Code Generator | VBA
Arabic Sentence and Number Separation Function
This VBA function extracts Arabic sentences and numeric values from a given string divided by slashes. It returns a collection containing separate groups for Arabic sentences and numbers, ensuring efficient data parsing and organization.
VBA Function to Separate Arabic Sentences from Numbers
This document outlines a comprehensive VBA function that separates Arabic sentences from numeric values within a string. Each sentence is delimited by a slash (/
Function Overview
The purpose of this function is to parse a provided string, extracting Arabic sentences and numeric values into two separate collections.
(String): The string containing Arabic sentences and numbers separated by slashes.
Return Type
- Returns a Collection with two items:
- ArabicSentences (Collection): A collection of extracted Arabic sentences.
- Numbers (Collection): A collection of extracted numbers.
- Raises an error if the input string is empty.
VBA Code
Option Explicit
Function SeparateArabicAndNumbers(inputString As String) As Collection
' This function separates Arabic sentences from numbers in a string
' Parameters:
' inputString: The string containing Arabic sentences and numbers divided by '/'
' Returns:
' A collection with two items: ArabicSentences and Numbers
' Raises:
' Error if inputString is empty
Dim result As Collection
Dim sentences As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim arabicCollection As Collection
Dim numbersCollection As Collection
Dim currentItem As String
' Validate input
If Len(Trim(inputString)) = 0 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "SeparateArabicAndNumbers", "Input string cannot be empty."
End If
' Initialize collections
Set result = New Collection
Set arabicCollection = New Collection
Set numbersCollection = New Collection
' Split input string by '/'
sentences = Split(inputString, "/")
' Loop through each item
For i = LBound(sentences) To UBound(sentences)
currentItem = Trim(sentences(i))
' Check if the item is numeric or Arabic
If IsNumeric(currentItem) Then
numbersCollection.Add currentItem
ElseIf ContainsArabicCharacters(currentItem) Then
arabicCollection.Add currentItem
End If
Next i
' Add collections to result
result.Add arabicCollection, "ArabicSentences"
result.Add numbersCollection, "Numbers"
' Return the result
Set SeparateArabicAndNumbers = result
End Function
Private Function ContainsArabicCharacters(text As String) As Boolean
' Checks if the string contains Arabic characters
Dim i As Long
Dim charCode As Long
For i = 1 To Len(text)
charCode = AscW(Mid(text, i, 1))
' Arabic characters range: 1536-1791
If charCode >= 1536 And charCode <= 1791 Then
ContainsArabicCharacters = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i
ContainsArabicCharacters = False
End Function
Code Explanation
- Input Validation: Checks if the input string is empty and raises an error if so.
- Initialization: Creates collections for both Arabic sentences and numbers.
- Splitting: The input string is split based on the slash (
) delimiter into an array. - Looping Through Sentences:
- Each sentence is trimmed to remove excess spaces.
- If the sentence is numeric, it’s added to the
collection. - If it contains Arabic characters, it’s added to the
collection using a helper function.
- Output: Returns a collection of Arabic sentences and numbers.
Usage Example
To utilize this function in your VBA project, you may call it as follows:
Sub TestSeparateArabicAndNumbers()
Dim result As Collection
Dim arabicSentences As Collection
Dim numbers As Collection
Dim inputString As String
Dim arabicItem As Variant
Dim numberItem As Variant
' Sample input string
inputString = "مرحبا/1234/كيف حالك؟/5678/كتاب"
' Call the function
Set result = SeparateArabicAndNumbers(inputString)
' Retrieve collections
Set arabicSentences = result("ArabicSentences")
Set numbers = result("Numbers")
' Output results to the Immediate Window
Debug.Print "Arabic Sentences:"
For Each arabicItem In arabicSentences
Debug.Print arabicItem
Next arabicItem
Debug.Print "Numbers:"
For Each numberItem In numbers
Debug.Print numberItem
Next numberItem
End Sub
Explanation of Example
- The
subroutine demonstrates how to call the main function and outputs the results to the Immediate Window in the VBA editor for verification.
This robust and structured function provides an efficient way to separate Arabic text from numbers, adhering to best practices in VBA coding. For more advanced analytics and insights within Excel, consider exploring further resources available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.
This VBA function extracts Arabic sentences and numeric values from a given string divided by slashes. It returns a collection containing separate groups for Arabic sentences and numbers, ensuring efficient data parsing and organization.