Formula Generator | Google Sheets

Calculating RSI in Google Sheets

This guide explains how to calculate the Relative Strength Index (RSI) in Google Sheets, detailing the steps for average gain, average loss, and the complete formula, accompanied by a practical example for clarity.

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Relative strength index


Relative Strength Index (RSI) Formula in Google Sheets


The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. It is used to identify overbought or oversold conditions in a market.

RSI Formula

The RSI formula is calculated using the following steps:

  1. Calculate the Average Gain and Average Loss:

    • Average Gain (AG) = (Sum of Gains over the n periods) / n
    • Average Loss (AL) = (Sum of Losses over the n periods) / n
  2. Calculate the Relative Strength (RS):

    • RS = Average Gain / Average Loss
  3. Calculate the RSI:

    • RSI = 100 - (100 / (1 + RS))

In Google Sheets, you can implement the RSI calculation as follows:

Google Sheets Formula for RSI (14-period)

Assuming that your closing prices are in column A (from A2 to A15 for a 14-period RSI):

=100 - (100 / (1 + (AVERAGE(FILTER(A2:A15 - A1:A14, A2:A15 > A1:A14)) / AVERAGE(FILTER(A1:A14 - A2:A15, A2:A15 < A1:A14)))))

Explanation of the Formula

  • FILTER function: This retrieves the gains and losses over a specified period by comparing current closing prices with previous ones.
  • AVERAGE function: This then computes the average gain and loss over the defined period (14 periods in this case).
  • RS: This is calculated by dividing the average gain by the average loss.
  • Finally, the RSI is calculated using the formula that converts RS into a percentage scale.

Practical Example

Assuming the following closing prices are in cells A2 through A15:


You can paste the formula into cell B15 to calculate the RSI for these closing prices.

Important Notes

  • The typical look-back period for RSI is 14 days but can be adjusted based on user preferences.
  • It is essential to ensure that you collect enough data points that include both gains and losses for accurate results.

The above approach provides a comprehensive and efficient way to calculate the RSI within Google Sheets, facilitating further market analysis and decision-making. For an in-depth understanding of such analyses, consider exploring topics available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This guide explains how to calculate the Relative Strength Index (RSI) in Google Sheets, detailing the steps for average gain, average loss, and the complete formula, accompanied by a practical example for clarity.