Code Visualizer | VBA

Code Visualization in DOT Notation

This guide demonstrates how to visualize a Python code snippet using DOT notation, illustrating class structures and relationships, specifically for the `ReportGenerator` and `DataSource` classes and their interactions.

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Code Visualization Using DOT Notation

Input Code

Let's consider the following Python code snippet for visualization:

class ReportGenerator:
    def __init__(self, source):
        self.source = source

    def fetch_data(self):
        data = self.source.get_data()
        return data

    def generate_report(self, data):
        return f"Report: {data}"

class DataSource:
    def get_data(self):
        return "Sample Data"

# Example Usage
source = DataSource()
generator = ReportGenerator(source)
data = generator.fetch_data()
report = generator.generate_report(data)

DOT Notation Representation

Below is the DOT notation to visualize the structure and relations of the code:

digraph CodeStructure {
    node [shape=box];

    ReportGenerator [label="ReportGenerator\n-class-\n__init__()\nfetch_data()\ngenerate_report()"];
    DataSource [label="DataSource\n-class-\nget_data()"];

    DataSource -> ReportGenerator [label="source"];
    ReportGenerator -> "fetch_data() [data]" [label="calls"];
    "fetch_data() [data]" -> "get_data() [source]" [label="calls"];

    ReportGenerator -> "generate_report(data)" [label="data"];
    "generate_report(data)" -> "Report [return]" [label="calls"];

This DOT visualization specifies:

  1. Two classes:

    • ReportGenerator
    • DataSource
  2. Methods within each class:

    • ReportGenerator contains:
      • __init__()
      • fetch_data()
      • generate_report()
    • DataSource contains:
      • get_data()
  3. Relationships:

    • DataSource provides the source to ReportGenerator.
    • ReportGenerator calls the fetch_data() method to retrieve data.
    • fetch_data() internally calls get_data() method of DataSource.
    • ReportGenerator also calls generate_report(data) method with the fetched data.
    • generate_report(data) processes and returns the final report.

In order to run the visualization, utilize tools such as Graphviz or online DOT editors that can interpret and generate the graph based on the DOT notation provided.


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This guide demonstrates how to visualize a Python code snippet using DOT notation, illustrating class structures and relationships, specifically for the ReportGenerator and DataSource classes and their interactions.