Code Visualizer | Python

Banking Transactions Visualization with Python DOT

This document outlines a Python program implementing a `Bank` class for deposit and withdrawal operations. It utilizes threading and locks for concurrency, with a DOT notation representation illustrating key components and workflow of the

Empty image or helper icon


from random import randint
import threading
from time import sleep

class Bank():
    def __init__(self):
        self.balance = 0
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def deposit(self):
        for i in range(100):
            random_number = randint(50, 500)
            self.balance += random_number
            if self.balance >= 500 and self.lock.locked():

            print(f"Пополнение: {random_number}. Баланс: {self.balance}")


    def take(self):
        for i in range(100):
            random_number = randint(50, 500)
            print(f"Запрос на {random_number}")

            if random_number <= self.balance:
                self.balance -= random_number
                print(f"Снятие: {random_number}. Баланс: {self.balance}")
            elif random_number > self.balance:
                print("Запрос отклонён, недостаточно средств")


bk = Bank()

# Т.к. методы принимают self, в потоки нужно передать сам объект класса Bank
th1 = threading.Thread(target=Bank.deposit, args=(bk,))
th2 = threading.Thread(target=Bank.take, args=(bk,))


print(f'Итоговый баланс: {bk.balance}')


Code Structure Visualization Using DOT Notation

Code Summary

The given Python code defines a Bank class to handle deposit and withdrawal operations, synchronized using threading and locks to simulate concurrent transactions.

DOT Notation Representation

digraph G {
    import_1 [label="from random import randint"];
    import_2 [label="import threading"];
    import_3 [label="from time import sleep"];

    class_Bank [label="class Bank"];
    method_init [label="def __init__(self)"];
    method_deposit [label="def deposit(self)"];
    method_take [label="def take(self)"];

    create_bk [label="bk = Bank()"];
    create_thread1 [label="th1 = threading.Thread(target=Bank.deposit, args=(bk,))"];
    create_thread2 [label="th2 = threading.Thread(target=Bank.take, args=(bk,))"];
    start_thread1 [label="th1.start()"];
    start_thread2 [label="th2.start()"];
    join_thread1 [label="th1.join()"];
    join_thread2 [label="th2.join()"];
    print_balance [label="print(f'Итоговый баланс: {bk.balance}')"];

    import_1 -> class_Bank;
    import_2 -> class_Bank;
    import_3 -> class_Bank;

    class_Bank -> method_init;
    class_Bank -> method_deposit;
    class_Bank -> method_take;

    method_init -> class_Bank;
    method_deposit -> class_Bank;
    method_take -> class_Bank;

    create_bk -> class_Bank;

    create_thread1 -> create_bk;
    create_thread2 -> create_bk;
    start_thread1 -> create_thread1;
    start_thread2 -> create_thread2;
    join_thread1 -> start_thread1;
    join_thread2 -> start_thread2;
    print_balance -> join_thread1;
    print_balance -> join_thread2;


  • Imports:

    • from random import randint: Imports the randint function to generate random numbers.
    • import threading: Imports the threading module for concurrent execution.
    • from time import sleep: Imports the sleep function to introduce delays.
  • Class Definition:

    • class Bank: Defines the Bank class.
    • def __init__(self): Constructor to initialize balance and lock.
    • def deposit(self): Method to simulate deposit operations.
    • def take(self): Method to simulate withdrawal operations.
  • Thread Handling:

    • bk = Bank(): Creates an instance of the Bank class.
    • th1 = threading.Thread(target=Bank.deposit, args=(bk,)): Creates a thread for the deposit method.
    • th2 = threading.Thread(target=Bank.take, args=(bk,)): Creates a thread for the withdrawal method.
    • th1.start(): Starts the deposit thread.
    • th2.start(): Starts the withdrawal thread.
    • th1.join(): Waits for the deposit thread to complete.
    • th2.join(): Waits for the withdrawal thread to complete.
    • print(f'Итоговый баланс: {bk.balance}'): Prints the final balance.

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This document outlines a Python program implementing a Bank class for deposit and withdrawal operations. It utilizes threading and locks for concurrency, with a DOT notation representation illustrating key components and workflow of the code.