Code Visualizer | C/C++

C++ Vector Duplicate Removal Visualization

This section presents a C++ program that removes duplicate integers from a vector while maintaining order, illustrated using DOT notation to visualize its structure and flow.

Empty image or helper icon



int main() {
    std::vector v = {1,1,2};
    int size = v.size();
    int p = 1;
    int k = 0;

    while (p < size) {
        if (v[p] != v[k]) {
            v[++k] = v[p];
    std::cout << k;


Code Visualization in DOT Notation

This section provides a visual representation of the given C++ code snippet using DOT notation. The code processes a vector to remove duplicate elements while maintaining order.

Code Overview

The provided C++ code includes the following components:

  • Includes: Standard library inclusion for utilizing vectors.
  • Main Function: The entry point for the program.
  • Variables: Used for storing the vector, its size, and indices for looping.
  • Loop: A while loop iterates through the vector to identify and remove duplicates.
  • Output: Prints the count of unique elements.

Original C++ Code


int main() {
    std::vector v = {1, 1, 2};
    int size = v.size();
    int p = 1;
    int k = 0;

    while (p < size) {
        if (v[p] != v[k]) {
            v[++k] = v[p];
    std::cout << k;

DOT Notation for Code Structure

The following DOT notation outlines the relations and flow within the C++ program:

digraph G {

    node [shape=box];

    Include1 [label="#include "];
    Include2 [label="#include "];
    Main [label="int main()"];

    VectorInit [label="std::vector v = {1,1,2};"];
    Size [label="int size = v.size();"];
    P [label="int p = 1;"];
    K [label="int k = 0;"];

    WhileLoop [label="while (p < size)"];
    IfCondition [label="if (v[p] != v[k])"];
    UpdateK [label="v[++k] = v[p];"];
    PIncrement [label="p++;"];
    Output [label="std::cout << k;"];

    Include1 -> Main;
    Include2 -> Main;
    Main -> VectorInit;
    Main -> Size;
    Main -> P;
    Main -> K;
    Main -> WhileLoop;
    WhileLoop -> IfCondition;
    IfCondition -> UpdateK [label="true"];
    IfCondition -> PIncrement [label="false"];
    WhileLoop -> PIncrement;
    WhileLoop -> Output [label="end loop"];


  • Includes: Essential headers are included for vector and input-output functionalities.
  • Variables:
    • v: A vector initialized with integers.
    • size: Determines the number of elements.
    • p, k: Iterative and unique index markers.
  • Loop Structure: A while loop traverses the vector for duplicates and utilizes a condition to modify the vector.
  • Output: The program concludes by outputting the count of unique elements in the vector.

This structured approach provides a clear understanding of the code's functionality and flow, aiding in advanced data analysis or software development processes. For further educational resources, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This section presents a C++ program that removes duplicate integers from a vector while maintaining order, illustrated using DOT notation to visualize its structure and flow.