Pseudo Code Generator

Basic Arithmetic Operations Loop

This pseudo code defines an algorithm to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of two user-input numbers in a loop that runs 10 times, handling division by zero appropriately.

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1.Prepare an algorithm or pseudocode to print the output of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing of two number which will be entered by the user. Initialize a counter and use looping to perform repetition (use the “for loop”). The operation can be repeated to 10 times.


Pseudo Code for Basic Arithmetic Operations with Looping


The following pseudo code outlines an algorithm that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of two numbers entered by the user, and repeats these operations up to 10 times using a for loop.

Pseudo Code

  1. Initialize Variables

    • Define a constant for MAX_ITERATIONS set to 10
    • Create counter variable i set to 0
  2. For Loop to Repeat Operations

    • For each i from 1 to MAX_ITERATIONS (inclusive):
      • Prompt User for Input

        • Output "Enter the first number:"
        • Read num1
        • Output "Enter the second number:"
        • Read num2
      • Perform Arithmetic Operations

        • Set sum to num1 + num2
        • Set difference to num1 - num2
        • Set product to num1 * num2
        • If num2 is not equal to 0:
          • Set quotient to num1 / num2
        • Else:
          • Set quotient to "undefined" (to avoid division by zero)
      • Output Results

        • Output "Sum: " + sum
        • Output "Difference: " + difference
        • Output "Product: " + product
        • Output "Quotient: " + quotient
  3. End Loop


This algorithm effectively allows users to input two numbers and receive results for basic arithmetic operations in a loop that iterates a specified number of times (10). The handling of division by zero ensures that the program remains robust against invalid operations.

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This pseudo code defines an algorithm to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of two user-input numbers in a loop that runs 10 times, handling division by zero appropriately.