Code Visualization Using DOT Notation
This document provides a visual representation of the specified code snippet using DOT notation. The code represents an airborne vehicle's behavior in a simulated environment, detailing various events, actions, and sounds associated with it.
DOT Notation Structure
Nodes and Relationships
- airborne
- on spawn
- link_sound
- add_view
- call "init_gun"
- ani_play
- on "add_movement_sound"
- link_sound
- on "takeoff"
- if not dead
- ani_play
- play_sound
- if not dead
- on "takeoff_load"
- ani_wind
- on "landing"
- ani_play
- stop_sound
- on engine on overload
- call "engine_on"
- on animation_end "engine_start"
- ani_play
- play_sound
- on engine off overload
- call "engine_stop"
- play_sound
- on "engine_on"
- mod "mp"
- if not "engine_started"
- set "engine_started"
- play_sound
- ani_play
- view start
- delay
- if not "engine_started"
- else
- ani_play
- play_sound
- mod "mp"
- on "update_moveable" overload
- if chassis "airborne"
- call "check_work_mover"
- else
- call "check_work_mover"
- inherited
- if chassis "airborne"
- on "engine_stop"
- kill_delay
- if "engine_started"
- set
- ani_stop
- play_sound
- on "break_glass"
- volume disable bullet contact
- spawn
- delay_ex
- on break
- if chassis "airborne"
- if component
- call "fall"
- if component
- if component "glass"
- call "break_glass"
- if chassis "airborne"
- on pierce sync
- vehicle_health_damage_pierce
- on "check_work_mover" overload
- if broken "rotor"
- movement_limit slow
- else
- movement_limit fast
- if broken "rotor"
- on "fall"
- if not "fall"
- set "fall"
- impulse
- explosive
- play_sound
- call "fall_fx"
- if not "fall"
- on "fall_fx"
- delay
- add_view
- view start
- burn volume
- delay
- on ground_hit sync
- call "collide"
- delay
- on contact overload sync
- if not impregnable
- if effector
- call "collide"
- if effector
- if not impregnable
- on "collide"
- if volume
- call "explosion"
- if volume
- on "tear_part"
- spawn
- component destroy
- volume disable contact contact_ground
- on spawn
Functions Defined
- (define "burn_part"
- on "burn_%0_start"
- on "burn_%0_stop" ) ("burn_part" args 1-4)
Subgroup: airborne no_explosion
- airborne no_explosion
- on contact
- on ground_hit sync
- call "die"
- on "_explosion" overload
- call "die"
- on "fall_fx" overload
Visual Representation in DOT Notation
digraph G {
node [shape=box];
airborne -> "on spawn" -> { link_sound add_view call "init_gun" ani_play };
airborne -> "on add_movement_sound" -> { link_sound };
airborne -> "on takeoff" -> { if_not dead -> { ani_play play_sound } };
airborne -> "on takeoff_load" -> { ani_wind };
airborne -> "on landing" -> { ani_play stop_sound };
airborne -> "on engine on overload" -> { call "engine_on" };
airborne -> "on animation_end 'engine_start'" -> { ani_play play_sound };
airborne -> "on engine off overload" -> { call "engine_stop" play_sound };
airborne -> "on engine_on" -> { mod "mp" -> { if_not "engine_started" -> { set "engine_started" } } };
airborne -> "on update_moveable overload" -> { if_chassis "airborne" -> { call "check_work_mover" } inherited };
airborne -> "on engine_stop" -> { kill_delay; if "engine_started" -> { set ani_stop play_sound } };
airborne -> "on break_glass" -> { volume_disable bullet contact spawn delay_ex };
airborne -> "on break" -> { if_chassis "airborne" -> { if_component -> call "fall" } };
airborne -> "on pierce sync" -> { vehicle_health_damage_pierce };
airborne -> "on check_work_mover overload" -> { if_broken "rotor" -> { movement_limit slow } else -> { movement_limit fast } };
airborne -> "on fall" -> { if_not "fall" -> { set "fall"; impulse explosive play_sound call "fall_fx" } };
airborne -> "on fall_fx" -> { delay add_view view "fire" burn delay };
"on ground_hit sync" -> { call "collide" delay };
"on contact overload sync" -> { if_not impregnable -> { ... } };
"on collide" -> { if_volume -> { call "explosion" } };
"on tear_part" -> { spawn component_destroy volume_disable contact_contact_ground };
"burn_part" -> { on "burn_%0_start" on "burn_%0_stop" };
"airborne no_explosion" -> { on contact on ground_hit sync call "die" };
The provided DOT representation encapsulates the critical event-handling functions of an airborne vehicle, facilitating better understanding of its structure and interactions within the code environment. For further learning on code visualization practices, consider the courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.
This document presents a comprehensive visualization of an airborne vehicle's behavior using DOT notation, detailing its events, actions, interactions, and sound handling in a simulated environment.