Pseudo Code Generator

CSV Display Application in VB.NET

This VB.NET application enables users to select and display the contents of a CSV file, handling specific data conditions and enforcing a maximum field limit of 100. The pseudo code clearly outlines the structured steps for implementation.

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the code for displaying the csv file that user selects with conditions like, if the data is , then display comma , if the data is "" display as empty space, if the data is """" then display an escaped quote. Also check the max limit of data to be 100.  Get the input data seperate each field with the delimeter as  comma and do the operations and display the data


Pseudo Code for Displaying CSV File in VB.NET


The goal is to create a VB.NET application that allows users to select a CSV file and display its contents according to specific rules for handling certain data conditions. Additionally, the application checks if the number of fields exceeds a maximum limit of 100.

Input Conditions

  1. If the data is a single comma, display it as a comma.
  2. If the data is an empty string (""), display it as an empty space.
  3. If the data is an escaped quote (""""), display it as an escaped quote.
  4. Limit the number of fields to a maximum of 100.

Pseudo Code Structure

1. Start Application

  • Initialize the application
  • Prompt user to select a CSV file

2. Read CSV File

  • Open the selected CSV file for reading
  • Initialize a list to store the fields

3. Process Each Row

  • For each row in the CSV file:
    • Split the row using the comma delimiter to get individual fields
    • Initialize a counter for fields
    • Set an empty list to store displayed data

4. Check Field Conditions

  • For each field in the split row:
    • If field is equal to "," then:
      • Append "," to displayed data
    • Else if field is equal to "" then:
      • Append " " (space) to displayed data
    • Else if field is equal to """" then:
      • Append """" to displayed data
    • Else:
      • Append field to displayed data
    • Increment field counter
    • If field counter exceeds 100:
      • Break the loop (do not add more fields)

5. Display Results

  • For every processed row:
    • Join the displayed data with a comma and output it
  • Close the CSV file

6. End Application

  • Exit the application

Example of Pseudo Code

Begin Application
    // Prompt for CSV file
    Display "Select a CSV file"
    selectedFile = GetUserFileSelection()

    // Open file
    Open selectedFile
    Initialize fieldsList as Empty List

    // Process rows in CSV
    For each row in selectedFile:
        Split row by "," into fields
        Initialize fieldCount = 0
        Initialize displayedData as Empty List

        // Process each field
        For each field in fields:
            If field == "," Then
                Append "," to displayedData
            Else If field == "" Then
                Append " " to displayedData 
            Else If field == """" Then
                Append "\""" to displayedData
                Append field to displayedData

            Increment fieldCount
            If fieldCount > 100 Then
                Break // Max fields limit reached
        // Display the processed row
        joinedData = Join displayedData with ","
        Print joinedData
    // Close the file
    Close selectedFile
End Application


The above pseudo code provides a clear and structured representation of the logic required to read and display a CSV file with specific formatting conditions in VB.NET. This format serves as a useful guide for implementation and enhances communication of the logic within a development team.

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This VB.NET application enables users to select and display the contents of a CSV file, handling specific data conditions and enforcing a maximum field limit of 100. The pseudo code clearly outlines the structured steps for implementation.