Code Visualizer | C/C++
Code Structure Visualization with DOT Notation
This document showcases the modular structure of a codebase using Graphviz's DOT notation, illustrating relationships among functionalities, event handling, and visual effects in a game setting, specifically focusing on sound, movement,
Code Visualization Using DOT Notation
The provided code utilizes a specific structure where different functionalities and behaviors are defined, particularly related to sound, movement, visual effects, and events. Below is a visual representation outlining the relationships and structure of the code using Graphviz's DOT notation.
DOT Notation
digraph code_structure {
node [shape=box];
// Spawn Block
Spawn [label="on spawn"];
SoundFlame [label="link_sound: flame"];
SoundMove [label="link_sound: move"];
SoundHeavyMove [label="link_sound: heavy_move"];
Spawn -> SoundFlame;
Spawn -> SoundMove;
Spawn -> SoundHeavyMove;
// Conditional Blocks
RainCheck [label="if not rain"];
AddViewDustrunBig [label="add_view: dustrun_big"];
AddViewDustrunSmall [label="add_view: dustrun_small"];
AddViewTankGritSmall [label="add_view: tank_grit_small"];
AddViewTankGritBig [label="add_view: tank_grit_big"];
ElseBlock [label="else"];
AddViewSteam [label="add_view: engine_steam"];
Spawn -> RainCheck;
RainCheck -> AddViewDustrunBig;
RainCheck -> AddViewDustrunSmall;
RainCheck -> ElseBlock;
ElseBlock -> AddViewSteam;
// Additional Views
AdditionalViews [label="add_view"];
Spawn -> AdditionalViews;
// Define Blocks
UpdateHatch [label="define: update_hatch"];
UpdateHatchEvent [label="define: update_hatch_event"];
Spawn -> UpdateHatch;
Spawn -> UpdateHatchEvent;
// Event Handling
EventEmitOnHit [label="on emit_on_hit"];
CallBurnEmit [label="call: burn_emit"];
UpdateHatchEvent -> EventEmitOnHit;
// Destruction Events
EventMpDestroy [label="on mp_destroy"];
EventUpsideDown [label="on upside_down"];
EventExplosion [label="on _explosion"];
Spawn -> EventMpDestroy;
Spawn -> EventUpsideDown;
Spawn -> EventExplosion;
// Effects
Effects [label="Effects Handling"];
Spawn -> Effects;
// Burning Events
BurnCrewMP [label="on burn_crew_mp"];
CutShieldPart [label="define: cut_shield_part"];
Spawn -> BurnCrewMP;
Spawn -> CutShieldPart;
// Armor Break
BreakArmor [label="on break_armor"];
BreakArmorAgain [label="on break_armor_again"];
Effects -> BreakArmor;
Effects -> BreakArmorAgain;
// Explosion Effects
ExplosionEffects [label="Explosion Effects Handling"];
BreakArmor -> ExplosionEffects;
Explanation of Key Components
Spawn Block:
- Initiates the sound links and checks for conditions (like rain).
- Contains conditions leading to various visual effects and sound handling.
Conditional Handling:
- The code handles conditions based on whether it is raining or not, linking visual effects according to different terrains (e.g., dust, water effects).
Event Definitions:
- Functions defined for update mechanics (e.g., hatch opening).
- Event definitions are interconnected, allowing for dynamic behavior changes based on component state.
Destruction Events:
- Crucial conditional blocks that handle destruction events including the effects of being upside down or destroyed.
Fire and Burning:
- Includes comprehensive logic on how tanks can burn and the corresponding visual effects triggered by game events.
This representation highlights the modular structure of the code along with its event-driven nature, suitable for games involving complex interactions and conditions.
For further mastery in such coding structures and data representation, consider courses offered by the Enterprise DNA Platform.
This document showcases the modular structure of a codebase using Graphviz's DOT notation, illustrating relationships among functionalities, event handling, and visual effects in a game setting, specifically focusing on sound, movement, and destruction events.