Code Explainer

Distance Calculation SQL Query Using PostGIS

This SQL query calculates the distance between the Statue of Liberty's coordinates and various landmarks in a database, utilizing PostGIS functions for spatial analysis. It highlights how to employ spatial data types and functions like

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SELECT ST_Distance(
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-73.9857, 40.7484), 4326)
) FROM landmarks WHERE name = 'Statue of Liberty';


Code Explanation of SQL Query


The provided code is a SQL query that calculates the distance between a geographical point defined by the coordinates of the Statue of Liberty and a specified location (stored in a database). The query utilizes functions from PostGIS, a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL.

Code Breakdown

1. SQL SELECT Statement

SELECT ST_Distance(
  • SELECT: This keyword begins the query and indicates that we want to retrieve data from the database.
  • ST_Distance(...): This is a PostGIS function that computes the distance between two geometries. It returns the distance in the units of the spatial reference system.

2. First Parameter: Location

  • location: This is a column in the landmarks table, presumably containing geographical data (e.g., points defined by latitude and longitude) for various landmarks.

3. Second Parameter: Reference Point

ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-73.9857, 40.7484), 4326)
  • ST_MakePoint(-73.9857, 40.7484): This function creates a point geometry using the provided coordinates. The coordinates given represent a location in longitude and latitude format.
  • ST_SetSRID(..., 4326): This function assigns a Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) to the point. The SRID 4326 corresponds to the WGS 84 coordinate system, which is commonly used for GPS.

4. FROM Clause

FROM landmarks
  • FROM landmarks: This denotes the table from which to retrieve data. The landmarks table should contain entries for various landmarks, including those with geographical coordinates.

5. WHERE Clause

WHERE name = 'Statue of Liberty';
  • WHERE: This clause filters the records returned by the query.
  • name = 'Statue of Liberty': This condition specifies that the query should only consider landmarks where the name column matches 'Statue of Liberty'.


The SQL query calculates the distance between a point representing the Statue of Liberty’s coordinates (longitude: -73.9857, latitude: 40.7484) and the location column of entries in the landmarks table. The result will provide the distance from the Statue of Liberty to each feature in the landmarks table that matches the specified name.

Key Concepts

Spatial Data Types

  • Spatial data types are used to represent geometrical data in databases. In this case, Point is one such type that represents a specific geographical location.

PostGIS Functions

  • ST_MakePoint: Creates a point geometry based on provided coordinates.
  • ST_SetSRID: Sets the Spatial Reference ID for the geometry, allowing it to be used in geographic calculations correctly.
  • ST_Distance: Measures the distance between two geometric objects. The distance returned depends on the units of the SRID used (in this case, meters for SRID 4326).

Additional Examples

Example 1: Calculating Distance from Another Location

To calculate the distance from a different landmark (e.g., "Central Park"):

SELECT ST_Distance(
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-73.9683, 40.7851), 4326)
) FROM landmarks WHERE name = 'Central Park';

Example 2: Finding Near Landmarks

To find landmarks within a radius of 1 km from the Statue of Liberty:

FROM landmarks
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-73.9857, 40.7484), 4326)::geography,
  • Here, ST_DWithin checks for landmarks within 1,000 meters (1 km) from the point.

This comprehensive breakdown aims to clarify the structure and functionality of the SQL query, enabling a deep understanding of spatial queries in a PostGIS context.

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This SQL query calculates the distance between the Statue of Liberty's coordinates and various landmarks in a database, utilizing PostGIS functions for spatial analysis. It highlights how to employ spatial data types and functions like ST_Distance, ST_MakePoint, and ST_SetSRID.