Code Generator | DAX

DAX Function for Non-Blank Value Check

This document describes a DAX function that checks for non-blank values in a specified column, returning a Boolean result. It includes code examples, parameters, and practical use cases for enhancing data models in reporting.

Empty image or helper icon


is not blank


DAX Function to Check for Non-Blank Values

This document outlines a DAX function designed to determine if a value is not blank. The function will return a Boolean indicating whether the provided input is not blank.

Function Overview


To check if a value is non-blank and return a Boolean result.

DAX Function

IsNotBlank = 
VAR value = SELECTEDVALUE(TableName[ColumnName])


  • TableName: The name of the table containing the column you are checking.
  • ColumnName: The name of the column you want to evaluate for non-blank values.

Return Type

  • Boolean: Returns TRUE if the value is not blank, otherwise returns FALSE.


  • N/A: This function does not raise exceptions, but it assumes that the specified table and column exist in the data model.

Code Explanation

  1. VAR value = SELECTEDVALUE(TableName[ColumnName]):

    • This line selects the value from the specified column within the specified table. If there are multiple values, it returns BLANK().
  2. RETURN:

    • The RETURN statement begins the output for the DAX expression.
  3. NOT(ISBLANK(value)):

    • Checks if the value is blank using the ISBLANK function and returns the negated result. If the value is blank, it will return FALSE; otherwise, it will return TRUE.

Code Usage Example

Assuming you have a table named Sales and a column named Revenue, you can use the function as follows:

SalesNonBlankCheck =
IF(IsNotBlank, "Revenue is not blank", "Revenue is blank")

Practical Scenario

  • Use Case: In a sales report, you may want to filter out entries where the Revenue column is blank to focus only on sales with actual numbers.
  • Example: Using the IsNotBlank function allows you to create a visual or a calculation aggregate that only considers rows where revenue does exist, providing a clearer business insight.


This DAX function effectively checks for non-blank values in your data model. By using this function, you can ensure that your calculations and visuals only include relevant data, which is critical for accurate reporting.

For further learning and mastery in DAX, consider exploring courses offered on the Enterprise DNA Platform, which can enhance your skills in implementing sophisticated data models and analyses.

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This document describes a DAX function that checks for non-blank values in a specified column, returning a Boolean result. It includes code examples, parameters, and practical use cases for enhancing data models in reporting.