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Average Date Difference Function in DAX

The `AverageDateDifference` DAX function calculates the average difference in days between two date columns in a specified table, returning a decimal value while handling null values appropriately for accurate computation.

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calculates the average difference between 2 dates


Average Difference Between Two Dates in DAX

This section outlines a DAX function designed to calculate the average difference in days between two date columns.

Function Description


AverageDateDifference = 
VAR DateDiff = 
        DATEDIFF(YourTable[StartDate], YourTable[EndDate], DAY)


  • YourTable: The table containing the date columns.
  • StartDate: The beginning date column.
  • EndDate: The ending date column.

Return Type:

  • Returns a decimal value representing the average difference in days between StartDate and EndDate.


  • The function assumes that StartDate and EndDate are both valid date types.
  • If either date column contains null or invalid dates, the function will not count those rows in the average calculation.

Code Explanation

  1. Variable Definition (VAR):

    • The variable DateDiff uses AVERAGEX to iterate through rows in YourTable and computes the date difference in days between StartDate and EndDate using DATEDIFF.
  2. Return Statement:

    • The function returns the calculated average date difference.

Input Validation

  • Ensure that YourTable[StartDate] and YourTable[EndDate] are not null to avoid computation errors. This is inherently managed by DAX as AVERAGEX only considers non-blank values in its calculation.

Example Usage

Assuming you have a table named SalesData with OrderStartDate and OrderEndDate, you can utilize the function as follows:

AverageOrderDuration = 
VAR OrderDuration =
        DATEDIFF(SalesData[OrderStartDate], SalesData[OrderEndDate], DAY)

Practical Scenario

This function can be applied to sales data to find out the average number of days taken to complete orders, aiding in operational efficiency assessments.


The AverageDateDifference function is efficient and can be reused across data models requiring average date computations. For advanced learning on DAX functions, consider checking out the courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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The AverageDateDifference DAX function calculates the average difference in days between two date columns in a specified table, returning a decimal value while handling null values appropriately for accurate computation.