Pseudo Code for Processing API Transactions
This pseudo code represents the logic to process a list of API transactions (apiTransactionList
) by evaluating each transaction based on its API name. It updates a summary record map and manages responses accordingly.
Data Structures
- apiTransactionList: List of API Transactions to process.
- inputMap: Input parameters provided for transaction processing.
- transaction_record: List holding transaction summaries.
- bfTransSummToUpdate: Map to track transactions that need updating.
Function Definition
Define the function to process API transactions:
Function processAPITransactions(apiTransactionList, inputMap, transaction_record)
Initialize bfTransSummToUpdate as empty map
Initialize wrapperClass as new WrapperClassForProcessAPITransactions()
For each apiTrx in apiTransactionList do
Initialize addrssMatch to NULL
Call function apiNameIsServiceAddressValidations(apiTrx, addrssMatch, bfTransSummToUpdate)
Update apiTrx, addrssMatch, and bfTransSummToUpdate with return values
Else If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'AddressBusinessService' or 'SubmitByGeoAddressId' then
addrssMatch = handleAddressBusinessService(apiTrx, addrssMatch)
If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'AddressBusinessService' then
If apiTrx.API_Response_JSON is not NULL
And captureCompanyOnwerIdBMFlow(apiTrx.API_Response_JSON) is not NULL then
updateCompanyOwner(bfTransSummToUpdate, apiTrx)
Else If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'serviceAddresses' AND apiTrx.API_Status_Code equals '200' then
Call function apiNameIsServiceAddresses(apiTrx, addrssMatch, bfTransSummToUpdate)
Update apiTrx, addrssMatch, and bfTransSummToUpdate with return values
Else If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'performUnifiedQual' then
Call function apiNameIsPerformUnifiedQual(apiTrx, addrssMatch, bfTransSummToUpdate)
Update apiTrx, addrssMatch, and bfTransSummToUpdate with return values
Else If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'FindAvailableServicesV4' then
Call function apiNameIsFindAvailableServicesV4(apiTrx, addrssMatch, bfTransSummToUpdate)
Update apiTrx, addrssMatch, and bfTransSummToUpdate with return values
Else If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'GetOffers' then
If apiTrx.Buyflow_Transaction_Summary_ID is not NULL
AND apiTrx.API_Response_JSON is valid JSON then
Call function apiNameIsGetOffers(apiTrx, bfTransSummToUpdate)
Update apiTrx and bfTransSummToUpdate with return values
Else If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'BIWF_GetOffers' or 'BIWF_GetOffers_SFCC' then
Call function apiNameIsBIWFGetOffers(apiTrx, bfTransSummToUpdate)
Update apiTrx and bfTransSummToUpdate with return values
Else If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'serviceAddressesValidationsO2' or 'O2ServiceAddresses' then
addrssMatch = handleO2ServiceValidationResponse(apiTrx, addrssMatch, bfTransSummToUpdate)
Catch Exception e
Log exception details
End If
apiTrx.Qual_Results = addrssMatch
Validate API Response JSON and handle length restrictions
If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'ReserveAppointment' then
updateAppointmentReference(bfTransSummToUpdate, apiTrx, inputMap)
If apiTrx.API_Name equals 'retrieveAppointment' then
updateTransactionStatus(apiTrx, transaction_record)
End For
Prepare TransactionWrapper for return
wrap.apiTransactionList = apiTransactionList
If bfTransSummToUpdate is not empty then
wrap.bfTransSummToUpdate = values of bfTransSummToUpdate
Return wrap
End Function
Helper Functions
Update Company Owner
Function updateCompanyOwner(bfTransSummToUpdate, apiTrx)
Retrieve summRec = bfTransSummToUpdate.get(apiTrx.Buyflow_Transaction_Summary_ID)
If summRec is not NULL then
summRec.CompanyOwnerId = captureCompanyOnwerIdBMFlow(apiTrx.API_Response_JSON)
Create new BF_Transactions_Summary entry in bfTransSummToUpdate with company owner ID
End If
End Function
Update Appointment Reference
Function updateAppointmentReference(bfTransSummToUpdate, apiTrx, inputMap)
Retrieve summRec = bfTransSummToUpdate.get(apiTrx.Buyflow_Transaction_Summary_ID)
If summRec is not NULL then
summRec.Appointment_Order_ID = inputMap['AppointmentReferenceNumber']
Create new BF_Transactions_Summary entry in bfTransSummToUpdate with appointment ID
End If
End Function
Update Transaction Status
Function updateTransactionStatus(apiTrx, transaction_record)
If transaction_record[0].Source equals 'Martens' AND apiTrx.API_Response_JSON is not blank then
Deserialize apiTrx.API_Response_JSON into retrieveApptsResp
For each appt in retrieveApptsResp do
Check if appointment is available
If available then
Set apiTrx.API_Status to 'success'
End If
End For
End If
End Function
This pseudo code structure highlights the processing flow, key decision points, and modular helper functions involved in processing API transactions while updating transaction summaries accordingly. The code is documented for clarity in understanding its purpose and functionality.
This pseudo code outlines the process for handling a list of API transactions, including updating summaries and managing responses based on specific API names. It features modular functions for updating company owners, appointment references, and transaction statuses.