations include unpivoting, pivoting, and calculating variance—all essential for a thorough understanding of actual vs budget data in Excel using Power Query M Language.

Implementing M Code for Data Transformation

In this part, we will focus on transforming and shaping the actual vs budget data in Power Query using the M language. The objective here is to demonstrate how to perform typical transformations such as filtering, merging, and aggregating data to provide meaningful insights.

Start with Initial Transformations

Filtering Data

We want to filter the data to show only entries from the current financial year.

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="ActualBudgetData"]}[Content],
    FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Year] = Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()))

Renaming Columns

Standardize column names for better readability.

    RenamedColumns = Table.RenameColumns(FilteredRows, {{"Actual Amount", "Actual"}, {"Budget Amount", "Budget"}})

Merging Data

Assuming that ActualData and BudgetData are in different tables, we can merge them.

    ActualData = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="ActualData"]}[Content],
    BudgetData = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="BudgetData"]}[Content],
    MergedTable = Table.NestedJoin(ActualData, {"ID"}, BudgetData, {"ID"}, "BudgetTable", JoinKind.Inner),
    ExpandedTable = Table.ExpandTableColumn(MergedTable, "BudgetTable", {"Budget"}, {"Budget"})

Creating Custom Columns

Calculate the variance between actual and budget amounts.

    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(ExpandedTable, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget])

Aggregating Data

Group by necessary categories and summarize actual and budget data.

    GroupedTable = Table.Group(CustomColumn, {"Category"}, {{"TotalActual", each List.Sum([Actual]), type number}, {"TotalBudget", each List.Sum([Budget]), type number}})

Adding More Insights

Calculate percentage variance:

    PercentVariance = Table.AddColumn(GroupedTable, "PercentVariance", each ([TotalActual] - [TotalBudget]) / [TotalBudget] * 100, type number)

Final Result

Combine all steps in a final query:

    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="ActualBudgetData"]}[Content],
    FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Year] = Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow())),
    RenamedColumns = Table.RenameColumns(FilteredRows, {{"Actual Amount", "Actual"}, {"Budget Amount", "Budget"}}),
    ActualData = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="ActualData"]}[Content],
    BudgetData = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="BudgetData"]}[Content],
    MergedTable = Table.NestedJoin(ActualData, {"ID"}, BudgetData, {"ID"}, "BudgetTable", JoinKind.Inner),
    ExpandedTable = Table.ExpandTableColumn(MergedTable, "BudgetTable", {"Budget"}, {"Budget"}),
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(ExpandedTable, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget]),
    GroupedTable = Table.Group(CustomColumn, {"Category"}, {{"TotalActual", each List.Sum([Actual]), type number}, {"TotalBudget", each List.Sum([Budget]), type number}}),
    PercentVariance = Table.AddColumn(GroupedTable, "PercentVariance", each ([TotalActual] - [TotalBudget]) / [TotalBudget] * 100, type number)


This implementation leverages Power Query's M language to transform actual vs budget data effectively. The steps include filtering by year, renaming columns, merging tables, calculating variances, grouping data, and adding insightful custom columns. Apply these transformations to streamline your data analysis workflows in Excel.

Validating and Utilizing Transformed Data

In this section, we will validate and utilize the transformed data within Power Query to ensure the accuracy and usability of the transformed Actual vs Budget data. This guide assumes transformations have already been applied and focuses on confirming their correctness and preparing the transformed data for further analysis.

Steps to Validate and Utilize Transformed Data

Step 1: Validate Transformed Data

  1. Check for Data Integrity:

    • Ensure that no data values have been lost or altered unexpectedly during the transformation process.
    • Use the Table.RowCount function to verify that the number of rows matches expectations.
        Source = /* Your Data Source */,
        TransformedData = /* Your Transformation Steps */,
        RowCount = Table.RowCount(TransformedData)
  2. Confirm Data Types:

    • Explicitly specify data types for each column to prevent any issues during data analysis.
        Source = /* Your Data Source */,
        TransformedData = /* Your Transformation Steps */,
        TypedData = Table.TransformColumnTypes(TransformedData, {
            {"Actual", type number},
            {"Budget", type number},
            {"Date", type date}
  3. Verify Data Consistency:

    • Ensure that transformed data follows the expected format for analysis.
    • Use Power Query’s built-in profiling tools to examine column distributions and identify any anomalies (like missing values).

Step 2: Utilizing the Transformed Data

  1. Create Calculated Columns:

    • Add new columns to derive meaningful insights from the transformed data, such as calculating variance between actual and budget values.
        Source = /* Your Data Source */,
        TransformedData = /* Your Transformation Steps */,
        TypedData = Table.TransformColumnTypes(TransformedData, {
            {"Actual", type number},
            {"Budget", type number},
            {"Date", type date}
        AddVarianceColumn = Table.AddColumn(TypedData, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget], type number)
  2. Aggregate Data for Analysis:

    • Group data by relevant categories (e.g., by month or department) to summarize Actual vs Budget differences.
        Source = /* Your Data Source */,
        TransformedData = /* Your Transformation Steps */,
        TypedData = Table.TransformColumnTypes(TransformedData, {
            {"Actual", type number},
            {"Budget", type number},
            {"Date", type date}
        AddVarianceColumn = Table.AddColumn(TypedData, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget], type number),
        GroupedData = Table.Group(AddVarianceColumn, {"Date"}, {
            {"TotalActual", each List.Sum([Actual]), type number},
            {"TotalBudget", each List.Sum([Budget]), type number},
            {"TotalVariance", each List.Sum([Variance]), type number}
  3. Prepare Data for Visualization:

    • Ensure data is in a clean, aggregated state, ready to be loaded into Excel or other visualization tools.
        Source = /* Your Data Source */,
        TransformedData = /* Your Transformation Steps */,
        TypedData = Table.TransformColumnTypes(TransformedData, {
            {"Actual", type number},
            {"Budget", type number},
            {"Date", type date}
        AddVarianceColumn = Table.AddColumn(TypedData, "Variance", each [Actual] - [Budget], type number),
        GroupedData = Table.Group(AddVarianceColumn, {"Date"}, {
            {"TotalActual", each List.Sum([Actual]), type number},
            {"TotalBudget", each List.Sum([Budget]), type number},
            {"TotalVariance", each List.Sum([Variance]), type number}
        CleanedData = Table.SelectColumns(GroupedData, {"Date", "TotalActual", "TotalBudget", "TotalVariance"})


Following these steps will help you validate the transformed Actual vs Budget data and prepare it for further analysis. By adding calculated columns, aggregating data, and ensuring data integrity and consistency, you can gain more accurate and actionable insights from your analysis.