Pseudo Code Generator

Basic Arithmetic Operations Pseudo Code

This pseudo code outlines a simple program that prompts users for a calculation type and two numbers, performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division while handling errors such as invalid operations and division by zero.

Empty image or helper icon


Write a design to calculate and display the sum, subtraction, division or multiplication of 2 prompted numbers

Prompt the user for a type of calculation ( + - * / )
Prompt the user for 2 numbers
Calculate and display the answer

    prompt calculationType
     prompt firstNumber
     prompt secondNumber
    if calculationType = “add” then
    display ….


Pseudo Code for Basic Arithmetic Operations

This pseudo code outlines the design to calculate and display the sum, subtraction, division, or multiplication of two prompted numbers based on user input.

Pseudo Code Structure


  1. Prompt for Calculation Type

    • Display options to the user: "Enter the calculation type (+, -, *, /):"
    • Store user input in variable calculationType
  2. Prompt for the First Number

    • Display message: "Enter the first number:"
    • Store user input in variable firstNumber
  3. Prompt for the Second Number

    • Display message: "Enter the second number:"
    • Store user input in variable secondNumber
  4. Initialize result variable to hold the calculation result

  5. Perform Calculation Based on User Input

    • If calculationType is "+" then
      • Set result to firstNumber + secondNumber
    • Else if calculationType is "-" then
      • Set result to firstNumber - secondNumber
    • Else if calculationType is "*" then
      • Set result to firstNumber * secondNumber
    • Else if calculationType is "/" then
      • If secondNumber is not equal to 0 then
        • Set result to firstNumber / secondNumber
      • Else
        • Display "Error: Division by zero is not allowed."
        • Exit the program
    • Else
      • Display "Error: Invalid calculation type entered."
  6. Display the Result

    • Print "The result of the calculation is: result"



This pseudo code allows the user to input a desired calculation type and two numbers, processes the input as per the entered operation, and outputs the result while handling possible errors like division by zero or invalid operation types.

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This pseudo code outlines a simple program that prompts users for a calculation type and two numbers, performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division while handling errors such as invalid operations and division by zero.