Pseudo Code Generator

Downloading Handouts from STI ELMS

This pseudo code outlines a step-by-step process for accessing and downloading handouts from the STI ELMS platform on an iOS device, including user login, course selection, and PDF download.

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Step 1: Open the chrome browser or safari for IOS
Step 2: Search for STI ELMS and go to the login page
Step 3: Enter your Microsoft email and password 
Step 4: Go to Courses section
Step 5: Navigate the course that has hand-outs you are gonna download
Step 6:  Click the modules Section 
Step 7: Browse the handout you wanna download 
Step 8: Click and download the pdf file 
Step 9: Choose the Microsoft word or reader you want to open with
Step 10: Read the Handout


Pseudo Code for Downloading Handouts from STI ELMS

The following pseudo code outlines the steps for accessing and downloading handouts from the STI ELMS platform using a web browser on an iOS device. Each step is recorded clearly to show the intended functionality.

Steps Outline

  1. Open Browser
  2. Search for STI ELMS
  3. Login
  4. Navigate to Courses
  5. Select Course for Handouts
  6. Access Modules Section
  7. Locate Handout
  8. Download PDF File
  9. Choose Application for Opening PDF
  10. Read the Handout

Pseudo Code

    // Step 1: Open the web browser
    IF UserDevice IS IOS THEN
        OPEN Safari
        OPEN Chrome
    // Step 2: Navigate to STI ELMS login page
    SEARCH "STI ELMS" IN Browser
    GO TO LoginPage
    // Step 3: Enter login credentials
    PROMPT User FOR "Enter your Microsoft email"
    STORE EmailAddress
    PROMPT User FOR "Enter your password"
    STORE Password
    SUBMIT LoginForm WITH EmailAddress AND Password
    // Step 4: Navigate to Courses section
    CLICK Courses Section
    // Step 5: Identify the course with the desired handouts
    PROMPT User FOR "Select the course containing hand-outs"
    STORE SelectedCourse
    // Step 6: Access Modules
    CLICK Modules Section OF SelectedCourse
    // Step 7: Browse for the handout to download
    PROMPT User FOR "Select the handout you want to download"
    STORE Handout
    // Step 8: Download the PDF file
    CLICK DownloadButton FOR Handout
    // Step 9: Select application to open PDF
    PROMPT User FOR "Choose application to open PDF"
    STORE SelectedApplication
    OPEN Handout USING SelectedApplication
    // Step 10: Read the handout
    DISPLAY Handout FOR User

Explanation of Pseudo Code

  • UserDevice Check: The code checks if the user's device is iOS to open the appropriate browser.
  • Login Process: User inputs their credentials, which are submitted for authentication.
  • Course Selection: After logging in, users can navigate to their courses and select the one containing the handouts.
  • Handout Download: The user browses for the specific handout and initiates the download.
  • Application Selection: After the download, the user selects the application they prefer to use to open the PDF.
  • Display Action: The final step displays the handout for the user to read.

This pseudo code serves as a clear and structured representation of the process, facilitating understanding and communication during the initial stages of software development.

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This pseudo code outlines a step-by-step process for accessing and downloading handouts from the STI ELMS platform on an iOS device, including user login, course selection, and PDF download.