Code Generator | Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory Navigation Buttons HTML Generator

This function generates HTML code for three navigation buttons ("Previous", "Next", "Home") in Azure Data Factory, complete with embedded CSS styling and JavaScript for easy navigation between pages.

Empty image or helper icon


I need an HTML script that has 3 buttons, previous next and home. The html buttons should direct me to the respective pages


Azure Data Factory - HTML Generation for Navigation Buttons


This function will generate an HTML script within Azure Data Factory that includes three navigation buttons: "Previous", "Next", and "Home". These buttons will direct users to respective pages.

HTML Script Definition

    Navigation Buttons




  1. HTML Structure: The HTML structure contains a head section for meta-information and a body section where the buttons are defined.

  2. Styling with CSS: The styles are embedded within the head section to ensure that the navigation buttons have padding and margin for better appearance.

  3. Buttons and JavaScript:

    • Buttons: Defined with class="nav-button" and paired with the onclick attribute to handle navigation.
    • Script: The JavaScript function navigateTo(page) ensures the correct URL is loaded based on the button clicked. Replace 'previous-page.html', 'next-page.html', and 'home-page.html' with the actual URLs for navigation.


  • Code Readability: The code is structured and commented upon to enhance readability and maintainability.
  • Input Validation: Basic validation in the form of a default case in the switch statement to handle unknown pages.

Code Usage Example

To integrate this HTML into Azure Data Factory, you can use a Web Activity to render or host this HTML content. Ensure your web server exposes these pages with the given URLs. Also, ensure that the Azure Data Factory has the necessary permissions to access these resources.

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This function generates HTML code for three navigation buttons ("Previous", "Next", "Home") in Azure Data Factory, complete with embedded CSS styling and JavaScript for easy navigation between pages.