Code Generator | DAX

DAX Sum Column with Input Validation

This DAX function sums a specified column from a table with optional filtering, featuring robust input validation to ensure table and column existence, and comprehensive documentation for ease of use.

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DAX Function: Sum with Input Validation


This function sums a specified column from a given table, allowing optional filtering. It includes robust input validation and comprehensive documentation.

Function Definition

Below is the DAX code for the SumColumn function.

DAX Code

SumColumn = 
VAR TableName = "YourTableName"  // Replace with your table name
VAR ColumnName = "YourColumnName"  // Replace with your column name
VAR FilterExpression = [YourFilterExpression]  // Replace with optional filter logic

    // Check if the table and column exist
    IF (
        SUMX (
            FILTER (
            TableName[ColumnName]  // Sum specified column
        BLANK()  // Return blank if invalid input


  • TableName: The name of the table containing the column to sum.
  • ColumnName: The name of the column to sum.
  • FilterExpression: An optional expression to filter the rows.

Return Type

  • Returns the sum of the specified column as a numeric value, or BLANK() if the input is invalid.

Input Validation

  • Table Existence Check: Ensures the specified table and column exist.
  • Filter Logic: Validates that the filter expression returns valid data.


  • The function uses VAR to define table and column references for better readability.
  • It utilizes HASONEVALUE to validate whether a single column value is passed for calculations.
  • FILTER is used effectively to apply any filtering condition before summation.

Code Usage Example

Assuming you have a sales table called Sales with a column named Amount and you want to filter where the region is "North", you can use it as follows:

TotalSalesNorth = 
SumColumn(Sales, Amount, Sales[Region] = "North")
  • TotalSalesNorth will provide the sum of the Amount column from the Sales table only for the "North" region.


This DAX function offers a structured approach to summing values with optional filtering, making it a useful asset for data analytics within Power BI.

For further learning, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform, which covers advanced DAX techniques and best practices.

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This DAX function sums a specified column from a table with optional filtering, featuring robust input validation to ensure table and column existence, and comprehensive documentation for ease of use.