Formula Generator | Excel

Calculating Base 10 Logarithm in Excel

Learn how to use the `LOG10` function in Excel to compute the base 10 logarithm of a positive number, including its syntax, practical examples, and usage for data analysis.

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Formula for Logarithm in Excel

To calculate the logarithm of a number in Excel, specifically the logarithm base 10 (Lg), you can use the LOG10 function.

Excel Formula

  • number: This is the positive number you want to calculate the logarithm for.

Explanation of the Formula

  • LOG10 is an Excel function specifically designed to return the base 10 logarithm of a given number.
  • In mathematical terms, if y = LOG10(x), it indicates that 10 raised to the power of y equals x (i.e., 10^y = x).
  • This function may return an error if the input number is less than or equal to zero, as logarithms for such numbers are undefined.

Practical Example

Assume you want to calculate the logarithm base 10 of the number 1000.

Implementation Steps

  1. In a cell, enter the following formula:
  2. Press Enter. The output will be 3, since 10^3 = 1000.


  • Use =LOG10(number) to compute the logarithm base 10 in Excel.
  • This formula is essential for data analysis that requires logarithmic transformation, particularly in fields such as finance, science, and engineering.
  • For additional learning on Excel functionalities, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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Learn how to use the LOG10 function in Excel to compute the base 10 logarithm of a positive number, including its syntax, practical examples, and usage for data analysis.