Pseudo Code Generator

Doctor Name Retrieval Logic

This pseudo code details the process for fetching doctor names based on specified criteria, including specialty, location, and availability, from a database, and returning a filtered list of matching names.

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nom de medecin


Pseudo Code for Retrieving Doctor Names


This pseudo code outlines the logic for retrieving a list of doctors' names from a data source (such as a database) based on a specified criterion, which could include filters like specialty, location, or availability.


  • Input: Criteria for retrieving doctor names (e.g., specialty, location).
  • Output: List of doctor names that match the criteria.

Pseudo Code Structure

FUNCTION GetDoctorNames(criteria)

    // Fetch data from the database based on the input criteria
    doctorRecords = DATABASE_QUERY("SELECT name FROM doctors WHERE specialty = criteria.specialty AND location = criteria.location")

    // Iterate through the fetched records
    FOR EACH record IN doctorRecords
        // Check if the doctor's availability meets the criteria
        IF record.availability == criteria.availability THEN
            // Add the doctor's name to the list

    // Return the final list of doctor names
    RETURN doctorList


  1. Function Definition:

    • The function GetDoctorNames accepts an object criteria containing filtering information such as specialty, location, and availability.
  2. List Initialization:

    • doctorList is initialized as an empty list to store matching doctor names.
  3. Database Querying:

    • A query is executed to retrieve doctor records from the database that match the specified specialty and location in criteria.
  4. Iteration and Filtering:

    • The code iterates through each record of doctorRecords.
    • For each record, it checks if the availability matches the criteria.
    • Matching names are appended to the doctorList.
  5. Output:

    • Finally, the function returns the doctorList, which contains the names of doctors meeting the specified criteria.


This pseudo code effectively outlines the process of retrieving and filtering doctor names based on specific criteria, providing a clear and understandable logic flow suitable for initial implementation stages in a software project.

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This pseudo code details the process for fetching doctor names based on specified criteria, including specialty, location, and availability, from a database, and returning a filtered list of matching names.