Pseudo Code Generator

Case-Insensitive String Comparison Pseudo Code

This pseudo code describes a function that compares a search string with an array element, ignoring case differences, and checks for a match at a specific index, outputting a result if found.

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if UpperCase(sSearch) = UpperCase(arrName[k])


Pseudo Code for Case-Insensitive Comparison


To compare a search string with elements in an array, ignoring case sensitivity.

Input Definitions

  • sSearch: A string that needs to be searched.
  • arrName: An array of strings that contains names or items.
  • k: An integer representing the index of the current element in arrName.

Logic Breakdown

  1. Convert sSearch to upper case.
  2. Convert the current element of arrName at index k to upper case.
  3. Check if the two converted strings are equal.
  4. If they are equal, perform a specified action (e.g., output a message or return a value).

Pseudo Code

FUNCTION CompareStrings(sSearch, arrName, k)
    // Step 1: Convert the search string to upper case
    SEARCH_STRING_UPPER = UpperCase(sSearch)
    // Step 2: Convert the current array element to upper case
    CURRENT_NAME_UPPER = UpperCase(arrName[k])
    // Step 3: Compare the two upper case strings
        // Step 4: Action when strings match
        OUTPUT "Match found at index " + k
    END IF

Usage Example

To use this function, call it with a search string, an array of names, and an index. For example:

result = CompareStrings("john", ["Jane", "john", "Doe"], 1)


This pseudo code provides a clear and structured approach to performing a case-insensitive comparison between a search string and elements in an array. The steps are documented to aid understanding and serve as a reference for implementation.

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This pseudo code describes a function that compares a search string with an array element, ignoring case differences, and checks for a match at a specific index, outputting a result if found.