Code Generator | DAX

DAX Function for Employee Sales Running Total

This document explains a DAX function to calculate the running total of employee sales indexed by date, enhancing sales performance insights in Power BI reports through cumulative summation techniques.

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can calculate running total of employees sales


DAX Function to Calculate Running Total of Employee Sales

This document outlines a DAX function that calculates the running total (cumulative sum) of employee sales over time. The running total will sum up sales for each employee on a given date, providing valuable insights into sales performance.

Function Definition


The following DAX function calculates the running total of employee sales, indexed by date. The result will be appropriate for use within a Power BI report.


RunningTotalEmployeeSales = 
VAR CurrentDate = MAX(Sales[SaleDate])  -- Capture the current date in context
        SUM(Sales[SalesAmount]),  -- Sum of sales amount
            ALL(Sales[SaleDate]),  -- Remove filters to consider all dates
            Sales[SaleDate] <= CurrentDate  -- Only include dates up to the current date


Key Components

  1. Variable Declaration:

    • CurrentDate: Captures the maximum sale date within the current filter context. This serves as the limit for our running total calculation.
  2. CALCULATE Function:

    • The CALCULATE function modifies the filter context to perform the calculation of the sales total.
  3. Sum and Filter Logic:

    • SUM(Sales[SalesAmount]): Computes the total sales amount.
    • FILTER(ALL(Sales[SaleDate]), Sales[SaleDate] <= CurrentDate): Filters the dates to only include those less than or equal to the CurrentDate, thus enabling the running total.

Usage Example

To utilize this running total calculation in a report or dashboard, add this measure to a table or visual that includes employee names or employee IDs alongside dates.

Example Usage Scenario

Assuming you have a dataset with the following structure:

  • Sales Table:
    • EmployeeID
    • SaleDate
    • SalesAmount

When you place the measure RunningTotalEmployeeSales onto a visual, such as a line chart, with SaleDate on the x-axis and RunningTotalEmployeeSales on the y-axis, you will be able to visualize how total sales accumulate over time for each employee.

Additional Resources

For more advanced techniques and in-depth learning on using DAX, consider exploring the structured courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform. This resource can significantly enhance your DAX proficiency.

By implementing this DAX measure accurately and using it within the appropriate visual context, you can derive actionable insights from your employee sales data through effective data visualization practices.

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This document explains a DAX function to calculate the running total of employee sales indexed by date, enhancing sales performance insights in Power BI reports through cumulative summation techniques.