
Transforming Choice Questions to Yes/No Questions in Microsoft Forms

A comprehensive guide to converting choice questions with multiple checkboxes into yes/no format in Microsoft Forms.

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Transforming Choice Questions to Yes/No Questions in Microsoft Forms


This project aims to provide a step-by-step approach to modifying existing questions in Microsoft Forms. It will cover navigating the interface, editing question types, and ensuring data integrity. By the end of this project, users will be proficient in customizing their forms to better suit their data collection needs.

The original prompt:

In Microsoft forms how do you change a question that is a choice question that has multiple questions that are all checkboxes to the questions being yes or no questions?

Introduction to Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms is a versatile tool that allows users to create surveys, quizzes, and polls, collect responses, and analyze results. This guide focuses on converting choice questions with multiple checkboxes into yes/no format, which is useful for simplifying multi-select options.

Setting Up Microsoft Forms

To get started with Microsoft Forms, follow these steps:

  1. Access Microsoft Forms:

    • Navigate to Microsoft Forms.
    • Login with your Microsoft account credentials.
  2. Create a New Form:

    • Click on the "New Form" button to start a new form.
    • Give your form a title and description if desired.

Converting Choice Questions with Multiple Checkboxes into Yes/No Format

Let's say you have a choice question with multiple checkboxes like this:

  • "Select the fruits you like: [ ] Apple [ ] Banana [ ] Orange [ ] Grape"

Our goal is to convert each option to a separate yes/no question.

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Create Separate Yes/No Questions:

    • Instead of one question with multiple choices, split the question into individual yes/no questions.
  2. Adding Questions in Forms:

    • Click on "Add New" to create a new question.
    • Select the “Choice” question type.

Sample Implementation

For the question "Select the fruits you like: [ ] Apple [ ] Banana [ ] Orange [ ] Grape":

  1. Question 1:

    • Question Text: Do you like Apple?
    • Choices: Yes, No
  2. Question 2:

    • Question Text: Do you like Banana?
    • Choices: Yes, No
  3. Question 3:

    • Question Text: Do you like Orange?
    • Choices: Yes, No
  4. Question 4:

    • Question Text: Do you like Grape?
    • Choices: Yes, No

Example in Microsoft Forms

  1. In the form creation interface, click "Add New".
  2. Choose "Choice" for the question type.
  3. Enter the question text: "Do you like Apple?".
  4. Add choices "Yes" and "No".
  5. Repeat the process for each fruit: Banana, Orange, and Grape.

Final Structure

After these steps, your form will look like this:

  • Question 1: Do you like Apple? (Yes/No)
  • Question 2: Do you like Banana? (Yes/No)
  • Question 3: Do you like Orange? (Yes/No)
  • Question 4: Do you like Grape? (Yes/No)

Testing Your Form

  1. Click on the "Preview" button to see how the form appears to respondents.
  2. Fill out the form to ensure each yes/no question works as expected.
  3. Once satisfied with the setup, click "Submit".

Collecting and Analyzing Responses

To analyze the responses:

  1. Navigate to the "Responses" tab of your form.
  2. View summary charts or export data to Excel for detailed analysis.

This setup allows you to convert any multiple checkbox choice questions into simpler yes/no format questions, enhancing clarity and ease of response for users.

Understanding Question Types

Converting Choice Questions with Multiple Checkboxes into Yes/No Format in Microsoft Forms

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Identify the Choice Questions with Multiple Checkboxes:

    • Go through the current questions and identify those which use multiple checkboxes.
  2. Create Yes/No Questions:

    • Convert each option of the multiple checkbox questions into separate Yes/No questions.

Example Scenario

Let's say you have a multiple checkbox question:

Original Question:

Check the colors you like:
- Red
- Blue
- Green
- Yellow

Converted Questions:

Do you like Red? (Yes/No)
Do you like Blue? (Yes/No)
Do you like Green? (Yes/No)
Do you like Yellow? (Yes/No)

Implementing in Microsoft Forms

1. Access Your Form:

  • Open Microsoft Forms and navigate to your form.

2. Identify and Edit the Question:

  • Locate the question with checkboxes that you need to convert.

3. Add New Yes/No Questions:

  • For each option in the original checkbox question, create a new question in Yes/No format.

4. Arrange the Questions:

  • Ensure the new Yes/No questions are sequential for clarity.

Practical Implementation:

Original Question in Form:

  1. Add a new multiple-choice question.
  2. Enter the question as: "Check the colors you like:"
  3. Add the options: "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"

Conversion Process:

  1. Navigate to your Form:

    • Open the form in Microsoft Forms.
  2. Remove the Original Multi-Checkbox Question:

    • Click on the original checkbox question.
    • Delete the question by clicking the trash icon.
  3. Create the Yes/No Questions:

    • Click 'Add New' to insert a new question.
    • Choose 'Choice' as the question type.
    • Enter the question as: "Do you like Red?"
    • Provide options: "Yes" and "No"
    • Repeat this process to cover:
      • "Do you like Blue?"
      • "Do you like Green?"
      • "Do you like Yellow?"


  1. Review and Organize:

    • Ensure all new Yes/No questions are aligned and follow the sequence of the original options.
  2. Preview Your Form:

    • Use the preview function in Microsoft Forms to ensure that the new questions appear correctly and function as expected.
  3. Save and Share:

    • Once verified, save your changes and share the form with respondents.


By converting multiple checkbox questions into individual Yes/No questions, you ensure a more straightforward, binary choice format that can simplify data collection and analysis.

By following these steps, you can effectively implement this change in your existing Microsoft Forms to convert any multiple-choice questions with checkboxes into a Yes/No format, ensuring better clarity and usability.

Step-by-step Guide to Changing Choice Questions In Microsoft Forms


The goal is to convert multiple checkbox questions into a Yes/No format in Microsoft Forms.


Step 1: Open the Form

  1. Login to Microsoft Forms:
  2. Select the Form:
    • Choose the form that you want to edit from the list of available forms.

Step 2: Duplicate the Existing Multiple Checkbox Question

  1. Navigate to the Question:
    • Scroll through the form to locate the multiple checkbox question that you intend to convert.
  2. Duplicate the Question:
    • Click on the three dots (more options) on the top right of the question.
    • Select 'Duplicate' to create a copy of the question.
    • You will later transform these duplicates into Yes/No questions.

Step 3: Convert each Checkbox Option to a Yes/No Question

For each checkbox option in the original question:

  1. Edit Question Title:
    • Click on the duplicated question.
    • Modify the question title to reflect one of the checkbox options.
    • Example: If one of the checkbox options is "Participate in surveys", the new question should read: "Will you participate in surveys?".
  2. Change Question Type:
    • Click on the dropdown menu next to the question type (by default, it shows 'Choice').
    • Select 'Choice'.
  3. Add Yes/No Options:
    • Clear any existing options.
    • Add 'Yes' and 'No' as the only two options.
    • Ensure 'Multiple answers' checkbox is unchecked since this will be a single-choice question now.

Step 4: Remove the Original Multiple Checkbox Question

  1. Identify the Original Question:
    • Ensure that you have created Yes/No questions for all checkbox options.
  2. Delete the Original Question:
    • Select the original multiple checkbox question by clicking the three dots (more options) on the top right of the question.
    • Choose 'Delete' to remove it from the form.

Step 5: Test the Form

  1. Preview the Form:
    • Click on the 'Preview' button at the top right of the Forms interface.
    • Ensure that each previous checkbox option is now represented as a Yes/No question.
    • Verify that all Yes/No questions are correctly showing their intended content, with only 'Yes' and 'No' options available.

Step 6: Save and Share

  1. Save Changes:
    • Any changes you make are automatically saved in Microsoft Forms.
  2. Share the Form:
    • Click on the 'Share' button at the top right.
    • Distribute the form link to your target audience.

Example Implementation

Original Checkbox Question:

  • Which activities do you enjoy?
    • Participating in surveys
    • Attending webinars
    • Volunteering for events

Converted Yes/No Questions:

  1. Will you participate in surveys?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. Will you attend webinars?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. Will you volunteer for events?

    • Yes
    • No

Follow these steps to convert your multiple checkbox questions into clear and concise Yes/No format questions in Microsoft Forms, ensuring a straightforward and user-friendly experience for respondents.

Ensuring Data Integrity in Converting Choice Questions to Yes/No Format


In this section, we focus on ensuring data integrity when converting choice questions with multiple checkboxes into a Yes/No format in Microsoft Forms. Let's break down the practical steps and considerations needed to achieve this.

Steps to Ensure Data Integrity

  1. Data Backup:

    • Before making any changes, ensure you have a backup of your original data to prevent loss.

    • Export your form responses to an Excel file.

      Open Microsoft Forms.
      Navigate to the Form Responses.
      Export responses as an Excel file.
      Save the file securely.
  2. Identify All Choice Questions:

    • Identify questions with multiple checkboxes that need to be converted.

      FOR each question in the form
          IF question type == 'Checkbox':
              ADD to convertList
          END IF
      END FOR
  3. Map Existing Choices to Yes/No:

    • Define a mapping for each choice question's options to a Yes/No format.

      FOR each question in convertList
          CREATE a dictionary to store mappings
          FOR each option in question
              SET mappings[option] = 'No'
          END FOR
      END FOR
  4. Iterate Through Responses and Transform:

    • For each response, check the selected options and update the mapping accordingly.

    • Create new columns for each transformed question in the Excel file.

      FOR each response in responses
          FOR each question in convertList
              FOR each option in question
                  IF option in response:
                      SET response[option] = 'Yes'
                      SET response[option] = 'No'
                  END IF
              END FOR
          END FOR
      END FOR
  5. Update Form Structure:

    • Using the transformed data, update the form structure to include the new Yes/No questions.

      Open Microsoft Forms.
      FOR each question in convertList
          Remove original checkbox question
          Add new Yes/No questions for each choice
      END FOR
  6. Ensure Consistency:

    • Ensure the newly created Yes/No questions correctly align with the original Options.

      FOR each question in new form
          CHECK if Yes/No questions represent original options
          IF inconsistency found:
              CORRECT the mapped values
          END IF
      END FOR

Example Implementation

Using a form with a single checkbox question "Preferences", with choices [Email, SMS, Call]:

  1. Original Data Backup:

    Export form responses to Excel as backup.
  2. Identifying and Mapping Choices:

    convertList = ['Preferences']
    mappings = {"Email": "No", "SMS": "No", "Call": "No"}
  3. Iterating and Transforming Responses:

    FOR each response in originalResponses:
        IF "Email" in response["Preferences"]:
            mappings["Email"] = "Yes"
        IF "SMS" in response["Preferences"]:
            mappings["SMS"] = "Yes"
        IF "Call" in response["Preferences"]:
            mappings["Call"] = "Yes"
        UPDATED response = mappings
  4. Updating Form Structure:

    Remove original "Preferences" question.
    Add new Yes/No questions for "Email", "SMS", "Call".
  5. Ensuring Consistency:

    CHECK new form structure to make sure each option is converted to Yes/No correctly.


Following these steps ensures that data integrity is maintained while converting multiple-choice checkbox questions to a Yes/No format in Microsoft Forms. Backup data, accurately map choices, and carefully update the form structure. Consistent validation ensures trust in the converted data.

Best Practices and Tips for Converting Choice Questions with Multiple Checkboxes into Yes/No Format in Microsoft Forms

Conceptual Implementation

1. Simplify Questions

The goal is to redesign the multiple checkbox questions into multiple yes/no questions. Here are the steps you can follow systematically.

2. Identify Choice Questions

Locate the specific choice questions that include multiple checkboxes. For example:

Original Question: Which fruits do you like?

  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Cherry
  • Orange

3. Create Equivalent Yes/No Questions

Transform the single multiple checkbox question into individual yes/no questions:

Transformed Questions:

  • Do you like Apple? (Yes/No)
  • Do you like Banana? (Yes/No)
  • Do you like Cherry? (Yes/No)
  • Do you like Orange? (Yes/No)

4. Implementation in Microsoft Forms

  1. Create New Questions:

    • Open your form in Microsoft Forms.
    • Click on "Add new" to create a new question.
    • Select "Choice" question type.
    • Enter the question text (e.g., "Do you like Apple?").
    • Input "Yes" and "No" as the only two options.
  2. Copy the Process for Each Option:

    • Repeat the above steps for each option from the original checkbox question.

5. Ensure Clarity

Make sure each question is straightforward and clear to avoid confusing respondents. Use logical, simple language for yes/no questions.

Example Walkthrough:

  1. Original Question with Multiple Checkboxes:

    • Which fruits do you like?
      • Apple
      • Banana
      • Cherry
      • Orange
  2. Transformed Yes/No Questions:

    • Do you like Apple?
      • Yes
      • No
    • Do you like Banana?
      • Yes
      • No
    • Do you like Cherry?
      • Yes
      • No
    • Do you like Orange?
      • Yes
      • No

Efficiency and User Experience:


  • Reduces the complexity of data analysis by making responses binary (Yes/No).
  • Easy to aggregate and compare responses across a larger dataset.

User Experience:

  • Easier for respondents to focus on one item at a time, potentially increasing response accuracy.

Best Practices Recap:

  • Consistency: Maintain a uniform approach when converting all multiple checkbox questions.
  • Clarity: Ensure that each yes/no question is clear and unambiguous.
  • Simplicity: Keep questions simple and focused to improve respondent engagement.

By following these steps and best practices, you will successfully convert multiple checkbox questions into a yes/no format, simplifying data collection and analysis in Microsoft Forms.