Pseudo Code Generator

City Data Reader Pseudo Code

This pseudo code provides a structured method for reading city data from a file, parsing line entries for city name, latitude, and longitude, and storing the information in a vector of City objects for further use.

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vector readFile(string FileName){
ifstream fin(FileName);
string s;
getline(fin, s);
vector vec;
while (getline(fin, s)){
istringstream iss(s);
City newCity;
getline(iss,, ',');
string temp;
getline(iss, temp, ','); = stof(temp);
getline(iss, temp, '\n');
newCity.lng = stof(temp);
return vec;


Pseudo Code for Reading City Data from a File


The following pseudo code describes a function that reads city data from a specified file, parses the contents, and stores each city's information in a vector. Each city has a name, latitude, and longitude.

Function Signature

function readFile(fileName: string) -> vector

Main Steps

  1. Open the File: Begin by attempting to open the specified file using the filename provided to the function.
  2. Read the First Line: Read and ignore the first line of the file, as it may contain headers.
  3. Initialize Storage: Create an empty vector to store the city information.
  4. Process Each Line: Loop through the remaining lines of the file:
    • Create a temporary variable for storing the line.
    • Split the line into components: city name, latitude, and longitude.
    • Convert latitude and longitude from string to float.
    • Create a new city object and populate its attributes.
    • Add the new city object to the vector.
  5. Return the Result: After processing all lines, return the vector containing all the city objects.

Pseudo Code

function readFile(fileName: string) -> vector
    Open file with name fileName as fin
    Initialize string s
    Read line from fin into s    // Read and ignore the header line

    Initialize vector of City called vec

    while (Read line from fin into s) do
        Initialize string temp
        Initialize newCity as City
        Split s by ',' into components:
            Assign first component to
            Read second component into temp
            Set to convert temp to float
            Read third component into temp (remaining part of line)
            Set newCity.lng to convert temp to float
        Add newCity to vec
    end while

    return vec
end function


This pseudo code outlines the logic for reading city data from a file, parsing the data, and storing it efficiently using a vector structure. It serves as a clear representation of the underlying functionality while remaining accessible for understanding and iterative development.

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This pseudo code provides a structured method for reading city data from a file, parsing line entries for city name, latitude, and longitude, and storing the information in a vector of City objects for further use.