Code Explainer

DAX `matchby_example` Code Breakdown

This detailed analysis of the DAX `matchby_example` code explains its functions, such as `MATCHBY`, `SUMMARIZE`, and `RETURNROW`. It illustrates how to match and retrieve values from datasets, enhancing data manipulation in Power BI and

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matchby_example = 
VAR lookup_value = MIN(lookup_value)
VAR lookup_column_values = VALUES(lookup_column)
VAR matches = MATCHBY(lookup_value, lookup_column_values, lookup_column)
VAR return_column_values = SUMMARIZE(lookup_column_values, lookup_column, return_column)
VAR return_value = RETURNROW(SELECTCOLUMNS(return_column_values, return_column))
RETURN return_value[return_column]


Code Explanation: matchby_example

The provided code snippet is written in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), a specialized language designed for data manipulation and analysis in Microsoft Power BI, SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), and Microsoft Excel. This code aims to identify and retrieve specific values from a dataset based on matching criteria.

Code Breakdown

1. Variable Definitions

  • VAR lookup_value = MIN(lookup_value)
    This line initializes a variable named lookup_value, which computes the minimum of a column that the user designates as lookup_value. The MIN function aggregates values to provide the smallest entry within a specified context.

  • VAR lookup_column_values = VALUES(lookup_column)
    This variable, lookup_column_values, retrieves all unique values from a specified column defined as lookup_column. The VALUES function returns a single-column table that holds distinct values, removing any duplicates.

2. Matching Logic

  • VAR matches = MATCHBY(lookup_value, lookup_column_values, lookup_column)
    The matches variable utilizes the MATCHBY function to find records in the lookup_column_values that correspond to the lookup_value provided. The function searches for the lookup_value within the lookup_column_values and pairs it with entries from lookup_column.

3. Summarizing Return Values

  • VAR return_column_values = SUMMARIZE(lookup_column_values, lookup_column, return_column)
    Here, return_column_values is generated using the SUMMARIZE function. This function groups the data by lookup_column and allows for the aggregation of the return_column. This creates a new table that summarizes values based on the unique entries of lookup_column.

  • VAR return_value = RETURNROW(SELECTCOLUMNS(return_column_values, return_column))
    In this line, return_value retrieves a single row from the return_column_values. The SELECTCOLUMNS function is employed to create a new table that contains only the return_column from the return_column_values. Finally, RETURNROW is utilized to isolate the selected value as a row.

4. Final Return

  • RETURN return_value[return_column]
    This statement culminates the function by returning the value stored in the return_column of the return_value. This will yield the desired output based on the matches found.

Key Concepts

  • DAX Variables (VAR): DAX allows for the creation of variables using the VAR keyword. This enhances readability and performance by preventing repetitive calculations within the expression.

  • MATCHBY: This function is particularly valuable in scenarios requiring a mapping between distinct values from one dataset to another, making it easier to find matching entries based on specific criteria.

  • SUMMARIZE: This function groups data by certain fields and can also aggregate values to provide meaningful summaries.

  • SELECTCOLUMNS: This function enables the selection of specific columns from a table, providing flexibility when extracting or reshaping datasets.

  • RETURNROW: A function that focuses on returning a single row from a table, which can either contain all columns or a subset of them.

Additional Example

To illustrate the use of similar concepts, consider the revised function below:

example_calculation = 
VAR input_value = MAX(input_col)
VAR unique_values = VALUES(reference_col)
VAR found_matches = MATCHBY(input_value, unique_values, reference_col)
VAR summary_table = SUMMARIZE(unique_values, reference_col, output_col)
VAR single_return = RETURNROW(SELECTCOLUMNS(summary_table, output_col))
RETURN single_return[output_col]

In this alternative, input_col, reference_col, and output_col represent different columns, showcasing the flexibility of the same logic to different datasets.


The matchby_example code serves a precise purpose in the manipulation of data by matching and retrieving relevant information based on specified criteria. Through the use of DAX functions such as VAR, MATCHBY, SUMMARIZE, and row-returning mechanisms, the code allows for efficient querying within datasets. This encapsulates essential techniques for anyone seeking to enhance their data analysis skills on platforms such as Power BI or SSAS.

For further learning and mastery, consider exploring courses available on the Enterprise DNA Platform that delve deeper into DAX and data modeling concepts.

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This detailed analysis of the DAX matchby_example code explains its functions, such as MATCHBY, SUMMARIZE, and RETURNROW. It illustrates how to match and retrieve values from datasets, enhancing data manipulation in Power BI and SSAS.