Formula Generator | Excel

Conditional Payment Response in Excel

This guide outlines an Excel formula that determines payment action based on two conditions involving cell values. It utilizes the IF and AND functions to return specific responses for varying scenarios, providing practical application

Empty image or helper icon


if n2 = '< 60' and q2 = 'ACT' then 'Payment expected', OTHERWISE IF q2 = '172SUCC' then 'Followed up for necessary docs'


Excel Formula

To achieve the desired outcome based on the conditions specified, you can use the following Excel formula in a cell:

=IF(AND(N2="< 60", Q2="ACT"), "Payment expected", IF(Q2="172SUCC", "Followed up for necessary docs", ""))

Explanation of the Formula

  1. IF Function: The formula utilizes the IF function to evaluate conditions and return specific results based on whether those conditions are true or false.

  2. AND Function: The AND function is used to test multiple conditions simultaneously:

    • It checks if N2 is equal to "< 60" and if Q2 is equal to "ACT".
  3. Logical Structure:

    • If both conditions are true (N2 = "< 60" and Q2 = "ACT"), then it returns the result "Payment expected".
    • If the first condition is false, the formula evaluates the second condition using another IF statement. It checks if Q2 is equal to "172SUCC".
    • If this condition is true, it returns "Followed up for necessary docs".
    • If neither condition is met, the formula returns an empty string ("").

Practical Illustration

Assume the following values in your Excel sheet:

  • Cell N2: < 60
  • Cell Q2: ACT

In this case, placing the formula in any cell will yield:

Result: "Payment expected"

If you change the value in Q2 to 172SUCC, maintaining N2 as < 60, the result will change to:

Result: "Followed up for necessary docs"

If both conditions are not met (e.g., N2 is 61 and Q2 is ACT), the formula will return an empty string, indicating no specific action is required.

User Guidance

Ensure you replace N2 and Q2 with the actual cell references applicable to your data if different. This formula can be extended to include additional conditions as needed by incorporating more nested IF statements.

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This guide outlines an Excel formula that determines payment action based on two conditions involving cell values. It utilizes the IF and AND functions to return specific responses for varying scenarios, providing practical application examples for clarity.