Stata Function to Update Variable Based on Condition
This Stata script defines a function to conditionally calculate a new variable UEXPVIS
based on the value of another variable GAGEBC
is greater than or equal to 35, UEXPVIS
will be computed as (GAGEBC - 35) + 9
Code Snippet
* Stata code snippet to conditionally update the variable UEXPVIS based on the value of GAGEBC
** Ensure necessary variable(s) exist **
cap assert inlist("GAGEBC", `: varlist') & inlist("UEXPVIS", `: varlist') // Check if variables exist
if _rc == 198 { // 198 is the return code for 'no variables defined'
display "Required variables (GAGEBC, UEXPVIS) do not exist in the dataset. Please check."
exit 1
** Validate input data **
foreach var in GAGEBC UEXPVIS {
assert missing(`var') | `var' >= 0 // Ensure variables are non-missing and non-negative
if _rc {
display "`var' contains invalid data. Please correct and re-run."
exit 1
** Conditionally compute UEXPVIS **
gen UEXPVIS = . // Initialize UEXPVIS to missing values
replace UEXPVIS = (GAGEBC - 35) + 9 if GAGEBC >= 35
** Provide feedback to the user **
di "Variable UEXPVIS has been updated based on the condition GAGEBC >= 35."
Variable Existence Check:
- Ensure that the
variables exist in the dataset. If not, an error message is displayed, and the script exits.
- Ensure that the
Input Validation:
- Check that the
variables contain non-missing and non-negative values. If any invalid data is detected, an error message is displayed, and the script exits.
- Check that the
Conditional Calculation of
:- Initialize
to missing values. - Update
based on the condition(GAGEBC - 35) + 9
is greater than or equal to 35.
- Initialize
User Feedback:
- Print a message indicating that the
variable has been successfully updated.
- Print a message indicating that the
Usage Example
* Example usage of the conditional computation script
* Load sample data
sysuse auto, clear
* Let's assume 'GAGEBC' exists and needs conditional computation
gen GAGEBC = 40 // Example value; in practice, this would be part of dataset
* Run the above script to compute UEXPVIS
* The user would copy and paste the above script into the Stata command window or run from a .do file
This script ensures robust handling of input data and conditionally updates the variable UEXPVIS
based on the specified condition, with comprehensive checks and validations in place to guide users through any potential issues with input data. For more insights and courses on data analysis and best practices, consider exploring resources on the Enterprise DNA Platform.
This Stata script defines a function to compute the variable UEXPVIS
based on the condition of another variable GAGEBC
, ensuring variable existence and valid input data through comprehensive checks and user feedback.