Pseudo Code Generator

Bubble Sort Pseudo Code Overview

This pseudo code outlines the Bubble Sort algorithm to sort an integer array in ascending order, detailing initialization, sorting logic, and output before and after the sort, facilitating easy understanding for implementation in any

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public class BubbleSortSamplel{
public static void main(String[] args) {
 int nums[] = {18,15,9,12,6,3};
 int size = nums.length;
 int temp = 0;
System.out.println("Before sorting");
for(int num : nums){                        
for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) {
for (int a = 0; a < size - k - 1; a++) {
if (nums[a] > nums[a + 1]) {
temp = nums[a];
nums[a] = nums[a + 1];
nums[a + 1] = temp; 
System.out.println("After sorting");
for(int num : nums){                        



Pseudo Code for Bubble Sort Implementation


The following pseudo code represents the logic behind a Bubble Sort algorithm as implemented in the provided Java code. The goal of Bubble Sort is to sort an array of integers in ascending order.

Pseudo Code

1. Initialize Variables

DECLARE array nums = [18, 15, 9, 12, 6, 3]
DECLARE integer size = LENGTH(nums)
DECLARE integer temp

2. Print Before Sorting

PRINT "Before sorting"
FOR each number in nums
    PRINT number
PRINT a newline

3. Bubble Sort Algorithm

FOR k FROM 0 TO size - 1
    FOR a FROM 0 TO size - k - 2
        IF nums[a] > nums[a + 1]
            SET temp = nums[a]
            SET nums[a] = nums[a + 1]
            SET nums[a + 1] = temp
        END IF

4. Print After Sorting

PRINT "After sorting"
FOR each number in nums
    PRINT number

Explanation of Key Components

  1. Initialization:

    • An array, nums, is initialized with the integers to sort.
    • The variable size is set to the length of the array for use in iteration limits.
  2. Printing:

    • The contents of the array are printed before and after sorting to display the state of the array.
  3. Sorting Logic:

    • The outer loop iterates through the list multiple times (up to the size of the list).
    • The inner loop compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order (i.e., if the first element is greater than the second).
    • This continues until the entire array is sorted.


This pseudo code structure provides clarity on how the Bubble Sort algorithm functions, detailing both the sorting process and output stages. This format can be easily understood and serves as a foundation for further coding or implementation in various programming languages.

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This pseudo code outlines the Bubble Sort algorithm to sort an integer array in ascending order, detailing initialization, sorting logic, and output before and after the sort, facilitating easy understanding for implementation in any programming language.