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Auto Reconnect Script for SA-MP Chat Messages

This Lua script monitors chat messages in SA-MP and automatically reconnects to the server when it detects "CONNECTION REJECTED Unacceptable NickName." It ensures seamless gameplay by managing connection issues effectively.

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Напиши код который при тексте CONNECTION REJECTED Unacceptable NickName в чате сампа будет перезаходить на сервер


Lua Function to Reconnect to Server on Specific Chat Message

This Lua script is designed to monitor chat messages in SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer). When the message "CONNECTION REJECTED Unacceptable NickName" appears, it will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server. Below is the code snippet, followed by a usage example.

Code Implementation

-- Function to handle reconnection in SA-MP
--@param chat_message: string - The message retrieved from the chat
function checkChatMessageAndReconnect(chat_message)
    -- Import necessary modules
    require "sampfuncs"  -- SA-MP specific functions library
    require "sampapi"    -- SA-MP api library

    -- Validate the input
    if type(chat_message) ~= "string" then
        error("Invalid input: chat_message should be a string")

    -- Check for the specific chat message
    if chat_message == "CONNECTION REJECTED Unacceptable NickName" then
        -- Reconnect to the server

-- Function to handle reconnection logic
function reconnect()
    -- Disconnect from the server if connected
    if sampIsConnected() then
        sampDisconnectWithReason("Reconnecting due to unacceptable nickname")

    -- Wait for a short period before reconnecting
    wait(5000) -- wait for 5 seconds

    -- Attempt to reconnect to the server
    local connectResult = sampConnectToServer("", 7777) -- replace with your server's IP and port
    -- Check if reconnection was successful
    if connectResult then
        print("Successfully reconnected to the server.")
        error("Failed to reconnect to the server.")

Usage Example

You can integrate this function into your SA-MP script to automatically handle the reconnection process when the specified chat message occurs.

-- This is where you would capture the chat messages and call the function
function onChatMessageReceived(chat_message)
    -- Use the function to check the message and potentially reconnect

-- Simulate chat message for testing
onChatMessageReceived("CONNECTION REJECTED Unacceptable NickName")


  1. Imports: The script imports sampfuncs and sampapi, which are essential for interacting with SA-MP.
  2. Input Validation: The checkChatMessageAndReconnect function ensures the chat_message parameter is a string.
  3. Chat Message Check: It checks if the chat message is "CONNECTION REJECTED Unacceptable NickName".
  4. Reconnection: If the message matches, it calls the reconnect function to handle the server reconnection process.
    • It first checks if the player is connected, then disconnects and waits for 5 seconds before attempting to reconnect to the server.
    • The server address and port 7777 should be replaced with actual server details.

This example highlights a robust approach to automatically reconnect to a SA-MP server on receiving a specified chat message. This architecture ensures smooth handling of connection issues related to nicknames and enhances playability experience. For further learning, consider courses on Enterprise DNA's platform for more in-depth insights into Lua programming and automation scripts.

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This Lua script monitors chat messages in SA-MP and automatically reconnects to the server when it detects "CONNECTION REJECTED Unacceptable NickName." It ensures seamless gameplay by managing connection issues effectively.