Code Visualizer | C/C++

C++ Basic String Manipulation Overview

This content showcases a C++ program demonstrating simple string handling techniques, including library inclusion, variable declaration, and a method to erase a character from a string, along with a visual representation of code structure

Empty image or helper icon


using namespace std;
int main() {
  string word = "ammonium";
  cout << word;
  return 0;


Code Visualization

Code Overview

The provided code is written in C++. The main components of the code include the inclusion of libraries, variable declaration, and basic string manipulation.

Code Snippet (C++)

using namespace std;

int main() {
    string word = "ammonium";
    cout << word;
    return 0;

Code Structure and Relations


  • Libraries

    • #include <string>: Includes the string library to use string functions.
    • using namespace std;: Accesses standard library features directly.
  • Function

    • int main(): The entry point of the program.
  • Variables

    • string word: Declaration and initialization of a string with the value "ammonium".
  • Methods

    • word.erase(0): Erases the character at index 0 of the string word.
    • cout << word: Outputs the modified string to the console.


The following DOT notation outlines the relationships and structure of the code logic:

digraph G {
    node [shape=box];

    A [label="#include "];
    B [label="using namespace std;"];
    C [label="int main()"];
    D [label="string word = \"ammonium\";"];
    E [label="word.erase(0);"];
    F [label="cout << word;"];
    G [label="return 0;"];

    A -> C;
    B -> C;
    C -> D;
    C -> E;
    C -> F;
    C -> G;
    D -> E; 

Explanation of DOT Notation

  1. Nodes represent different elements in the code such as libraries, functions, and statements.
  2. Edges illustrate how these elements are connected or executed sequentially.


  • The code demonstrates basic string handling in C++.
  • Utilizes standard input/output and string manipulation functions.
  • The structure is clearly outlined using DOT notation for visualization of relationships.

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This content showcases a C++ program demonstrating simple string handling techniques, including library inclusion, variable declaration, and a method to erase a character from a string, along with a visual representation of code structure and relationships.