Code Generator | DAX

DAX Date Range Concatenation Function

This DAX function concatenates values from a specified column within a user-defined date range using slicers. It includes input validation and returns a single string of filtered values, ideal for Power BI reporting.

Empty image or helper icon


concatenatex the column base on the two date slicer


DAX Function to Concatenate Based on Date Slicers

This section outlines a DAX function designed to concatenate values from a specified column within a given date range defined by two slicers. The function ensures that values are only concatenated for dates that fall within the specified range.

Function Overview


The function concatenates values in a specified column for rows filtered by two date slicers.


  • Table: The name of the table containing the data.
  • ColumnToConcatenate: The column whose values need to be concatenated.
  • StartDate: The beginning date to filter the data.
  • EndDate: The ending date to filter the data.

Return Type

  • Returns a single concatenated string of the specified column's values filtered by the date range.


  • Raises an error if the date slicers are incorrectly set, i.e., if StartDate is greater than EndDate.

DAX Code

ConcatenateWithDateRange = 
VAR StartDate = MIN('DateTable'[StartDate])
VAR EndDate = MAX('DateTable'[EndDate])

-- Input validation: Ensure Start Date is less than or equal to End Date
IF (
    StartDate > EndDate,
    ERROR("Start Date must be less than or equal to End Date.")

-- Concatenate values in the specified column based on the date range
        FILTER (
            'YourTable'[DateColumn] >= StartDate && 
            'YourTable'[DateColumn] <= EndDate
        ", "  -- delimiter for concatenation

Explanation of the Code

  1. Variable Declaration:

    • StartDate: Captures the minimum date from the slicer.
    • EndDate: Captures the maximum date from the slicer.
  2. Input Validation:

    • Checks that StartDate is not greater than EndDate. If the condition fails, an error message is returned.
  3. Filtering and Concatenation:

    • Uses FILTER to create a subset of 'YourTable' that includes only rows where DateColumn falls within the specified date range.
    • CONCATENATEX concatenates the values from ColumnToConcatenate using a specified delimiter (in this case, a comma followed by a space).

Usage Example

To use this function within a Power BI report, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have a Date Table set up in your model with columns StartDate and EndDate for slicers.
  2. Replace 'YourTable' with the name of your actual data table and adjust the column names accordingly.
  3. Create a measure in Power BI with the provided DAX code:
    • For example, if you want to concatenate values from the ProductName column based on date filters, you would modify the function accordingly.
ConcatenateProductNames = 
VAR StartDate = MIN('DateTable'[StartDate])
VAR EndDate = MAX('DateTable'[EndDate])
IF (
    StartDate > EndDate,
    ERROR("Start Date must be less than or equal to End Date.")
        FILTER (
            'ProductSales'[SaleDate] >= StartDate && 
            'ProductSales'[SaleDate] <= EndDate
        ", "  -- delimiter for concatenation


This DAX function succinctly concatenates column values based on user-defined date ranges, efficiently handling filters and input validation. For further mastery of DAX and Power BI, consider exploring advanced topics on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This DAX function concatenates values from a specified column within a user-defined date range using slicers. It includes input validation and returns a single string of filtered values, ideal for Power BI reporting.