
Unified Training Data Management System

A multi-accessible platform for manual entries of training records, supporting CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

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Unified Training Data Management System


Unified Training Data Management System is designed to streamline the process of tracking, managing and reporting training records across an organization. The system allows multiple users from different workplaces to add manual entries into a single data source, enabling simultaneous access, but with a specified view according to their workplace. The data collected is then transformed and presented in a Power BI report, offering visual, insightful, and efficient data analysis. Security and privacy are ensured as users can only access data pertinent to their respective workplaces.

Understanding Data Management

Data management forms the foundation of any project involving data and how to handle it. In this context, we will discuss implementing a multi-accessible platform for manual entries of training records, supporting CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

We're going to use Python for this task, due to its simplicity and extensive support for a variety of tasks. Our main tools will be:

  1. pandas: for data manipulation and analysis
  2. sqlite3: for implementing a lightweight disk-based database


You need to have Python installed on your system. If you don't have Python, [download] from the official website and install it.

Then, you need to install pandas and sqlite3. Open your command prompt and type the following:

pip install pandas
pip install sqlite3

Part 1: Setting Up the Database

We'll be using SQLite in this case. SQLite is easy to use, it doesn't require a separate server process, allows accessing the database using a nonstandard variant of the SQL query language, and allows read and write operations to be performed even after transactions are executed.

1.1: Creating a Database and Table

import sqlite3
from sqlite3 import Error

def create_connection():
    conn = None;
        conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')       
        print(f"sqlite version: {sqlite3.version}")
    except Error as e:
    if conn:
        return conn
def close_connection(conn):
def create_table(conn):
        query = '''CREATE TABLE trainings(
                    id integer PRIMARY KEY,
                    name text NOT NULL,
                    description text,
                    date text);'''
    except Error as e:

conn = create_connection();
if conn is not None:
    print("Error! cannot create the database connection.")


  • create_connection function to create an in-memory SQLite database.
  • create_table function to create a 'trainings' table in the created database.

1.2: Implementing the CRUD Operations

def create_training(conn, training):
    sql = '''INSERT INTO trainings(name,description,date)
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute(sql, training)
    return cur.lastrowid

def update_training(conn, training):
    sql = ''' UPDATE trainings
              SET name = ?,description = ?, date = ?
              WHERE id = ?'''
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute(sql, training)

def delete_training(conn, id):
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('DELETE FROM trainings WHERE id=?', (id,))

def select_all_trainings(conn):
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM trainings")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:


  • create_training function to insert records in the 'trainings' table.
  • update_training function to update record in the 'trainings' table identified by id.
  • delete_training function to delete record from the 'trainings' table identified by id.
  • select_all_trainings function to display all the records from the 'trainings' table.

1.3: Invoking the CRUD Operations

create_training(conn,['Training 1', 'Description 1',  '2022-03-01'])
create_training(conn,['Training 2', 'Description 2',  '2022-03-02'])
create_training(conn,['Training 3', 'Description 3',  '2022-03-03'])

print("Before Updating Record")
update_training(conn, ['Training 3', 'Description 3 - Updated', '2022-03-04', 3])
print("After Updating Record")

print("Before Deleting Record")
delete_training(conn, [1])
print("After Deleting Record")



  • We create 3 training records with create_training.
  • We update the 3rd training record's description and date with update_training.
  • We delete the 1st training record with delete_training.
  • select_all_trainings operation is used to display the records before and after the Update and Delete operations.

This concludes part one on 'Understanding Data Management' using Python.

This implementation can easily be extended to support a multi-accessible platform with the help of web-based UI and a web framework such as Flask or Django. Additionally, SQLite database can also be switched with a more robust system like PostgreSQL or MySQL, if the requirements for the application change.

Overview of CRUD Operations

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are fundamental for any database system. These operations form the basis of manipulating data in any database.

The implementation details depend on the database used and the language interfaces available to interact with the database.

For the purpose of this illustration, we will use the MySQL database and Python. The choice of MySQL and Python is purely for example and can be substituted with a database and language of your preference.

But please ensure that the MySQL server is installed and running, and that the Python environment has the mysql-connector-python library installed.

Creating the Database and Table

Before performing CRUD operations, we need to create an appropriate database and tables.

The example shown here creates a database for a training center to keep records of its trainees.

# Import the mysql connector module
import mysql.connector

# Establish a connection to the MySQL server
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
  host="localhost",     # Usually localhost or the IP address of the machine where MySQL server is running
  user="yourusername",  # The username used to connect to the MySQL server 
  password="yourpassword"  # The password used to connect to the MySQL server

# Get a cursor object from the database connection
mycursor = mydb.cursor()

# Execute a SQL statement to create a database
mycursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE trainee_records")

# Use the newly created database
mycursor.execute("USE trainee_records")

# Execute a SQL statement to create a table named `trainees`
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE trainees (name VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255))")

CRUD Operations


Python functions can be created for each of the operations for ease of use.

Create operation involves inserting new records into the database.

def create_trainee(name, email):
    sql = "INSERT INTO trainees (name, email) VALUES (%s, %s)"
    val = (name, email)
    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
    print(mycursor.rowcount, "record inserted.")


Read operation retrieves records from the database.

def read_trainees():
    sql = "SELECT * FROM trainees"
    myresult = mycursor.fetchall()
    for x in myresult:


Update operation modifies existing records in the database.

def update_trainee(name, email):
    sql = "UPDATE trainees SET email = %s WHERE name = %s"
    val = (email, name)
    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
    print(mycursor.rowcount, "record(s) affected")


Delete operation deletes existing records from the database.

def delete_trainee(name):
    sql = "DELETE FROM trainees WHERE name = %s"
    val = (name, )
    mycursor.execute(sql, val)
    print(mycursor.rowcount, "record(s) deleted")

Each of these functions can be used independently to manipulate records in the database.

Remember to always commit database transactions by calling .commit() on the database connection object after performing create, update or delete operations, else the changes won't be saved.

Running these specific functions will provide direct hands-on manipulate the records in the MySQL database using python.

Unified Training Data Management System


This document describes a practical hands-on implementation of a Unified Training Data Management System that supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It's assumed that the setup instructions and the understanding of CRUD operations together with their importance in data management are known. This walkthrough will follow Python development practices with a SQL database using the Django framework.


1. Initial Requirements

  • Django
  • Database connection URI if not sqlite (included with Django)


Please ensure that Django is installed in your system. The installation process mainly depends on the operating system and can be found in their official documentation here.

2. Creating a new Django Model

A model is a representation of a database table translated into Python classes. Django uses these classes to interact with the database.

# This would go in the file in your Django application

from django.db import models

class TrainingRecord(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    description = models.TextField()
    date = models.DateField()
    location = models.CharField(max_length=200)

Each instance of TrainingRecord represents a specific training record and can be modified, saved, deleted, which would correspond to the equivalent SQL operations.

3. CRUD Operations

3.1 Create

For creating a new record in the database, initialize a new instance of the model and save it.

record = TrainingRecord(
    name='Training Example',
    description='This is just an example.',

3.2 Read

Reading from the database is done using the methods provided by Django. These methods translate into SQL queries.

# Fetch all records.
all_records = TrainingRecord.objects.all()

# Fetch a specific record by its ID.
specific_record = TrainingRecord.objects.get(id=1)

# Fetch records with a condition
online_records = TrainingRecord.objects.filter(location='Online')

# Get a single record with a condition
record = TrainingRecord.objects.get(name='Training Example')

3.3 Update

Updating a record can be done by altering the instance variables and then calling the save() method.

record = TrainingRecord.objects.get(name='Training Example')
record.location = 'Offline'

Here the location of the training example was updated to 'Offline'.

3.4 Delete

Deleting a specific record is done by calling the delete() method on an instance.

record = TrainingRecord.objects.get(name='Training Example')

4. Migrations

Django handles database schema by creating a special set of files called migrations. Each time models are modified, a new migration has to be created and applied.

python makemigrations
python migrate

The first command (makemigrations) will create the migration file. The second one (migrate) applies it to the database.

The CRUD operations implemented in this guide can be used in for handling requests and returning appropriate HTTP responses. The actual implementation of HTTP request handlers is omitted because it is assumed to be known from previous parts or irrelevant to the topic.

This provides a practical implementation of CRUD operations in a multi-accessible unified training data management system using Django and a SQL database. Please make sure that the Django installation and migration commands are executed in the correct contextual locations, usually the root directory of your Django project.

Manual Data Entry Procedures

1. Data Model for Training Records

Firstly, we need to define a data model for the training records. Since we are not advised to cover the setup instructions, we are assuming you already have a database set up. This is a very generic way and could be changed according to actual project requirements.

class TrainingRecord:
    def __init__(self, id, title, description, trainer, date): = id
        self.title = title
        self.description = description
        self.trainer = trainer = date

2. CRUD Operation

Now we can define methods for each CRUD operation.


def create_training_record(db, training_record):
    # Insert the training record in the database
        "title": training_record.title,
        "description": training_record.description,
        "trainer": training_record.trainer,


def get_training_records(db):
    # Fetch all the training records from the database
    return db.fetch_all()

def get_training_record_by_id(db, id):
    # Fetch a specific training record by id
    return db.fetch({"id": id})


def update_training_record(db, training_record):
    # Update the training record in the database
        "title": training_record.title,
        "description": training_record.description,
        "trainer": training_record.trainer,


def delete_training_record(db, id):
    # Delete the training record in the database by id
    db.delete({"id": id})

3. User interface for manual data entry

Now, we need to build a user interface to perform these operations. Here's an example of a Command Line Interface:

def manual_data_entry_procedure(db):
    while True:
        print("Please select an operation:")
        print("1. Create a training record")
        print("2. Read training records")
        print("3. Update a training record")
        print("4. Delete a training record")
        print("5. Quit")

        operation = int(input("Your selection: "))

        if operation == 1:
            id = input("Enter id: ")
            title = input("Enter title: ")
            description = input("Enter description: ")
            trainer = input("Enter trainer: ")
            date = input("Enter date (yyyy-mm-dd): ")
            training_record = TrainingRecord(id, title, description, trainer, date)
            create_training_record(db, training_record)
        elif operation == 2:
            id = input("Enter id of the training record (leave blank to fetch all): ")
            if id:
                print(get_training_record_by_id(db, id))
        elif operation == 3:
            id = input("Enter id: ")
            title = input("Enter new title: ")
            description = input("Enter new description: ")
            trainer = input("Enter new trainer: ")
            date = input("Enter new date (yyyy-mm-dd): ")
            training_record = TrainingRecord(id, title, description, trainer, date)
            update_training_record(db, training_record)
        elif operation == 4:
            id = input("Enter id: ")
            delete_training_record(db, id)
        elif operation == 5:
            print("Invalid selection!")

This will launch a loop that will keep asking the user to perform CRUD operations until they select the quit option.

Please replace db with a valid database object. This code will not work if it's not connected to a database since db.insert(), db.fetch_all(), db.fetch(), db.update(), and db.delete(), are all placeholder functions that should interface with your actual database.

User Management and Workplace Segregation

User management and workplace segregation is a critical part of any system with CRUD operations. By user management, we mean managing different users and their access to the system. Workplace segregation designates the restriction of certain actions to specific users or roles within the system.

In this context, we are going to use Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy ORM (Object Relational Mapping). A Python package called flask-user will be used for the user's related operation. SQLAlchemy makes it easy for python programmers to interact with their databases like they would with SQL.

User Management

For user management, we will set up an User model with SQLAlchemy ORM as below:

from flask import Flask
from flask_user import current_user, login_required, roles_required, UserManager, UserMixin
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'my_precious_secret_key'
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
app.config['CSRF_ENABLED'] = True
app.config['USER_ENABLE_EMAIL'] = False

db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model, UserMixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False, unique=True)
    password = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False, server_default='')
    active = db.Column('is_active', db.Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default='0')


user_manager = UserManager(app, db, User)

In this setup, we have the User model with an id, a username, password and active columns. The 'UserMixin' adds extra fields required for User Management such as the password hash and user tokens.

Workplace Segregation/ Role Base Access Control

To implement workplace segregation or role-based access control (RBAC), we need to introduce a new Role model and associate the User model to the new Role model. Here is how it can be done:

class Role(db.Model, RoleMixin):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(50), unique=True)

class UsersRoles(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'users_roles'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    user_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    role_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'))

User.roles = db.relationship('Role', secondary='users_roles',
                             backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic'))

Here, we have a many-to-many relationship between User and roles model. This connection lets us assign multiple roles to a user and have multiple users associated with a role.

Now we can perform checks in our Flask routes according to the user roles before performing certain CRUD operations.

@roles_required('Admin')      # This will ensure only users with 'Admin' role can access this route
def delete_resource():
    # perform deletion

In this example, only users with the ‘Admin’ role are allowed to delete a resource.


With the combination of Flask, SQLAlchemy and flask-user, we can effectively manage users and roles in our application. This allows us to restrict access to certain CRUD operations based on the user's role, achieving workplace segregation or role-based access control.

Data Access and Privacy Controls

In this practical guide, we will implement data access controls and privacy measures for a multi-accessible training records platform using the Django web framework. Django includes a built-in framework for managing user authentication, permissions, and other related features. We'll illustrate how to create access controls for our CRUD operations and preserve the privacy of our data.

Firstly, ensure the requirement of Django being installed as it is not part of this guide. You already have commands for installation in your setup guide. Import the Django modules in your Python code where required.

Part 1: User Authentication

Django provides an in-built system for user authentication. It handles user accounts, groups, permissions and cookie-based user sessions.

We'll use Django's login_required decorator for our CRUD views to ensure a user is authenticated before they gain access to certain views.

In your

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

def training_record_create(request):
    # Your code here

def training_record_read(request):
    # Your code here

def training_record_update(request):
    # Your code here

def training_record_delete(request):
    # Your code here

This ensures a user is authenticated before they can create, read, update, or delete training records.

Part 2: User Permissions and Groups

We can further refine access controls by defining permissions and groups in Django. Permissions can be set for each model, defining whether a user (or a group of users) can add, change, view, or delete an object.

In your

from django.db import models

class TrainingRecord(models.Model):
    # Your fields here

    class Meta:
        permissions = [
            ("add_trainingrecord", "Can add training record"),
            ("change_trainingrecord", "Can change training record"),
            ("delete_trainingrecord", "Can delete training record"),
            ("view_trainingrecord", "Can view training record"),

You can then assign these permissions to individuals users or groups of users within the Django admin site and check for these permissions within your views:

@permission_required('app_name.add_trainingrecord', raise_exception=True)
def training_record_create(request):
    # Your code here

@permission_required('app_name.change_trainingrecord', raise_exception=True)
def training_record_update(request):
    # Your code here

@permission_required('app_name.delete_trainingrecord', raise_exception=True)
def training_record_delete(request):
    # Your code here

In these examples, app_name should be replaced with the name of the Django app you have created.

Part 3: Data Privacy

To ensure data privacy, we should sanitize any data that are received in Create and Update operations before storing them in the database.

We can use Django’s form and field classes for this purpose. For example:

from django import forms
from .models import TrainingRecord

class TrainingRecordForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = TrainingRecord
        fields = ['field1', 'field2']  # replace with your model fields
    def clean_field1(self):
        field1 = self.cleaned_data.get('field1')
        # Add any additional sanitizing or validation here
        return field1

In the View, use this form to sanitize incoming data:

@permission_required('app_name.add_trainingrecord', raise_exception=True)
def training_record_create(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = TrainingRecordForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            training_record =
            # Your code here

This ensures that any data included in the 'field1' field of the form is sanitized according to the conditions specified in the clean_field1 method before being added to a new TrainingRecord object.

With these measures implemented, your platform should now have robust data access and privacy controls in place.

Understanding and Creating Power BI Reports

Power BI is a data visualization and business analytics tool developed by Microsoft. It allows you to convert your data into visuals making it easier to understand and analyze. In the context of your multi-accessible platform for manual entries of training records, Power BI could be very useful in digesting the large amounts of data collected.

Importing Data into Power BI

# Below are the procedures when using Python to connect to your database and extract data

import pyodbc
import pandas as pd

# Establish a connection to your SQL Server
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};'

# Write your SQL query here
sql_query = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM your_table',conn)

# Save this result in a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(sql_query)

# Now your data is ready to be used in Power BI

Note: The sample code above assumes that your data is stored in a SQL Server. If not, Power BI also supports CSV, Excel files, or other database systems. You'll simply need the proper syntax and libraries to connect.

Creating Visuals with Power BI

  1. Upload your data: Click on 'Get data' on the 'Home' tab and search for the data you wish to upload.
# If you're importing data from Python script, you can use Power BI's integration with Python

# Click 'Get Data' -> 'More' -> 'Other' -> 'Python Script' -> 'Connect'
# Then paste your Python script in the query window.
  1. Select a type of visualization: Choose a type of visualization from the 'Visualizations' pane.

  2. Choose your fields: Drag the relevant fields onto 'Values', 'Axis', 'Legend', etc. Your graph will be generated automatically.

  3. Format your graph: Click on the 'Format' button on the 'Visualizations' pane to adjust the color, text size, data labels, etc.

Slicing and Dicing Data

You can filter any data in Power BI. To do this,

  1. Drag the field you want to filter by from 'Fields' pane to 'Filters' pane.
  2. Select the values you want to keep.

Creating a Dashboard

A dashboard is a collection of visuals, reports, and other data that provides a consolidated view of business data.

  1. Click on the '+' symbol near 'Dashboards'.
  2. Give your dashboard a name.
  3. Select 'Pin Live Page' from your report view and select the dashboard you've just created.

Sharing a Power BI Report

  1. Save your report by clicking on 'File' -> 'Save'.
  2. Click on 'File' -> 'Publish' -> 'Publish to Power BI'.
  3. Your report is now available on the online Power BI service and can be shared with other users.

Final Words

This guide outlines the fundamental aspects of creating reports with Power BI. More complex visualizations and dashboards can be created using the same principles. The Power BI Desktop application is a powerful tool that works well with present data and helps to uncover insights that might be harder to discern from raw data.

Interpreting Data in Power BI

After creating your Power BI reports, the next step is interpreting the data. Power BI provides powerful visualization features that allow us to understand complex data sets.

Section 1: Understanding the Power BI Dashboard

# Start Power BI application

# If necessary, log in to Power BI with credentials

# Display the Power BI dashboard 

Power BI dashboard is a collection of visuals, reports, and other information. Interpreting data begins once you open a report and observe your visualizations.

Section 2: Interpreting Visualizations

Visual representations of report data help us understand patterns, outliers and trends.

Consider a bar graph that displays monthly sales:

# Select the required bar chart
Select-ColumnChart -Name "Monthly Sales"

# Hover over a bar in the chart
Hover-Bar -Month "January"

# Information about January sales should be displayed
# This value interprets the sales made in January  

In Power BI Desktop, an information icon on hover displays the aggregated value of the field (count, sum, average, etc), representing a data point of the graph.

Section 3: Filtering Data

Power BI provides sophisticated filters to view specific datasets.

Suppose we want to see the sales data for a particular region:

# Select a filter pane

# Select the filter for region
Select-Filter -Name "Region"

# Enter the name of the region
Enter-Value -Name "North America" 

# Apply the filter

The report visuals now represent only the data that pertains to the selection.

Section 4: Drill Down/Up Data

Drilling down data provides a detailed breakdown of data.

Suppose we want to see the sales sub-categorized by product type:

# Select a pie chart visual for product sales
Select-PieChart -Name "Product Sales"

# Enable drilldown

# Click on the product type for a detailed report
Click-Segment -Name "Electronics"

This provides deeper insights into the electronics sales data. The opposite operation, drilling up, will group the detailed data into high-level data.

Section 5: Comparing Data

Power BI allows us to compare data by creating a visual with two data fields.

For an example, let's plot a graph that represents sales and costs for each month:

# Generate the graph by adding 'sales' and 'costs' to the values field
# and 'month' to axis field of a bar chart 
Add-Value -Field "Sales"
Add-Value -Field "Costs"
Add-Axis -Field "Month"

# Interpret data by comparing bars of each month

Comparing these values can help us understand the difference between the costs and sales, and the profit made each month.


Interpreting data in Power BI involves understanding and interacting with the dashboard, visualizations, and the various analysis tools provided by the platform. The given practical implementation is intended as a generic guide. Actual operations could be different as the implementation varies as per specific requirements and data models in each individual project.

System Security and User Permissions

In this section, we'll implement system security and user permissions for a multi-accessible platform for manual entries of training records. The primary language for this implementation will be Python with Django for the web framework, and PostgresQL as the database. This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of these.

Model and Migration

The first step of effectively managing user permissions in Django involves setting up a User model and migration to manage the user data. Django, by default, comes with a User model with attributes such as username, password, email, first_name, last_name, and is_staff, among others.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

Permissions and Groups

Django also provides a way to specify permissions for models which can then be assigned to specific User instances or groups.

from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
permission = Permission.objects.get(name='Can view training record')

Groups are a way to categorize users to apply permissions to more than one user at once.

from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
group = Group(name='Trainers')

Decorators for Restricting Views

Django provides decorators that you can add to your views to restrict access to users that have certain permissions.

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
@permission_required('app.view_trainingrecord', raise_exception=True)
def view_training_record(request):

You can also use the UserPassesTestMixin when using class-based views.

from django.contrib.auth.mixins import UserPassesTestMixin

class MyView(UserPassesTestMixin, View):
    def test_func(self):
        return self.request.user.groups.filter(name='Trainers').exists()

Password Management

All passwords in Django are stored as hashes, which means that even if someone gains access to the database, they can't see the actual password.

Both authentication and authorization are handled by Django's django.contrib.auth.

from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login

def login_view(request):
    username = request.POST['username']
    password = request.POST['password']
    user = authenticate(request, username=username, password=password)
    if user is not None:
        login(request, user)
        # Redirect to a success page.
        # Return an 'invalid login' error message.

CSRF Protection

Django provides an inbuilt mechanism for Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRF) protection.

In a Django project, CSRF protection is enabled by default and for any POST request Django search for csrfmiddlewaretoken in your POST data.

def my_view(request):
    c = {}
    # ...
    return render_to_response("a_template.html", c)

Note: CSRF attacks are mitigated by ensuring that POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests are sent with a CSRF token which is a unique value for every user session.

Remember not to expose sensitive data via GET requests, because these requests do not require CSRF protection.

By following these steps, you are well on your way to implementing a secure system with user permissions. Don't forget to cater ViewModel permission checks, limit response data, and secure your data endpoints by implementing Pagination.

Optimizing Data Entry and Accuracy in CRUD Operations

In the context of a system designed to manage training records with CRUD operations, optimizing data entry and accuracy can be achieved through form validation, data normalization and the use of autocompleting fields. This guide will provide an implementation using JavaScript, which is a common language for web data input validation.

1. Form Validation

Form validation helps to ensure accuracy by checking that the data entered by a user fits the expected format.

Let's say we have a form where we enter an employee's details, including their ID, Name, and Role.



Here we will check if the data has the correct structure and if not, display an error.

document.getElementById('employeeForm').addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
   var empId = document.getElementById('empId');
   var empName = document.getElementById('empName');
   var empRole = document.getElementById('empRole');
   if(!empId.value.match(/^[0-9]{4}$/)) {
     alert('Employee ID must be a 4 digit number.');
     return false;
   if(!empName.value.match(/^[A-Za-z\s]{1,}[\.]{0,1}[A-Za-z\s]{0,}$/)) {
     alert('Employee Name is not valid.');
     return false;
   if(!empRole.value.match(/^[A-Za-z\s]+$/)) {
     alert('Role should only contain letters.');
     return false;

   // successful validation, perform CRUD operation 

2. Data Normalization

Data normalization enables the removal of duplicate data, helping decrease the likelihood of errors during CRUD operations.

const empRecords = [
   {empId: '0001', empName: 'John Smith', empRole: 'Manager'},
   {empId: '0002', empName: 'John Smith', empRole: 'Manager'},

let normRecords = new Map();
for(let record of empRecords) {
   let key = `${record.empId}_${record.empName}_${record.empRole}`;
   normRecords.set(key, record);

// Now, normRecords contains only unique employee records
let uniqueRecords = [...normRecords.values()];

3. Autocompletion

Autocomplete fields decrease the amount of necessary input, reducing data entry errors.



document.getElementById('empRoles').addEventListener('input', function(event) {
   let roleOptions = ['Manager', 'Developer', 'Analyst', ...];
   let input =;
   if(!roleOptions.includes(input.value)) {
     alert('Role is not recognized. Please select valid role from the given list.');
     return false;

This implementation ensures data entry optimization and minimizes the occurrence of data inaccuracies by incorporating form validation, data normalization, and autocomplete fields into your training records management system.

Ensuring Data Consistency and Integrity

Ensuring data consistency and integrity is crucial especially if the platform is a multi-accessible with manual data entries. Here, we'll be diving into unique constraints, triggers and stored procedures to ensure that consistency and integrity are maintained.

Unique Constraints

Unique constraints ensure that no two records have the same value in a given field. Several tools and languages have mechanisms to handle unique constraints. In SQL, for example, the UNIQUE keyword enforces a constraint.

TrainingRecord varchar(255) NOT NULL,

This ensures that no two employees have the same EmployeeID, thus maintaining data consistency.


Triggers are database operations that occur when a specified change occurs in the database. They are typically used to maintain the consistency and integrity of the data. In our training platform, we could use triggers to track changes in training records.

ON TrainingData
   INSERT INTO TrainingRecordUpdates(TrainingRecord, UpdateTime) 
   VALUES(OLD.TrainingRecord, NOW());

Above SQL trigger inserts a record into a TrainingRecordUpdates table whenever a training record in the 'TrainingData' table gets updated. In this way, we keep a log of changes for audit purposes.

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are a collection of SQL statements stored in the database that perform a specific task. They are useful for enforcing business rules and data integrity. Consider a scenario where a training record gets deleted, with a stored procedure, we would like to keep track of these deleted records.

CREATE PROCEDURE DeleteTrainingRecord 
   @RecordID int
   --Insert into deleted records table
   INSERT INTO DeletedTrainingRecords(RecordID, DeleteTime)
   SELECT EmployeeID, GETDATE() 
   FROM TrainingData 
   WHERE EmployeeID = @RecordID;
   --Delete the record
   FROM TrainingData 
   WHERE EmployeeID = @RecordID;

With the above SQL stored procedure, we first log the record to be deleted in a DeletedTrainingRecords table before actually performing the deletion operation, thus safeguarding against accidental deletions.


Looking through this real-world application, you could see that data integrity and consistency should be an ongoing effort. With unique constraints, triggers, and stored procedures, we can develop a system that maintains a high level of data integrity and consistency. However, it should be considered implementing more advanced techniques, such as data validation at both, the database and application levels to widen the security and consistent measures if the project grows.

Application of CRUD in Training Data Management

Here, we will be implementing CRUD operations for a hypothetical Trainings model. For the sake of illustration, we assume you are using Python's Django web framework and SQLite as the database backend.


First, import necessary modules for handling models and views.

from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404, redirect
from django.http import HttpResponse
from .models import Training


The Training model might be as follows (defined in

from django.db import models

class Training(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    description = models.TextField()
    date = models.DateField()

    def __str__(self):


The function for creating a new training data could look something like this:

def create_training(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.POST.get('name')
        description = request.POST.get('description')
        date = request.POST.get('date')
        training = Training(name=name, description=description, date=date)
        return redirect('training_list')  # redirect to the list of trainings after saving
        return render(request, 'create_training.html')  # render the form for creating a training


For displaying the list of trainings in your database:

def training_list(request):
    trainings = Training.objects.all()  # get all the trainings
    return render(request, 'training_list.html', {'trainings': trainings})

For displaying the details of a single training:

def training_detail(request, pk):
    training = get_object_or_404(Training, pk=pk)  # get the training with this primary key
    return render(request, 'training_detail.html', {'training': training})


The function for updating a training data might look something like this:

def edit_training(request, pk):
    training = get_object_or_404(Training, pk=pk)  # get the training with this primary key
    if request.method == "POST": = request.POST.get('name')
        training.description = request.POST.get('description') = request.POST.get('date')
        return redirect('training_detail',  # redirect to the details of this training after saving
        return render(request, 'edit_training.html', {'training': training})  # render the form for editing a training


The function for deleting a training might look like this:

def delete_training(request, pk):
    training = get_object_or_404(Training, pk=pk)  # get the training with this primary key
    return redirect('training_list')  # redirect to the list of trainings after deleting

Remember to configure corresponding URLs in your file:

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('training/new/', views.create_training, name='create_training'),
    path('trainings/', views.training_list, name='training_list'),
    path('training//', views.training_detail, name='training_detail'),
    path('training//edit/', views.edit_training, name='edit_training'),
    path('training//delete/', views.delete_training, name='delete_training'),

Note: This is a typical Django structure. If you are using another framework or languages like Java, PHP or JavaScript, the concept would be the same, but the syntax would differ.

Remember to customize your application as per frontend templates for user interactions. These are just the bare minimum CRUD operations on the Training model. You need to collect data through HTML forms. Adjust and extend the code as per your requirements.

Transforming Data for Power BI

The transformation of data for Power BI involves multiple steps that begin from preparing and cleaning the data before its import to Power BI, and then reshaping it inside Power BI using Power Query.

We'll focus on data transformation processes within Power BI that can be applied after the data has been imported.

Loading Data to Power BI

Before we can transform anything, we first need to have the data in Power BI. Assuming you already have your data available, you can import it to Power BI using the 'Get Data' option. Choose the relevant source (e.g., SQL Server, Excel, etc.) and import your data.

Following is a pseudo-Markdown to define how to load data:

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.
  2. Click on 'Get Data' -> choose your data source.
  3. Follow the steps in the navigator to load your data.

Using Power Query to Transform Data

Power Query is the data connection technology that enables you to connect, combine, and refine data across a wide variety of sources. With Power Query, data owners can manipulate data without the need for any coding knowledge. You'll use this to transform your data.

1. Launching the Power Query Editor

After loading the data you will land in the Power Query Editor. To launch the Power Query Editor:

  1. Click the 'Edit Queries' on the Home tab.

This will switch you to the Power Query Editor.

2. Performing Basic Transformations

An example transformation may involve changing column data types:

  1. Select the column -> Right click -> Select 'Change Type' -> Choose the correct data type (for example 'Text').

You might need to split a column into multiple columns:

  1. Select the column to split.
  2. In the 'Home' tab, select 'Split Column' -> 'By Delimiter'.
  3. Choose the delimiter and where to split.

3. Performing Advanced Transformations

Certain transformations like Unpivoting columns, Transposing tables, etc can be carried out:

To Unpivot columns:

  1. Select the columns to unpivot.
  2. Right click -> Unpivot Columns.

To transpose a table:

  1. In the 'Transform' tab, select 'Transpose'.

To merge queries:

  1. Select first table -> 'Home' tab -> 'Merge Queries'.
  2. In the 'Merge' dialog box, select the second table and then the columns that you want to join on.

4. Loading the Transformed data

After the transformations are complete, you can load the data into Power BI:

  1. 'Home' tab -> 'Close & Apply' -> 'Apply'.

The data can now be used to create visuals or further transformations using DAX.

Note: I've assumed that you have the data ready in a format that Power BI can ingest. If you need to clean or pre-process your data, it needs to be done outside Power BI (in a data preparation tool or using a programming environment like Python or R) before loading it into Power BI.


Power Query offers powerful data transformation capabilities right within Power BI. A variety of transformations can be done, including basic transformations like changing data types, to advanced ones like unpivoting or merging queries. After the transformations, the data is loaded to Power BI and is ready for further analysis or visualization.

Advanced Techniques for Data Visualization

Data visualization plays a significant role in understanding the complex structure of data. In this section, we'll cover some advanced methods for data visualization, using Python libraries - Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly.

1. Heatmap

Heatmaps are used to visualize the correlation between different features in the dataset. It presents the value in the tabular representation with the color scale.

Implementation using Seaborn:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = ... # your data
correlation = data.corr()
sns.heatmap(correlation, annot = True)

2. Treemap

Treemaps display hierarchically structured information. The space in the visualization is split up into rectangles that are sized and ordered by a quantitative variable.

Implementation using Plotly:

import as px
data = ... # your data
fig = px.treemap(data, path = ['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3'], values = 'feature4')

3. Box Plot

Box plots depict groups of numerical data through their quartiles. Box plots also show outliers through the use of whiskers.

Implementation using Seaborn:

import seaborn as sns
data = ... # your data
sns.boxplot(x = 'feature1', y = 'feature2', data = data)

4. Scatter plot

Scatter plot uses dots to represent the values obtained for two different variables - one plotted along the x-axis and the other plotted along the y-axis.

Implementation using Matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = ... # your data
plt.scatter(data['feature1'], data['feature2'])

5. Histogram

Histograms represent the distribution of data by employing a set of bars.

Implementation using Matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = ... # your data
plt.hist(data['feature'], bins = 10)

Please replace 'feature', 'feature1', 'feature2', etc. with the actual column names from your dataset, and replace data with your dataset's variable name.

Final Assessment and Real-life Implementation

This final section delves into how you can integrate all of the other units into the final implementation and the different challenges that you might face while doing so.


Setting up a Database for Storing Training Records

Before we can execute any CRUD operations, we need to set up a database. Let's use SQLite as an example:

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('training_records.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Create table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE records
             (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name text, position text, training text, date date)''')

# Commit the changes and close the connection

Performing CRUD Operations

Now the basic operations become fairly straightforward:

  • Create: To add a new training record:
conn = sqlite3.connect('training_records.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Insert a row of data
c.execute("INSERT INTO records VALUES (1,'John Doe','Manager','Leadership','2022-08-01')")

# Commit the changes and close the connection
  • Read: Reading data is useful for viewing or analyzing the dataset:
conn = sqlite3.connect('training_records.db')
c = conn.cursor()

for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM records ORDER BY name'):

# Close the connection
  • Update: To update an existing record:
conn = sqlite3.connect('training_records.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Update record
c.execute("UPDATE records SET training='Advanced Leadership' WHERE name='John Doe'")

# Commit the changes and close the connection
  • Delete: To remove a record:
conn = sqlite3.connect('training_records.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Delete record
c.execute("DELETE from records WHERE id=1")

# Commit the changes and close the connection

Power BI Integration for Data Visualisation

After we have a database of training records, we can use Power BI to visualize the data. Because we are using SQLite as the database, we can directly connect Power BI to our SQLite database.

In Power BI Desktop, select "SQLite" as the data source and provide the location of the SQLite database as the source. After successful connection, you can design your dashboard or report.

For complex data transformation, use Power Query in Power BI. It provides an intuitive and powerful interface for transforming and reshaping the data to meet your needs.

Here is a sample DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) query for calculating the total training records per position:

Training by Position = COUNTAX(FILTER(ALL('records'[position]), [position] = EARLIER([position])), [id])

Once the data is ready, you can create a variety of visualizations such as charts, tables, or maps.

Real-world Challenges

While implementing the above approach, you may encounter a few challenges:

  1. Security and Privacy: You will need to ensure that only authorized users have access to the database and can perform CRUD operations. Also, sensitive data should be encrypted or anonymized.

  2. Data Accuracy and Consistency: Duplication and incorrect data entry are common issues in any system where manual entries can occur. To maintain data accuracy and consistency, you should implement data verification and validation steps.

  3. Scalability: As the number of records increases, the database must be able to handle the load efficiently. Also, the performance of Power BI reports should not be significantly impacted as the data volume grows.

  4. Usability: The system should be user-friendly so that non-technical users can easily enter data and generate reports.

To overcome these challenges, you have to work closely with stakeholders to understand their requirements and make necessary adjustments to your system regularly. The continuous evaluation and feedback loop will help to create a robust and efficient system.