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Auto Event System for Star Wars RP

This document details a Lua-based auto event system for a Star Wars RP Clone Wars server. It includes an event manager, a user interface for event setup, and a command handler for user interactions, allowing smooth creation and management

Empty image or helper icon


Write an auto event system for the STAR WARS RP Clone Wars server and draw a menu for setting it up and using it, which will open with a button or using the open_event_system console command


Auto Event System for Star Wars RP Clone Wars Server

This document outlines the implementation of an auto event system in Lua for a Star Wars RP Clone Wars server. The system includes a user interface for event setup and allows users to open the event menu through a button or console command.


The auto event system consists of:

  1. Event Manager - Handles event creation and execution.
  2. User Interface - Provides a menu for users to interact with the event system.
  3. Command Handler - Listens for commands to open the event menu.

Code Implementation

1. Required Libraries

Ensure that you have the necessary Lua modules imported for function and UI management.

-- Importing necessary libraries (if required by your environment)
-- local ui = require('ui_library') -- Hypothetical UI library
-- local event_manager = require('event_library') -- Hypothetical Event management library

2. Event Manager

This class manages all events within the server.

-- EventManager Class Definition
EventManager = {}
EventManager.__index = EventManager

function EventManager:new()
    local obj = { events = {} }
    setmetatable(obj, self)
    return obj

--- Adds an event to the system.
-- @param name string: The name of the event.
-- @param description string: Brief description of the event.
-- @param callback function: Function to execute when the event is triggered.
-- @return EventManager: The current instance for method chaining.
function EventManager:addEvent(name, description, callback)
    if not name or type(name) ~= "string" or name == "" then
        error("Invalid event name")
    if not callback or type(callback) ~= "function" then
        error("Invalid callback function")
    end[name] = { description = description, callback = callback }
    return self

--- Triggers an event by its name.
-- @param name string: The name of the event to trigger.
function EventManager:triggerEvent(name)
    if[name] and[name].callback then[name].callback()
        print("Event not found: " .. name)

3. User Interface Setup

Set up a menu to allow users to interact with the event system.

-- UIManager Class Definition
UIManager = {}
UIManager.__index = UIManager

function UIManager:new(eventManager)
    local obj = { eventManager = eventManager }
    setmetatable(obj, self)
    return obj

--- Displays the event menu to the user.
function UIManager:displayEventMenu()
    -- Pseudo code to represent UI menu
    print("Event Menu:")
    for name, data in pairs( do
        print(string.format("[%s]: %s", name, data.description))

4. Command Handler

Listen for commands and trigger the UI.

-- Command handler function
function open_event_system()
    local uiManager = UIManager:new(eventManager)

-- Registering the console command (assumes a command registration framework)
-- registerCommand("open_event_system", open_event_system)

5. Example Usage

Demonstration of how to set up and use the auto event system.

-- Create an instance of EventManager
local eventManager = EventManager:new()

-- Add events to the event manager
eventManager:addEvent("Droid Attack", "A sudden attack by battle droids!", function()
    print("Droid attack event triggered!")

eventManager:addEvent("Jedi Council Meeting", "A meeting of the Jedi Council.", function()
    print("Jedi Council Meeting is now in session.")

-- Trigger an event manually
eventManager:triggerEvent("Droid Attack")

-- Open the event menu through command
open_event_system()  -- This simulates calling the command


This auto event system provides a simple yet flexible way to manage events in a Star Wars RP Clone Wars server. It allows users to set up, modify, and trigger events seamlessly.

For further enhancement, consider exploring additional features like event scheduling or integrating with a database for persistence. For more in-depth learning, check out courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform that cover game development in Lua and event management.

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This document details a Lua-based auto event system for a Star Wars RP Clone Wars server. It includes an event manager, a user interface for event setup, and a command handler for user interactions, allowing smooth creation and management of in-game events.