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DAX Function for Summing Top 4 Ranked Items

This document details a DAX function that calculates the sum of the top 4 ranked items using RANKX. It includes parameter descriptions, code examples, and guidelines for input validation and usage in scenarios like sales analysis.

Empty image or helper icon


computes sum for only first 4 ranks using rankx function


DAX Function to Compute Sum for First 4 Ranks

This document provides a DAX function that sums the values of the top 4 ranked items using the RANKX function. The implementation includes input validation, comprehensive documentation, and usage examples.

Function Overview


The function computes the sum of the top 4 items based on a ranking defined by a specific measure.


  • Table: The table containing the data.
  • ValueColumn: The column containing the values to sum.
  • RankingColumn: The column based on which the ranks are determined.


  • An integer representing the sum of the top 4 ranked values.


  • Throws an error if the input table or columns are not valid.

DAX Function Code

Top4RankedSum = 
VAR RankedTable =
        "Rank", RANKX(Table, [RankingColumn], , DESC, DENSE)
VAR Top4Values =
        [Rank] <= 4
    SUMX(Top4Values, [ValueColumn])


  1. RankedTable Variable:

    • Uses ADDCOLUMNS to create a new table that includes a calculated rank for each row based on RankingColumn.
    • RANKX computes the rank in descending order (higher values get lower ranks) with DENSE ranking method.
  2. Top4Values Variable:

    • Filters the RankedTable to include only rows where the rank is less than or equal to 4.
  3. SUMX Function:

    • Sums the ValueColumn for the filtered Top4Values.

Input Validation

Ensure that Table, ValueColumn, and RankingColumn are valid by adding checks at the beginning of the function for production-level applications.

    ISBLANK(Table) || ISBLANK(ValueColumn) || ISBLANK(RankingColumn),
    ERROR("Invalid input: ensure all parameters are valid."),

Code Usage Example


You have a sales table with the columns SalesAmount (values to sum) and ProductSales (criteria for ranking).

Example Implementation

TotalTop4Sales =
VAR SalesTable =
    [Top4RankedSum(SalesTable, SalesAmount, ProductSales)]


In this example, TotalTop4Sales calculates the total sales amount from the top 4 products based on the ProductSales ranking.


This DAX function efficiently computes the sum of the highest-ranked items as specified, while adhering to best practices in coding structure and input validation. For further mastery of DAX, consider exploring courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document details a DAX function that calculates the sum of the top 4 ranked items using RANKX. It includes parameter descriptions, code examples, and guidelines for input validation and usage in scenarios like sales analysis.