Code Generator | DAX

DAX Last 7 Months Revenue Calculation

This document explains a DAX function to calculate total revenue for the last 7 months based on the latest sales data, aiding in financial analysis and performance reporting.

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shows the last 7 months of revenue


DAX Function to Calculate Last 7 Months of Revenue

This document outlines a DAX function that retrieves the total revenue for the last 7 months. This is particularly useful for financial analysis and reporting, allowing quick insights into recent performance trends.

DAX Code Implementation

Last7MonthsRevenue = 
VAR CurrentDate = MAX(Sales[OrderDate]) // Get the most recent date in the dataset
VAR StartDate = EDATE(CurrentDate, -7) // Calculate the date 7 months ago
        SUM(Sales[Revenue]), // Calculate total revenue
        Sales[OrderDate] > StartDate && Sales[OrderDate] <= CurrentDate // Filter for the last 7 months

Explanation of Code

  1. Variables Definition:

    • CurrentDate: Retrieves the latest order date from the Sales table.
    • StartDate: Calculates the date that is 7 months prior to the CurrentDate.
  2. CALCULATE Function:

    • This function changes the context in which data is evaluated.
    • It sums the Revenue column from the Sales table where the OrderDate falls within the last 7 months.
  3. Filters:

    • The filter applied ensures only transactions within the defined date range are included in the revenue calculation.

Input Validation

  • The function implicitly uses the latest date available in the Sales[OrderDate]. Ensure that your dataset is up-to-date and correctly formatted.
  • If there are no records in the specified date range, the function will return a value of blank.

Example Usage


Let’s assume you want to analyze the revenue generated over the last 7 months for report generation in a dashboard.

  1. Add the calculated measure Last7MonthsRevenue to your data model.
  2. Visualize this measure in a reporting tool like Power BI to provide insights into the recent revenue trends.

Result Interpretation

  • The output will return the total revenue generated in the last 7 months based on the latest recorded order date in the Sales table.
  • This measure can be further used in various visualizations like charts and tables to showcase financial performance.


This DAX function provides a straightforward solution for calculating the revenue of the last 7 months. It is versatile and can be refined to account for different time periods by adjusting the EDATE function accordingly.

For more advanced DAX techniques and best practices, consider exploring the Enterprise DNA Platform.

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This document explains a DAX function to calculate total revenue for the last 7 months based on the latest sales data, aiding in financial analysis and performance reporting.