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Code Visualization of Network Port Checker

This document visualizes a Python code snippet that checks if a network port is open, using DOT notation to illustrate relationships and workflow among its components. It includes explanations for socket creation, connection attempts, and

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open port


Code Visualization: Open Port

This document visualizes the relationships and structure within a code snippet designed to check if a network port is open. The visualization is expressed using DOT notation.

Code Snippet Overview

Language: Python

Here is a sample code snippet that attempts to open a port:

import socket

def is_port_open(host, port):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    result = sock.connect_ex((host, port))
    return result == 0

host = 'localhost'
port = 8080
if is_port_open(host, port):
    print(f"Port {port} on {host} is open")
    print(f"Port {port} on {host} is closed")

DOT Notation

The following DOT notation illustrates the structure and relationships in the code:

digraph G {
    node [shape=rectangle, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgrey];
    Main [label="Main Function" shape=ellipse];
    is_port_open [label="is_port_open(host, port)"];
    Socket_Creation [label="sock = socket.socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)"];
    Connect [label="result = sock.connect_ex((host, port))"];
    Socket_Close [label="sock.close()"];
    Return [label="return result == 0"];
    Print_Open [label="Print Port Open Message"];
    Print_Closed [label="Print Port Closed Message"];

    Main -> is_port_open;
    is_port_open -> Socket_Creation;
    Socket_Creation -> Connect;
    Connect -> Socket_Close;
    Socket_Close -> Return;
    Main -> Print_Open [label="if True"];
    Main -> Print_Closed [label="if False"];

Visual Representation Explanation

  • Main Function: This serves as the entry point for execution.
  • is_port_open Function: Defines a function that checks if a port is open.
  • Socket Creation: Represents the step where a socket object is created.
  • Connect Method: The actual attempt to connect to the specified port on the host.
  • Socket Close: Closes the socket after checking the connection.
  • Return Statement: Indicates whether the port is open based on the result.
  • Print Statements: Displays the relevant message based on the port's status.


This visualization provides an overview of the code snippet's workflow emphasizing the relationships between key components. For more in-depth understanding of code visualization and data science practices, consider exploring courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document visualizes a Python code snippet that checks if a network port is open, using DOT notation to illustrate relationships and workflow among its components. It includes explanations for socket creation, connection attempts, and result handling.