DAX Code Correction and Explanation
Below is the revised DAX code with corrections and optimizations to enhance readability and efficiency. Key changes include ensuring proper referencing of previous steps, correcting variable names, and ensuring consistent use of conditional columns throughout the flow.
Corrected DAX Code
// Load CSV file
Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents("E:\OneDrive\OneDrive - OBS AGP (Private) Limited\Market\Market - 2024\06 MAT JUN 24 WU\ALL MARKET JUN24 2.TXT"), [Delimiter=",", Columns=31, Encoding=1252, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None]),
// Change data types for appropriate columns
ChangedType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, {
{"Column1", type text}, {"Column2", type text}, {"Column3", type text},
{"Column4", Int64.Type}, {"Column5", Int64.Type}, {"Column6", Int64.Type},
{"Column7", Int64.Type}, {"Column8", Int64.Type}, {"Column9", Int64.Type},
{"Column10", Int64.Type}, {"Column11", Int64.Type}, {"Column12", Int64.Type},
{"Column13", Int64.Type}, {"Column14", Int64.Type}, {"Column15", Int64.Type},
{"Column16", Int64.Type}, {"Column17", Int64.Type}, {"Column18", Int64.Type},
{"Column19", Int64.Type}, {"Column20", Int64.Type}, {"Column21", Int64.Type},
{"Column22", Int64.Type}, {"Column23", Int64.Type}, {"Column24", Int64.Type},
{"Column25", Int64.Type}, {"Column26", Int64.Type}, {"Column27", Int64.Type},
{"Column28", Int64.Type}, {"Column29", Int64.Type}, {"Column30", Int64.Type},
{"Column31", Int64.Type}
// Rename columns for easier reference
RenamedColumns = Table.RenameColumns(ChangedType, {
{"Column3", "Launch Data"}, {"Column4", "MAT 24"}, {"Column5", "MAT 23"},
{"Column6", "MAT 22"}, {"Column7", "MAT 21"}, {"Column8", "MAT 20"},
{"Column9", "MAT 24 U"}, {"Column10", "MAT 23 U"}, {"Column11", "MAT 22 U"},
{"Column12", "MAT 21 U"}, {"Column13", "MAT 20 U"}, {"Column14", "Grw T"},
{"Column15", "Grw NP"}, {"Column16", "Grw Intr"}, {"Column17", "Grw Vol"},
{"Column18", "Grw LE"}, {"Column19", "Grw Pcha"}, {"Column20", "Grw Pcof"},
{"Column21", "YTD 24"}, {"Column22", "YTD 23"}, {"Column23", "YTD 22"},
{"Column24", "YTD 21"}, {"Column25", "YTD 20"}, {"Column26", "YTD 24 U"},
{"Column27", "YTD 23 U"}, {"Column28", "YTD 22 U"}, {"Column29", "YTD 21 U"},
{"Column30", "YTD 20 U"}, {"Column31", "Recent Price"}
// Create conditional columns
AddConditionalColumn = (previousStep as table, columnName as text, sourceColumn as text) =>
Table.AddColumn(previousStep, columnName, each if Text.StartsWith(Record.Field(_, sourceColumn), " ") then Record.Field(_, sourceColumn) else null),
// Sequentially add conditional columns
CustomColumnsAdded = List.Accumulate(
{"SKUs Launch Year", "Custom", "SKUs", "Custom.1", "Strength", "Custom.2",
"Brand Launch Year", "Custom.3", "Brand", "Custom.4", "Nat/Mul",
"Custom.5", "Manu", "Custom.6", "Corp", "Custom.7", "Imp/local",
"Custom.8", "Molecule", "Custom.9", "AF 3", "Custom.10", "AF 2",
"Custom.11", "AF 1", "Custom.12", "ATC 4", "Custom.13", "ATC 3",
"Custom.14", "ATC 2", "Custom.15", "ATC 1"},
(state, current) => AddConditionalColumn(state, current, "Column2"),
// Clean unnecessary columns
RemovedColumns = Table.RemoveColumns(CustomColumnsAdded, {
"Custom.12", "Custom.11", "Custom.10", "Custom.9",
"Custom.8", "Custom.7", "Custom.6", "Custom.5",
"Custom.4", "Custom.3", "Custom.2", "Custom.1", "Custom"
// Fill down for categorical data, filter rows and reorder
FilledDown = Table.FillDown(RemovedColumns, {
"Strength", "Brand", "Nat/Mul", "Manu", "Corp", "Imp/local",
"Molecule", "ATC 4", "ATC 3", "ATC 2", "ATC 1", "AF 3", "AF 2", "AF 1"
FilteredRows = Table.SelectRows(FilledDown, each [SKUs] <> null),
FinalOutput = Table.ReorderColumns(FilteredRows, {
"ATC 1", "ATC 2", "ATC 3", "ATC 4", "AF 1", "AF 2", "AF 3",
"Molecule", "Imp/local", "Corp", "Manu", "Nat/Mul", "Brand",
"Strength", "SKUs", "MAT 24", "MAT 23", "MAT 22", "MAT 21",
"MAT 20", "MAT 24 U", "MAT 23 U", "MAT 22 U", "MAT 21 U",
"MAT 20 U", "Grw T", "Grw NP", "Grw Intr", "Grw Vol", "Grw LE",
"Grw Pcha", "Grw Pcof", "YTD 24", "YTD 23", "YTD 22",
"YTD 21", "YTD 20", "YTD 24 U", "YTD 23 U", "YTD 22 U",
"YTD 21 U", "YTD 20 U"
Key Changes and Optimizations
- Referencing Corrections: Adjusted the way previous steps were referenced to ensure they align correctly.
- Custom Function for Conditional Columns: Created
to reduce redundancy when creating multiple conditional columns. - Consistent Naming: Ensured consistent naming schemes to avoid confusion across the pipeline.
- Removed Redundant Steps: Optimized the code by minimizing unnecessary additional steps and temporary variables.
Practical Application
This code can be used in a data processing scenario within Microsoft Power BI or Excel, where a user wants to import a CSV file, transform the data by renaming columns, adding conditional columns based on specific conditions, and finally cleaning up the dataset for further analysis.
For more in-depth learning and skills enhancement in DAX and data modeling, consider exploring courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.
This document provides a corrected and optimized DAX code snippet for transforming a CSV file in Power BI or Excel. It improves readability, ensures proper referencing, and implements a custom function for adding conditional columns, enhancing efficiency in data processing tasks.