This document presents a code snippet utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, focusing on button styling and click events. It includes a DOT notation visualization to illustrate the structural relationships among the components, enhancing
The provided code snippet consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It focuses on styling elements, particularly buttons, and handling click events for user interaction.
The major components of the code are outlined as follows:
HTML Structure
CSS Styles
, .kaspi
, .whatsapp-link
)JavaScript Functionality
The following visualization represents the relations between different components of the code snippet:
digraph G {
subgraph cluster_html {
label = "HTML Structure";
node [style=filled];
button [label="Button
(.kaspi)", shape=box, color=lightblue];
whatsapp_link [label="WhatsApp Link
(.whatsapp-link)", shape=box, color=lightgreen];
ul1 [label="First Unordered List", shape=box, color=lightyellow];
ul2 [label="Second Unordered List", shape=box, color=lightyellow];
ul1 -> button;
ul2 -> whatsapp_link;
// CSS
subgraph cluster_css {
label = "CSS Styles";
node [style=filled];
bg_style [label=".bg-dark-blue", shape=box, color=lightcoral];
button_style [label=".button", shape=box, color=lightcoral];
kaspi_style [label=".kaspi", shape=box, color=lightcoral];
whatsapp_style [label=".whatsapp-link", shape=box, color=lightcoral];
media_query [label="Media Queries", shape=box, color=lightcoral];
bg_style -> button_style;
button_style -> kaspi_style;
kaspi_style -> whatsapp_style;
media_query -> whatsapp_style;
// JavaScript
subgraph cluster_js {
label = "JavaScript Functionality";
node [style=filled];
button_event [label="Button Click Event", shape=box, color=lightcyan];
toggle_style [label="Toggle Active Class", shape=box, color=lightcyan];
button_event -> toggle_style;
// Relations
button -> button_event [label="OnClick"];
button -> kaspi_style;
whatsapp_link -> whatsapp_style;
This visual representation outlines the structural relationships between the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components in the provided code snippet, thereby facilitating a clearer understanding of how these components interact with one another to generate the desired functionality.
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This document presents a code snippet utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, focusing on button styling and click events. It includes a DOT notation visualization to illustrate the structural relationships among the components, enhancing understanding of their interactions.