Pseudo Code Generator

CSV File Display Logic with Conditions

This pseudo code details the process of reading and displaying a CSV file with specific conditions, including user file selection, validation, parsing, and error handling, ensuring no data is truncated during display.

Empty image or helper icon


The logic for displaying the CSV file which contains , as delimeter and if value is "" as empty space, If value is """"  display a escaped quote and if value is "," display comma User selects from the windows dialog box after button click, the file name must be specific to conditions, maximum fields allowed is 100,  the data must not get shrink full data must be displayed in the field


Pseudo Code for Displaying CSV File with Specific Conditions


This pseudo code outlines the logic for reading and displaying a CSV file with specific delimiters and handling special cases for individual values. The process includes user selection from a dialog box, validation of file constraints, and display of the content without data truncation.


1. Initialize Variables

  • Set maxFields to 100
  • Set delimiter to ","
  • Create an empty list dataList to store CSV data

2. User Action to Select File

  • Display a button on the UI labeled "Select CSV File"
  • On button click:
    • Open the file dialog box for user to select a CSV file
    • Store selected file path in selectedFile

3. Validate File Name

  • Ensure selectedFile follows specific naming conditions (e.g., correct extension, specific prefix)
  • If the file name does not meet the conditions:
    • Display an error message
    • Exit the process

4. Read and Parse CSV File

  • Open selectedFile for reading
  • For each line in the file:
    • Split line using delimiter (",")
    • Initialize an empty list parsedRow to store parsed values
    • For each value in the split line:
      • If value is "":
        • Append an empty space to parsedRow
      • Else if value is """":
        • Append an escaped quote ('\"') to parsedRow
      • Else if value is delimiter (","):
        • Append a comma to parsedRow
      • Else:
        • Append the original value to parsedRow
    • If length of parsedRow exceeds maxFields:
      • Display an error message for field limit
      • Exit the process
    • Add parsedRow to dataList

5. Display Data

  • Create a UI element to show results (e.g., a table, grid, or text area)
  • For each row in dataList:
    • Display the row without data truncation
    • Ensure data is fully visible in the field

6. Handle Errors

  • If any error occurs during reading, parsing, or displaying:
    • Display an appropriate error message to the user

7. End Process

  • Keep the application running until user closes it or finishes their operation

Pseudo Code Representation

SET maxFields = 100
SET delimiter = ","
INITIALIZE dataList = []

FUNCTION onButtonClick():
    selectedFile = OPEN_FILE_DIALOG("Select CSV File")
    IF NOT isValidFileName(selectedFile) THEN
        DISPLAY "Invalid file name"

    OPEN selectedFile FOR READ AS file:
        WHILE NOT EOF(file) DO
            line = READ_LINE(file)
            parsedRow = SPLIT(line, delimiter)
            FOR EACH value IN parsedRow DO
                IF value == "" THEN
                    APPEND " " TO parsedRow
                ELSE IF value == "\"\"" THEN
                    APPEND "\"" TO parsedRow
                ELSE IF value == delimiter THEN
                    APPEND "," TO parsedRow
                    APPEND value TO parsedRow
                END IF
            END FOR
            IF LENGTH(parsedRow) > maxFields THEN
                DISPLAY "Exceeded maximum fields allowed"
            END IF
            APPEND parsedRow TO dataList
        END WHILE
    CLOSE file

    FOR EACH row IN dataList DO
        DISPLAY row IN UI



This pseudo code serves as a structured way to implement the logic for displaying a CSV file with specific parsing requirements. It effectively manages user interaction, file validation, data parsing, and output display while adhering to the constraints given.

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This pseudo code details the process of reading and displaying a CSV file with specific conditions, including user file selection, validation, parsing, and error handling, ensuring no data is truncated during display.