Pseudo Code Generator

CSV File Display Logic

This pseudo code details the process for selecting, validating, reading, and displaying a CSV file while ensuring data integrity and compliance with specified format conditions.

Empty image or helper icon


The logic for displaying the CSV file which contains , as delimeter and "" as empty space, """" for the escaped quote. User selects from the windows dialog box after button click, the file name must be specific to conditions, maximum fields allowed is 100,  the data must not get shrink full data must be displayed in the field


Pseudo Code for CSV File Display Logic


This pseudo code outlines the process of selecting and displaying a CSV file. The file must meet specific conditions regarding the format, and the application will ensure that data integrity is maintained while displaying the contents.


  • MAX_FIELDS: 100

Data Types

  • fileName: String
  • csvData: List of Strings
  • rowData: List of Strings
  • fieldCount: Integer


  1. selectCsvFile()

    • Opens a dialog box for user to select a CSV file.
    • Returns the selected file name as a string.
  2. readCsvFile(fileName)

    • Inputs: fileName (String)
    • Outputs: csvData (List of Strings)
    • Reads the CSV file and parses it into a list of rows.
  3. parseRow(row)

    • Inputs: row (String)
    • Outputs: rowData (List of Strings)
    • Splits the row string by comma (,)
    • Handles escaped quotes ("""") and trims spaces to create the final list of fields.
  4. displayData(csvData)

    • Inputs: csvData (List of Strings)
    • Displays data on the user interface ensuring all data is visible.

Main Logic

    // Step 1: User selects a CSV file
    fileName = selectCsvFile()
    // Step 2: Validate file name (specific conditions)
    IF NOT isValidFileName(fileName) THEN
        DISPLAY "Invalid file name. Please select an appropriate CSV file."
    // Step 3: Read and parse the CSV file
    csvData = readCsvFile(fileName)
    // Step 4: Validate the number of fields in each row
    FOR EACH row IN csvData DO
        rowData = parseRow(row)
        fieldCount = LENGTH(rowData)
        IF fieldCount > MAX_FIELDS THEN
            DISPLAY "Exceeded maximum allowed fields." 
        // Step 5: Ensure full data is displayed correctly

Function Definitions

FUNCTION selectCsvFile() RETURN String
    // Logic for dialog box to select file

FUNCTION readCsvFile(fileName) RETURN List of Strings
    // Open file and read lines into a list

FUNCTION parseRow(row) RETURN List of Strings
    // Split row by comma (,) and handle escaped quotes
    // Use regular expressions or string manipulation to accomplish this
    trimmedRow = TRIM(row)
    IF trimmedRow EXISTS AND NOT isEmpty(trimmedRow) THEN
        RETURN SPLIT(trimmedRow, ",")
        RETURN []
    END IF

FUNCTION displayData(csvData) 
    // Display the parsed csvData to UI without shrinking

FUNCTION isValidFileName(fileName) RETURN Boolean
    // Implement logic to check file name against conditions


  • The user interface has appropriate components to display data.
  • The data does not contain commas within field values which are not properly escaped.
  • The CSV file is formatted correctly with the specified delimiters and characters.


This pseudo code provides a structured approach to handling the CSV file display functionality while enforcing the specified conditions. It maintains clarity in operations and ensures that the data integrity is preserved during the display process. For further understanding and enhancement of this logic, one might consider exploring relevant courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This pseudo code details the process for selecting, validating, reading, and displaying a CSV file while ensuring data integrity and compliance with specified format conditions.