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Death Counter for Friday Night Funkin' Psych Engine

This document details a Lua function for tracking player deaths in Friday Night Funkin' Psych Engine v1.0. It covers counter initialization, incrementation, retrieval, and input validation for robust gameplay analytics.

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функция для friday night funkin psych engine версия v1.0 счётчик смертей


Death Counter Function for Friday Night Funkin' Psych Engine v1.0

This document outlines a Lua function designed to track the death count in the Psych Engine version 1.0 of Friday Night Funkin'. This function will increment a counter every time the player character "Boyfriend" loses a life, handling input validation and other best practices.

Function Overview

The function will perform the following:

  • Initialize and maintain a death counter.
  • Allow the counter to be incremented.
  • Provide a function to retrieve the current count.
  • Include robust input validation.

Code Implementation

Death Counter Code

-- Death Counter Module for Friday Night Funkin'
local DeathCounter = {}
DeathCounter.count = 0

    Initializes the death counter to zero.

    Parameters: None
    Returns: None
function DeathCounter:init()
    self.count = 0

    Increments the death counter by one.

    Parameters: None
    Returns: integer - updated death counter value
    Raises: error if called during an active game state
function DeathCounter:increment()
    if not self:isGameActive() then
        error("Cannot increment death counter if the game is not active.")
    self.count = self.count + 1
    return self.count

    Retrieves the current death counter value.

    Parameters: None
    Returns: integer - current death counter value
function DeathCounter:getCount()
    return self.count

    Checks if the game is currently active.

    Parameters: None
    Returns: boolean - true if the game is active, false otherwise
function DeathCounter:isGameActive()
    -- Placeholder for actual game state check
    return true

return DeathCounter

Key Features

  1. Initialization: The counter starts at zero using the init method.
  2. Incrementing: The increment method safely increments the counter, ensuring the game is active.
  3. Retrieving Count: The current death count is retrievable through the getCount method.
  4. Game State Check: The isGameActive method can be adjusted to reflect the actual game state checking logic.

Example Usage

Here’s how you can utilize the Death Counter in your game:

-- Load DeathCounter module
local DeathCounter = require('DeathCounter')

-- Initialize the counter at game start

-- Simulate the game loop where the player dies
while true do
    -- Assuming a condition triggers player death
    local playerDied = true -- replace with actual game-condition
    if playerDied then
        local newDeathCount = DeathCounter:increment()
        print("Deaths: " .. newDeathCount)
    -- Exit loop condition (to prevent infinite loop in example)
    break -- replace with actual game exit condition

-- Print final death count at the end of the game
print("Final Death Count: " .. DeathCounter:getCount())


This Lua implementation provides a systematic way of tracking death counts in the Friday Night Funkin' Psych Engine. The design follows best practices, again emphasizing modularity, input validation, and clear documentation.

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This document details a Lua function for tracking player deaths in Friday Night Funkin' Psych Engine v1.0. It covers counter initialization, incrementation, retrieval, and input validation for robust gameplay analytics.