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Discord Bot Rank Change Command Debugging

A structured guide to debugging a Discord bot command that changes user ranks on Roblox, covering potential issues, improvements in error handling, and usage examples to ensure functionality and validate input.

Empty image or helper icon


const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');
const crypto = require('crypto');

const dataFilePath = path.join(__dirname, '../commands/data.json');
const rankFile = path.join(__dirname, '../commands/rutbe.json');

// API ile retry mekanizması
async function fetchWithRetry(url, options, retries = 3, backoff = 1000) {
    try {
        console.log(`Fetching URL: ${url} with options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);
        const response = await axios(url, options);
        console.log(`Response received: ${JSON.stringify(}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Fetch error: ${error.message}`);
        if (retries === 0) {
            throw error;
        if (error.response && error.response.status === 429) {
            console.log(`API rate limit exceeded, retrying in ${backoff}ms...`);
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, backoff));
            return fetchWithRetry(url, options, retries - 1, backoff * 2);
        } else {
            throw error;

module.exports = {
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setDescription('Kullanıcının rütbesini değiştirir.')
        .addStringOption(option =>
                .setDescription('Rütbe değişiklik sebebi.')
        .addUserOption(option => 
                .setDescription('Discord kullanıcısı')
        .addStringOption(option => 
                .setDescription('Alt rütbelerden birini seçin')
                    ...Object.entries(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rankFile, 'utf8')).main)
                        .filter(([key]) => parseInt(key) <= 25)
                        .map(([key, value]) => ({ name: value, value: key }))
        .addStringOption(option => 
                .setDescription('Üst rütbelerden birini seçin')
                    ...Object.entries(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rankFile, 'utf8')).main)
                        .filter(([key]) => parseInt(key) > 25)
                        .map(([key, value]) => ({ name: value, value: key }))
    async execute(interaction) {
        console.log('Command execution started.');

        if (!interaction.member.roles.cache.has(process.env.BOT_USTYETKI)) {
            console.warn('User lacks permission to execute this command.');
            return interaction.reply({ content: 'Bu komutu kullanmak için yetkiniz yok.', ephemeral: true });

        try {
            await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true });

            let ranks;
            try {
                ranks = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rankFile, 'utf8')).main;
                console.log('Ranks loaded successfully.');
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error reading rank file:', error);
                await interaction.editReply('Rütbe dosyası okunurken bir hata oluştu.');

            const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dataFilePath, 'utf8'));

            const kullaniciDiscordId = interaction.options.getUser('kullanici').id;
            const kullaniciRobloxUsername = data[kullaniciDiscordId]?.robloxUsername;
            const sebep = interaction.options.getString('sebep');
            const altRutbe = interaction.options.getString('alt_rutbe');
            const ustRutbe = interaction.options.getString('ust_rutbe');

            if (altRutbe && ustRutbe) {
                console.warn('Both rank options selected; user must select only one.');
                await interaction.editReply('Bir rütbe seçeneği seçebilirsiniz. Lütfen sadece birini seçin.');

            if (!altRutbe && !ustRutbe) {
                console.warn('No rank option selected.');
                await interaction.editReply('Bir rütbe seçmelisiniz.');

            const yeniRutbeKey = altRutbe || ustRutbe;
            const yeniRutbeIndex = parseInt(yeniRutbeKey, 10);
            console.log(`Selected rank: ${yeniRutbeIndex}`);

            if (!kullaniciRobloxUsername) {
                console.warn('Roblox username not found for the target user.');
                await interaction.editReply('Roblox kullanıcı adı bulunamadı.');

            const executorUserId =;
            const executorRobloxUsername = data[executorUserId]?.robloxUsername;

            if (!executorRobloxUsername) {
                console.warn('Executor Roblox username not found.');
                await interaction.editReply('Komutu kullananın Roblox kullanıcı adı bulunamadı.');

            // Get executor's Roblox ID
            const executorUsernamesResponse = await fetchWithRetry('', {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                data: {
                    usernames: [executorRobloxUsername],
                    excludeBannedUsers: true

            const executorUser = => === executorRobloxUsername);

            if (!executorUser) {
                console.warn('Executor user not found in Roblox.');
                await interaction.editReply('Komutu kullanan kullanıcı bulunamadı.');

            const executorId =;

            const executorRankResponse = await fetchWithRetry(`${process.env.UNIVERSE_ID}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry?datastoreName=main&entryKey=${executorId}`, {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: {
                    'x-api-key': process.env.ROBLOX_API_KEY,

            const executorRankIndex = parseInt(executorRankResponse?.value || executorRankResponse, 10);
            console.log(`Executor's current rank: ${executorRankIndex}`);

            // **Rütbe kontrolü**: Eğer kullanıcı mevcut bir rütbeye sahipse ve bu rütbe yeterliyse
            if (executorRankIndex <= yeniRutbeIndex) { // Örneğin, 50 ve üzeri bir rütbe gerekiyor olabilir
                console.warn('Executor does not have a high enough rank to update this user.');
                await interaction.editReply('Bu komutu kullanmak için yeterli rütbeye sahip değilsiniz.');

            const kullaniciUsernamesResponse = await fetchWithRetry('', {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                data: {
                    usernames: [kullaniciRobloxUsername],
                    excludeBannedUsers: true

            const kullaniciUser = => === kullaniciRobloxUsername);

            if (!kullaniciUser) {
                console.warn('Target user not found in Roblox.');
                await interaction.editReply('Rütbe verilecek kullanıcı bulunamadı.');

            const kullaniciId =;

            const JSONValue = JSON.stringify(yeniRutbeIndex);
            const ConvertAdd = crypto.createHash("md5").update(JSONValue).digest("base64");

            // Rütbe güncelleme
            const updateResponse = await fetchWithRetry(`${6363491423}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry`, {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                    'x-api-key': process.env.ROBLOX_API_KEY,
                    'content-md5': ConvertAdd,
                    'content-type': 'application/json',
                params: {
                    datastoreName: 'main',
                    entryKey: kullaniciId
                data: JSONValue

                if (updateResponse.status === 200) {
                    const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .setTitle('Rütbe Güncellendi')
                        .setDescription(`Rütbe başarıyla güncellendi: ${kullaniciRobloxUsername} şu anda rütbe numarası "${yeniRutbeIndex}".`)
                    await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed] });
                } else {
                    throw new Error('Rütbe güncelleme işlemi başarısız oldu.');
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error during rank update process:', error.message);
                if (error.response) {
                    console.error('Error response data:',;
                    console.error('Error response status:', error.response.status);
                    console.error('Error response headers:', error.response.headers);
                } else if (error.request) {
                    console.error('No response received:', error.request);
                } else {
                    console.error('Request setup error:', error.message);
                    console.log('Rank update response:', updateResponse);
                await interaction.editReply('Rütbe güncellenirken bir hata oluştu.');



Debugging the Discord Bot Command for Rank Change

It appears you're encountering an error while executing the provided code for the Discord bot command that updates a user's rank on Roblox. Below is a structured approach to debugging and improving your code, including potential issues to check and how to refine your function further.

Potential Issues to Check

  1. Environment Variables: Ensure that all required environment variables (BOT_USTYETKI, ROBLOX_API_KEY, UNIVERSE_ID) are correctly set in your environment. Missing or incorrect values can lead to API requests failing.

  2. API Response Handling: Make sure to handle cases where the API might not return the expected data structure. For instance, if executorRankResponse or updateResponse do not have the structure you've assumed, it could lead to errors.

  3. Error Logging: Enhance your error logging to identify where the problem is occurring. You currently have console logs in place, but more detailed information may help.

  4. Roblox API Changes: The Roblox API can change, so ensure that the endpoints you're using are still valid and functioning. Check Roblox developer documentation for any updates.

  5. Node.js Environment: Ensure your Node.js environment is properly set up with appropriate versions, particularly of the dependencies you're using (like discord.js and axios).

Suggested Improvements

Here’s an improved version of the function with better error handling and additional comments:

const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');
const crypto = require('crypto');

const dataFilePath = path.join(__dirname, '../commands/data.json');
const rankFile = path.join(__dirname, '../commands/rutbe.json');

 * Fetches data with a retry mechanism for failed requests.
 * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch data from.
 * @param {Object} options - Axios options for the request.
 * @param {number} retries - Number of retries before giving up.
 * @param {number} backoff - Initial backoff time between retries.
 * @returns {Promise} - The data from the response.
 * @throws {Error} - Throws an error if fetch fails after retries.
async function fetchWithRetry(url, options, retries = 3, backoff = 1000) {
    try {
        console.log(`Fetching URL: ${url} with options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);
        const response = await axios(url, options);
        console.log(`Response received: ${JSON.stringify(}`);
        return;  // Return received data
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Fetch error: ${error.message}`);
        if (retries === 0) throw error;  // No retries left
        if (error.response && error.response.status === 429) {
            console.log(`API rate limit exceeded, retrying in ${backoff}ms...`);
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, backoff));  // Wait before retrying
            return fetchWithRetry(url, options, retries - 1, backoff * 2); // Retry
        } else {
            throw error; // Non-retryable error

module.exports = {
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setDescription('Kullanıcının rütbesini değiştirir.')
        .addStringOption(option =>
                .setDescription('Rütbe değişiklik sebebi.')
        .addUserOption(option => 
                .setDescription('Discord kullanıcısı')
        .addStringOption(option => 
                .setDescription('Alt rütbelerden birini seçin')
                    ...Object.entries(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rankFile, 'utf8')).main)
                        .filter(([key]) => parseInt(key) <= 25)
                        .map(([key, value]) => ({ name: value, value: key }))
        .addStringOption(option => 
                .setDescription('Üst rütbelerden birini seçin')
                    ...Object.entries(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rankFile, 'utf8')).main)
                        .filter(([key]) => parseInt(key) > 25)
                        .map(([key, value]) => ({ name: value, value: key }))

    async execute(interaction) {
        console.log('Command execution started.');

        // Check user permissions
        if (!interaction.member.roles.cache.has(process.env.BOT_USTYETKI)) {
            return interaction.reply({ content: 'Bu komutu kullanmak için yetkiniz yok.', ephemeral: true });

        try {
            await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true });

            // Load ranks
            let ranks, data;
            try {
                ranks = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rankFile, 'utf8')).main;
                data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dataFilePath, 'utf8'));
                console.log('Data loaded successfully.');
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error reading JSON files:', error);
                await interaction.editReply('Veri dosyası okunurken bir hata oluştu.');

            // Get user options
            const kullaniciDiscordId = interaction.options.getUser('kullanici').id;
            const kullaniciRobloxUsername = data[kullaniciDiscordId]?.robloxUsername;
            const sebep = interaction.options.getString('sebep');
            const altRutbe = interaction.options.getString('alt_rutbe');
            const ustRutbe = interaction.options.getString('ust_rutbe');

            if (altRutbe && ustRutbe) {
                return interaction.editReply('Lütfen sadece bir rütbe seçin.');
            if (!altRutbe && !ustRutbe) {
                return interaction.editReply('Bir rütbe seçmelisiniz.');

            const yeniRutbeKey = altRutbe || ustRutbe;
            const yeniRutbeIndex = parseInt(yeniRutbeKey, 10);
            console.log(`Selected rank: ${yeniRutbeIndex}`);

            // Validate Roblox username
            if (!kullaniciRobloxUsername) {
                return interaction.editReply('Roblox kullanıcı adı bulunamadı.');

            // Get executor user data
            const executorUserId =;
            const executorRobloxUsername = data[executorUserId]?.robloxUsername;

            if (!executorRobloxUsername) {
                return interaction.editReply('Komutu kullananın Roblox kullanıcı adı bulunamadı.');

            // Executor's Roblox ID retrieval
            const executorUsernamesResponse = await fetchWithRetry('', {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
                data: { usernames: [executorRobloxUsername], excludeBannedUsers: true }

            const executorUser = => === executorRobloxUsername);
            if (!executorUser) {
                return interaction.editReply('Komutu kullanan kullanıcı bulunamadı.');

            const executorId =;
            const executorRankResponse = await fetchWithRetry(`${process.env.UNIVERSE_ID}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry?datastoreName=main&entryKey=${executorId}`, {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: { 'x-api-key': process.env.ROBLOX_API_KEY },

            const executorRankIndex = parseInt(executorRankResponse?.value || executorRankResponse, 10);
            console.log(`Executor's current rank: ${executorRankIndex}`);

            // Check rank to ensure permissions
            if (executorRankIndex <= yeniRutbeIndex) {
                return interaction.editReply('Bu komutu kullanmak için yeterli rütbeye sahip değilsiniz.');

            // Target user's Roblox ID retrieval
            const kullaniciUsernamesResponse = await fetchWithRetry('', {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
                data: { usernames: [kullaniciRobloxUsername], excludeBannedUsers: true }

            const kullaniciUser = => === kullaniciRobloxUsername);
            if (!kullaniciUser) {
                return interaction.editReply('Rütbe verilecek kullanıcı bulunamadı.');

            const kullaniciId =;
            const JSONValue = JSON.stringify(yeniRutbeIndex);
            const ConvertAdd = crypto.createHash("md5").update(JSONValue).digest("base64");

            // Update rank
            const updateResponse = await fetchWithRetry(`${process.env.UNIVERSE_ID}/standard-datastores/datastore/entries/entry`, {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                    'x-api-key': process.env.ROBLOX_API_KEY,
                    'content-md5': ConvertAdd,
                    'content-type': 'application/json',
                params: {
                    datastoreName: 'main',
                    entryKey: kullaniciId
                data: JSONValue

            if (updateResponse.status === 200) {
                const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                    .setTitle('Rütbe Güncellendi')
                    .setDescription(`Rütbe başarıyla güncellendi: ${kullaniciRobloxUsername} şu anda rütbe numarası "${yeniRutbeIndex}".`)
                await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed] });
            } else {
                throw new Error('Rütbe güncelleme işlemi başarısız oldu.');
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error during rank update process:', error.message);
            await interaction.editReply('Rütbe güncellenirken bir hata oluştu.');

Code Usage Example

Command Execution

To execute the command, the user would type:

/rutbelendir sebep:"Örnek Sebep" kullanici:@Kullanici alt_rutbe:1 

Ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to execute the command, and only selects either an upper or lower rank, as improper input will trigger the validation checks.


By ensuring your environment is properly set up and improving input validation and error handling, you can effectively troubleshoot and execute your rank update functionality within your Discord bot. Should you need further assistance with data analysis or tool development, consider platforms like Enterprise DNA for advanced courses.

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A structured guide to debugging a Discord bot command that changes user ranks on Roblox, covering potential issues, improvements in error handling, and usage examples to ensure functionality and validate input.